High Performing School Report

Jennings Senior High School
·  650 Students 9-12th Grade Students
·  120 Students 9-11th Grade College Prep Students
·  100 Students 6-12th Grade Alternative School
·  100% Free & Reduced Lunch
·  Maintained APR points in English and Math
·  Increased by 22% in proficiency in American Government
·  Maintained 100% graduation rate
·  Increased ADA from 78.8% to 86 %
·  Increased total College and Career Readiness Points from 18.0 to 26.0 out of a total of 30 points
·  College & Career focused
·  10+ AP Courses/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses
·  St. Louis Community College, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Saint Louis University, Drury University, Lindenwood University, Missouri Baptist University, Ranken Technical College, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
·  Construction, Certified Nursing Assistant, Information Technology, and Pharmacy Programs
·  Strong fine arts/athletics/JROTC programs
·  Block Schedule
Stats on 2016 Graduates
·  100% graduation rate
·  100% college/career/military placement
·  64% attending college
·  6% military bound
·  34% job placement
·  $ 3 million in scholarships
College Prep Academy
·  86% of students scored proficient or higher in all EOC areas for the 15-16 SY
·  45% of the College Prep 10th grade students scored at or above 21 on the ACT for the 15-16 SY
·  Students engaged and learning with a purpose
·  Student interventions for grades and attendance
·  Classrooms equipped with smartboards and projectors
·  STEM Courses: Project Lead the Way (Biomedical and Engineering)
·  SPOT Clinic (Health and Mental Health Services provided on JSH campus)
·  Provident Counseling at Alternative School
·  JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) at JSH and JETS (Alternative School)
·  Students monitored and interventions provided
·  Students feel welcomed and supported
·  “We are like a small community”
·  Hope House
·  Local and statewide business partnerships
·  School based food pantry located at JETS
·  WE Movement at JETS
·  Save Our Sons at JETS
·  Washer and dryer in every building