South Kesteven District Council Community Fund
Guideto Completing
theApplication Form

Please ensure you have read and understood the notes;‘Guide to the Criteria,ApplicationProcessand ConditionsofFunding’ before completing anapplication form.

Werecommendthatyou getin touchwith Lincolnshire CVS who will administer this fund on our behalf to discusstheeligibilityofyourprojectoreventbeforeyoumake anapplication (their contactdetailscan be found atthe end ofthisform).

Please note there are two differentapplicationforms;onefor projectsand one for communityevents.Thisguide applies to both.

1a.Please give the name ofgroup/organisation as itappearson yourconstitution orgoverning document.

1b.-1g.Please provide thename and contactdetailsofsomeone in yourgroupwho can becontacted to discussyourapplicationforfunding.

1h.Please statewhatposition you holdwithinyourgroup,eg chair,treasurer,secretaryetc.

2a.Please state the yearyourgroup or organisationwasformed.

2b.Leave blankifyourgroup ororganisation doesnothave awebsite.

2c.Please provide information aboutwhatsortofgroupororganisationyou aree.g. parishcouncil,registered charity,social enterprise,youth group,village hall committee etc.Alsogivedetailsaboutyouraimsandmain activities.

2d.Leave blankifnota registered charity.

2e.Thisisthe current total numberofTrustees and the total number of members on your management committee orsteering group(notyourtotalmembership).

2f.Thisisthe total numberofvolunteers involved in your groupororganisation.

2g.Please enter ‘0’ if your group or organisation has no paid staff. Enter 1 for
fulltime member of paid staff (5 days per week), or, 0.5 for a member of staff who works part time (2.5 days per week).

2h. Please provide details of two bank/building society signatories that are unrelated.

3a.Please provide a titlethatsuccinctlysummarisesyourproject.

3b.Refer tosection 2 of‘Guide to the Criteria,Application Process and ConditionsofFunding.’ Please contactLincolnshire CVSfor adviceifyou are still unsurewhich categoryyourprojectfits into (Community Amenities, Community Buildings, Community Enterprise, Supporting Communities or Community Events).

3c.Please state the area of SKDC,parish,town,village orsettlementthe projectwill takeplace in and the postcode if the projectlocation hasone.

3d.Althoughyourprojectmay be based in a particularsettlement,itcoulddrawin andappeal to people fromawiderarea.Youmaybe intending to publiciseyourprojectacross a parishor anumber ofparishesoreven district-wide.

3e.Please provide a summaryofwhatyourprojectinvolves andwhatyouwill spend thegranton ifsuccessful.

3f.Howwillyourprojectbenefitthe local community?Examplesofpossible benefits:

SKDC’s priorities seek to:

‘Grow the Economy’ – does your project support and facilitate growth.

‘Keep SK Clean, Green and Healthy’ – does your project encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

‘Promote Leisure, Arts and Culture’ – does your project enable access to a balanced

culture and arts programme.

‘Support Good Housing for All’ – does your project support the creation o

neighbourhoods and communities.

3g.What evidence exists that your project in needed or wanted by your community? If relevant please refer to and provide detailsofanyrelevantaimsoractionsin your Communityor NeighborhoodPlanswhich coverthe areawhere yourprojectisbased.Also provide detailsofanyrelevantconsultationsorlettersofsupportand enclose copiesofthesewithyour application.

3h.Howwillyou be able to measure the successofyourprojecte.g. increased use orparticipation,efficiencysavings,widerinvolvementetc.

Section3a:Your CommunityEvent

(thissection applies to the CommunityEventsapplication formonly).

3a. Please provide a titlethatsuccinctlysummarisesyourproject.3a3a..3

3a.3aa.3a.a.Please provide the title ofyourevent.

3b.Ifyoureventwill take place onmore than one occasion orover acourse ofa numberofdays,please give detailsofall dates onwhich itwill occur.Please notethatwewill notfund eventswhichhavealreadystarted orbeencompleted beforeyourapplication hasbeen considered.

3c.Please state the town,village orsettlementtheeventwill take place inand the postcodeifthe eventlocation hasone.

3d.Althoughyoureventmaybe based in a particularsettlement,itcould drawin and appealto people fromamuchwiderarea.Youmayalso be intending to publicise youreventacross a parishor anumber ofparishesoreven district-wide.

3e.Please provide a summaryofwhatyoureventinvolvesand listthemain aimsofyourevent.

3f.Eventswhich are open to all and activelypromote participation fromminorityordisadvantaged groups aremore likelyto be successful in beingawarded funding.

3g.Whatevidence existsthatyoureventisneededorwantedbyyourcommunity? Pleaseprovide detailsofanyrelevantaimsoractionsin Communityor NeighborhoodPlanswhich coverthe areawhere youreventisbased.Also provide details ofanyrelevantconsultationsorlettersofsupportand enclose copiesofthesewithyour application.

3h.Please indicatewhetherpeoplewill haveto pay to attend yourevent.

3i.Concession refers toany reduced admission ratesyou wish to offer; please indicate type of concession on the application form.

3j.Proceedsfromadmission chargeswill be consideredto be income when assessingyour

application (there is asectionfor admission feesin 5b.‘Projected income’).

