Chapter 3 study guide

1.  How did Cyrus the Great and Nebuchadnezzar treat the Jews?

2.  How did the fighting among city states affect Sumer?

3.  How would you define a Mesopotamian relief sculpture?

4.  Describe the land in the Fertile Crescent.

5.  How did the Assyrians benefit from fighting so many invaders?

6.  Whose job was it to Communicate with the gods in the Sumerian civilization?

7.  What’s the difference between ancient sculptures and Sumerian sculptures?

8.  List 3 achievements used by the Sumerians.

9.  How did the Phoenicians get ivory?

10.  How were people allowed to stay in one place?

11.  Why was Babylon so important to Hammurabi?

12.  What did bronze do for the Sumerians?

13.  How did Hammurabi use his code to deal with accused people?

14.  List three ways the Persian Empire encouraged local self-government.

15.  What was the kings’ occupation in Sumerian civilization?

16.  List three laws that were included in the Ur- Nammu law code.

17.  Why was the North Star significant in Phoenician trade?**** section 4

18.  How could the Assyrians control large parts of their empire?

19.  Why was the Tigris and Euphrates so important to Sumerian farming?

20.  Describe the Phoenician alphabet.

21.  What was more practical the Phoenician alphabet or Cuneiform? Why?

22.  What did the Persian ruler and local leaders control in the Persian Empire?

23.  What happened as Sargon moved through the Fertile Crescent?


Why do civilizations need public sets of laws? Use Hammurabi’s Code as an example, explain why rules and laws understood by everyone are necessary for a civilization to continue to develop?

Compare and contrast the role that geography played in the development of the Sumerian and Phoenician civilizations. In your answer, be sure to consider natural resources, trade, and the value of land to other peoples.

How did the Sumerian invention of cuneiform influence civilizations for centuries to come? Explain the short-term and long-term impact on the writing system.