
Report citation format

Journal article with one author

Last name ,sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp article title . sp journal title sp volume : page numbers . sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Aller, A. R. 1960. The composition of the LakeMcDonaldForest, GlacierNational Park. Ecology 41:29-33.

Journal article with many authors (after the 10th author use and sp others . sp)

Last name ,sp first initial . sp middle initial . , first initial . sp middle initial . last name , spand sp first initial . sp middle initial . last name. date . sp article title . sp journal title sp volume : page range . sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Smith, J., and J. Davis. 1990. Cougars and people. Science 4:12-56. ( Accessed 2004 March 30.

Bradbury, J. W., S. L. Vehrencamp, K. E. Clifton, and L. M. Clifton. 1996. The relationship between bite rate and local forage abundance in wild Thompson’s gazelles. Ecology 77:2237-2255.

Article in an electronic journal (ejournal)

Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Article title . sp Journal title sp volume : page numbers . sp Online . sp(URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Cane, J. H. 2001. Habitat fragmentation and native bees: A premature verdict? Conservation Ecology 5:3. Online. ( Accessed 1 April 2004.

Formal (published) report

Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Title . sp publisher name , sp place of publication . sp Report number . sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Bass, S., R. E. Gallipeau, Jr., M. Van Stappen, J. Kumer, M. Wessner, S. Petersburg, L. L. Hays, J. Milstone, M. Soukup, M. Fletcher, L. G. Adams, and others. 1988. Highlights of natural resource management 1987. National Park Service, Denver.

Jackson, L. L., and L. P. Gough. 1991. Seasonal and spatial biogeochemical trends for chaparral vegetation and soil geochemistry in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. US Geological Survey, Denver. Open File Report 91-0005.

Informal (unpublished) report

Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Title . sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Author unknown. 1987. Hovenweep fire weather.

Biggins, D. 2001. 2001 updates on Utah prairie dog studies.


Last name , sp first initial. and middle initial . sp date . sp book title . sp publisher name , place of publication .sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Harvill, A. M., Jr., T. R. Bradley, C. E. Stevens, T. F. Wieboldt, D. M. E. Ware, D. W. Ogle, and G. W. Ramsey. 1992. Atlas of the Virginia Flora, 3rd edition. Virginia Botanical Associates, Farmville, VA.

Edwards, E. W. F. 1992. Likelihood. JohnsHopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore.

Book chapter

(Chapter author) Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp chapter title . sp Pages sp page range sp in sp (Book author)firstinitial. sp middle initial . sp last name . sp book title . sp publisher name , place of publication . sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Watson, P. J. n.d. Of caves and shell mounds in west-central Kentucky. Pages 159-164 inOf caves and shell mounds. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

McCauly, E. 1984. The estimation of abundance and biomass of zooplankton in samples. Pages 228-265 in J. A. Dowling and F. H. Rigler, editors. A manual on methods for the assessment of secondary productivity in fresh waters. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK.


Last name , sp firstinitial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Title . sp Dissertation . sp university name , sp place of publication .sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Diong, C. H. 1982. Population and biology of the feral pig (Sus scrofa L) in KipahulaValley, Mau’i. Dissertation. University of Hawai’i, Honolulu.

McTigue, K. M. 1992. Nutrient pulses and herbivory: Integrative control of primary producers in lakes. Thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

Conference proceedings

Last name , sp first initial . sp and middle initial . sp date . sp paper title . sp name of conference proceeding . sp place of conference , sp publisher name , sp place of publication , sp date of proceeding (DD sp month sp YYYY) : page range .sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Gunther, K. A. 1994. Changing problems in bear management, YellowstoneNational Park twenty-plus years after the dumps. Ninth International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Missoula, MT, International Association for Bear Research and Management, Bozeman, MT, February 1992:549-560.

Webb, J. R., and J. N. Galloway. 1991. Potential acidification of streams in Mid-Appalachian Highlands: A problem with generalized assessments. Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere Conference. Gaitlinburg, 1991.


Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Title . sp Map . sp publisher name , sp place of publication . sp Issue ID . sp sp (URL) . sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Epstein, J. B. 1973. Geologic map of the Stroudsburg Quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New Jersey. Map. US Geological Survey, Washington, DC. GQ-1047.

US Fish & Wildlife Service. 1981. National Wetlands Inventory: Point of Rocks, MD-VA. Map. US Fish & Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, MA.


Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp (Type)to (recipients) (or title) . sp (Type) . sp(URL) .sp Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Albright, H. M. 1924. Letter to all Mammoth Residents. Letter.

Bancroft, W. L. 1977. Memorandum to Fire Management Officer, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. Memorandum.

Mainella, F. 2004. Memorandum regarding National Park Service Travel. Email.


Last name , sp first initial . sp middle initial . sp date . sp Title . sp Dataset . sp (URL) . Accessed sp date (DD sp month sp YYYY) .

Author unknown. 1990. 1989 and 1990: macroinvertebrate sampling results, PipestoneNational Monument. Dataset.

Jones, B. 1997. Breeding bird survey. Dataset.

I&M Applications

Application name . sp URL sp ( [ unique access information ] ; sp accessed sp date*) .

Natural Resource Bibliography. Secure online version. ([bibkey id number xxxxxxx]; accessed 1 April 2004).

*date is DD sp month sp YYYY

References within the text

In widely available style manuals, citations for documents that cannot be easily reproduced are only mentioned in the text. These include, but are not limited to correspondence, interviews, unpublished reports and newspaper articles. Use the following formats, including parenthesis, to cite inreports for the Monitoring program.

Correspondence and communication

(first initial . sp middle initial . , personal communication , DD month YYYY)

(G. L. Williams, personal communication, 30 April 2004)


(author last name sp YYYY)

(author last name sp and sp author last name sp YYYY)

(author last name sp , sp author last name sp and author last name sp YYYY)

(author unknown sp YYYY)

General information

- When information is missing skip to the next element, but make sure there is enough information for the reader to locate the reference. For example, skip report number if it is not available. Compare Formal Report example one and Book Chapter example one.

- When information is missing skip to the next element, but mind the punctuation. Use a period to separate elements.

- Titles are written sentence style. Only capitalize the first word in the title, first word in the subtitle and proper names.

- Scientific names in the title should be written in italics. See Thesis/Dissertation example one.

- When the list of authors exceeds ten only list the first ten and state “and others” for the balance. See Formal Report example one.

- If the date of publication is not given use “n.d.” See Book Chapter example one.

- The place published is only the name of the city (and state or country if it is not a widely known city) of the publisher. It does not include mailing information. Compare Book examples one and two.

- When a document is accessed electronically, include the date of access after the web address (url). See ejournal example.

Developed by Wendy Schumacher, Bibliographic Coordinator, in cooperation with Steve Fancy, National Monitoring Coordinator, and John Gross, Ecologist.

Last updated 4 May 2004