3k.-3n.TheSKDC CommunityFundwill notnormallysupportregularor annual eventsunlessthere is a significantlydifferentaspectto them.

3o.Whatmethodsofpublicityand promotion are you intending to use to attractpeople toyourevent(press,adverts,parishnewsletter,posters,email,socialmedia etc?)

3p.Howwillyoureventbenefitthe local community?Forexample,byreducing ruralisolation,promotingvolunteering and participation,encouraging minorityordisadvantaged groups etc.

4a.-4c.Please provide all significantprojectdates,includinganticipatedstartand finish dates.Please tryto guess andgive approximate datesifyou’re notsure.Please note thatwewill notbe able tofundprojectsthathave alreadystarted orbeen completed before yourapplication hasbeen considered.

4d.Doesyourprojectrequire planning permission oranyothersortsofpermissionsoragreementsbefore itcancommence? Ifno permissionsare required ortheyareallalreadyin placepleasetick‘No.’

4e.Please provide details ofwhatpermissionsarestill requiredandwhenyoumightexpectpermission to be granted.

4f.-4i.Ownershipmaynotbe relevantto yourprojectbutifyourprojectinvolvesworks toabuilding orpremises,securityoftenurewill be an importantconsideration.

4j.The long termsustainabilityofyourprojectisanimportant factorin the consideration ofyourapplication.How will futuremaintenance be carried out,whowill carryitoutandhow will itbe paid for (isthereamaintenance budget?)

5a-5dWeare interested to knowhowyourprojectcan help towardsachieving one ormoreofSKDC’s Priorities, shown below.

  • Grow the Economy
  • Keep SK Clean, Green & Healthy
  • Promote Leisure, Arts & Culture
  • Support Good Housing For All

5bItisnotexpected thatyourprojectwill contribute to allfour Prioritiesbutplease give briefdetailsofanythatapply.Please contactLincolnshire CVSifyouare unsurewhich ofSKDC’s Prioritiesapply.

6a.Please showVATfor yourprojectoreventcosts.Fororganisationsthatcan claimbackVAT,do notinclude any amountin yourrequestforfunding thatyoucan claimbackfromHMRevenues and Customs(see6d below).

6b.Awardstowardsthemaximumfigureswillrequire significantlevelsofmatchfunding anddemonstrable communityneed and support, for which you will need to submit with your application evidence of need.

6c.Please add up allothersourcesofincomeincludingyourown contributions,in-kindcontributions,anyadmission fees,grantsand sponsorship.The totalmustbe atleast20% ofyourtotal projectoreventcosts.

6d-6e. Some largerandmoreestablished groupsare VATregistered andcanclaimVATbackascanparishcouncils.Yourtreasurerwillknow ifyourgroupis VATregistered andwillbe able tosupplythe registration number.

7a.-b.Please include allitemsofincome andexpenditure relevantto yourprojectorevent.Copiesoftwo written quotationsandestimatesmust be submitted with yourapplication for allitemsofexpenditure between £50 and £2500 and mustdisplaythe relevantcompanynames andaddresses and be no more than sixmonthsold.Threequotes are required forall items over£2,500.You do nothave to selectthe cheapestquotation/estimatebut ifyoudo not,you should statethe reasonsfor notdoing so in yourapplication.

8a.Itisessential thatyourgroup ororganisation hasanequalitiespolicyorstatement. If you do not have this policy Lincolnshire CVS will be able to assist. Please enclosewith your application.

8b.-c.Ifyourprojectoreventinvolvesworking closelywith children orvulnerable adultspleaseprovide acopyofyourchildprotectionpolicyorsafeguardingvulnerableadult’spolicy.It is your responsibility to ensure all the necessary checks are in place; if you are unable to provide at this time Lincolnshire CVS are able to assist.

8d.Projectsand eventswhichpositivelyenableandencourage accessfor allare likelyto belooked onmorefavourably.

8e.Provide detailsofanywaysinwhichyou plan topromote yourprojector eventtodifferentgroups.Thismightinvolve sending invitations to differentfaithgroups anddenominationsorethnic minoritygroups.Anotherexamplemightbea sportsclubwhich hastraditionallybeenmale dominatedactivelypromoting theiractivities to girlsandwomen.

Itisessential you provide all therequiredsupporting documentationwith yourapplication.Ifanyofthisessential documentation ismissing itmaydelayyourapplicationormeanthatLincolnshire CVS areunable to acceptit.Please tickthe appropriate boxes to confirmthatthesupportingdocumentation isattached/enclosed.

Inmakingyourdeclaration you are confirming thatyou have read,understood and are acceptingthe conditionsoffunding assetoutin the ‘Guide to the Criteria,Application ProcessandConditionsofFunding.’Wecan accepta typedsignature iftheperson signingthe declaration isthe samepersonwhosubmits the application byemail (ifnotwewill requirea signed hard copy).

Theinformationyouhaveprovided in yourapplicationwillonlybe usedforthe purposes ofconsideringyourgrant application.If yourapplication is successful, thename ofyour group,thelocationoftheproject, amount awarded and asummary ofyourprojectwillappearin apubliccommitteereport andmayalsoappear ontheCouncil’swebsite and inother media.


Lincolnshire CVS

Autumn Park Business Centre

Dysart Road


NG31 7DD

Tel.01476 561798
