Student Name: ______

Unit 1: Technological Inventions and Innovations

Lesson 1: Inventions and Innovations: An Evolutionary Process

File 1.1.3: Design Brief—21st Century Device

Background: / Technological devices are in a constant state of evolution. There will always be a way to improve a device no matter how “great” it already is.
Design Problem: / Given the 21st century device assigned by your teacher, research the evolutionary history of the device, identifying the original invention and the series of innovations that have lead up to the current device. You must have at least five design improvements reflected in your presentation.
Prepare a presentation, using a web 2.0 technology. Be sure to properly cite your sources, either at the end of the slideshow or somewhere on your webpage. Submit the URL for your webpage or slideshow to your instructor.
Procedure: /
  • Teacher assigns topic.
  • Choose a technology to showcase your topic.
  • Research the topic.
  • Develop an outline / storyboard with sub-topics.
  • Expand each topic / sub-topic using short paragraphs.
  • Add APA citations for all statements and images.
  • Use the student aid portion of the design brief as appropriate.
  • Publish all information electronically using a web 2.0 technology.
  • Email the link to the teacher.

Materials: / Computer w/ Internet access
  1. Research the Topic: Using the computer or periodicals found within the classroom, research your 21st Century topic. Be sure to identify the original invention and subsequent innovations to the product.

  1. Develop an Outline / Storyboard: Each outline/storyboard should include the following:
  • A description of the original invention (short paragraph form);
  • A substantial list of innovations leading up to the most current version of the product (short paragraph form);
  • Images/video of the original invention and each innovation to the product;
  • MLA or APA citations for each paragraph, image, video, etc…
Scene Title:
Scene Description:
Notes: / Scene Title:
Scene Description:
Notes: / Scene Title:
Scene Description:
Scene Title:
Scene Description:
Notes: / Scene Title:
Scene Description:
Notes: / Scene Title:
Scene Description:
  1. Citations: Each portion of your timeline should have a specific citation in APA format.
Student Note: Tutorials on creating MLA or APA citations can be found online at: Doing Research Tutorial from the University of Illinois at Chicago or MLA / APA Citation Game from the University of Washington.
  1. Creating a Timeline: Using a technology of your choosing, develop a timeline of a product. The timeline should showcase the original invention and subsequent innovations to the product. Refer to the rubric below for all components of the timeline.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate your work:

Category / Below Target / At Target / Above Target
Research and Outline of the Product’s Evolutionary History / The student created an outline / storyboard which included an incomplete list of items important to the history of the product. / The student created an outline / storyboard which included a substantial list of items important to the history of the product. / The student created an outline / storyboard which included a substantial list of items important to the history of the product and a map of how the web 2.0 technology would be used to show transitions.
Original Invention / The student incompletely documented the original invention. / The student documented the original invention that led to the device used today. / The student documented the original invention that led to the device used today, using short paragraphs and citing all references.
List Innovations / The student provides an incomplete list of innovations to the original invention. / The student provides a substantial list of innovations to the original invention. / The student provides a comprehensive list of innovations to the original invention, which are described in the outline/storyboard using short paragraphs and citing all references.
Cite all statements and images / The student did not cite any of the product statements or images. / The student did not cite all of the product statements or images. / The student cited all product statements and images within the outline/storyboard.

©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators AssociationFoundations of Technology, Third Edition/

Technology, Engineering, and Design