I Travel – Step by Step

A. Things You Will NeedTo Use I Travel

-Destination & exact dates

-I Travel website location
-> Online Booking -> I Travel

-TA number

You acquire your TA number by filling out the appropriate form, found at

Location: I travel-> More Tools -> Get your Travel Authorization (under ‘Useful Travel Links’)

-Account number (Department number)

If you don’t know this number, you can request it from the secretary or the budget steward in your department.

-Credit Card information for Hotel booking (to be reimbursed)

B. Six Steps to I Travel

  1. Initial Search

Start your search with basic information concerning your trip including when, where and how.
Toward the top of the ‘Book Travel’ window there are options for ‘Flight’, ‘Hotel’ and ‘Car’. Setting those marks correctly in relation to your trip, will make the rest of your search much easier.

  1. Flights

After enteringthe basic information in the initial search and if Flight has been marked as needed, you will be transferred to the next page which will let you choose your flight.
While selecting a flight, you will be able to choose from various airlines.Our preferred airlines will be marked with stars above their name. Additional options are provided for your consideration.

After selecting a flight you will be redirected to seat selection (if made available by the airline). Choose your seat as available and click ‘Reserve Seat Selection’. If no specific seat is desired, ‘Skip Seat Selection’ and proceed to the next step.

  1. Hotels

You can narrow down your Hotel search by entering information such as a preferred Hotel chain or a location you want stay close to.
After entering this information click ‘search’to display your options. Your search will be processed.

You will see a list of Hotels fitting your established criteria. Since the properties will be sorted mostly by BYU’s preference, we suggest you look through the whole list to find the most appropriate accommodation for your trip. (For more information on the Hotel you are looking at, or even pictures, there often is a link you can click)

When having found the Hotel most appropriate, you may click select (Right hand side) and choose your room on the following page. Find the one that best fits your needs and click ‘select’ once again.

NOTE:a)Most likely there will be a long list of available rooms, but most of the time the options at the top of the list will be the preferred rooms. Also, when you see ‘LDS church preferred rate’ or ‘religious account’ (or similar wording), those are our negotiated rates. Generally they should be the cheapest, though if you see a cheaper room, you are free to make reservations.
b) Even though it is not possible at this time to book more than one flight under one reservation, you can however book more than one hotel room (ONLY for the same night/date as the first hotel room).
To do this you will finish your reservation, go back to your trips (In the home tab of your account in I Travel) and click on the trip you wish to modify. On the following page, towards the bottom, is a tab called ‘Add to Your Trip’. Click on ‘Add Item’ and just follow the same steps above listed to reserve your hotel room.

  1. Car Rental

On the first page concerning car rental, you will again have the chance to enter basic information of ‘when’ and ‘where, as well as any preferences you might have for your vehicle. When finished with that and the search has been completed, you will be redirected to your vehicle choices.

‘Compact’ or ‘Intermediate’ are the preferred choices at this step. ‘Full Size’ or ‘Mini Van’ may also be reserved, if a good reason can be provided (it will ask for that, when trying to reserve either one). To choose, just click on the total price and you will be transferred to your final trip review before actual reservation.

  1. Reservation review and finalization

On this page you can review your trip and change anything you may need to by clicking on ‘modify this flight/hotel/car’.

You will also review your personal information and enter anything that is missing to complete the reservation.
A BYU Traveling card or a personal credit card (to be reimbursed) must be used to reserve a Hotel. If that card has already been added in your profile as default, then the saved information will automatically be used in this step. If not, you may enter new information in Tab #3 (Billing information).
Essential to the reservation is also theTA number (Tab #5 Company Information).
If already acquired, enter this number along with your ‘account number’ to confirm authorization has been approved for the trip you are booking.
If not yet received, see ‘Things You Will Need To Use I Travel’ on the first page of this document for instructions.

  1. Purchasing and holding

Finally, if everything has been completed and the reservation is as desired, you can finalize the reservation and purchase the trip or put it on hold. Clicking ‘Purchase Trip’ will take it to final processing at the Travel Department, whereas holding will give you a chance to come back later to finish the booking (for example: waiting for a TA any other information on the trip).
If holding, you will see a notification telling you how long your reservation will hold, as well as receive an e-mail giving you the same information.

NOTE: Only hold a reservation if you are waiting for a Travel Authorization. TA and account number is required to purchase.