Move On Up Move On Up resources and support for numeracy

Move On Up resources and support for numeracy

Move On with your learners: numeracy

This is a course for vocational tutors and assessors to develop their own skills to Level 2. The course models good practice and develops confidence in using a range of approaches for supporting learners.

The course has ten three-hour modules and provides background notes, session plans, PowerPoint presentations, activity and information sheets, a personal journal and teaching notes. Many of these documents are available in Word format to be customised.

The materials are available to download from the Move On web site ( or to order as part of the additional materials for File 2 of Move On with a National Qualification (order ref. NTT/TLA). All new orders for File 2 (order ref. NTT/TL04) will contain the additional materials.

Move On maths methods

This provides an overview of some of the most commonly used strategies for calculation. It is aimed at anyone supporting learners to develop maths skills, from Entry Level to Level 2

It includes a session plan for a six-hour course, activity sheets, handouts, trainer notes and ‘Try it with your learners’ activities. It considers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, the language of maths and error analysis.

The module is available to download from the Move On web site or to order as part of the additional materials for File 2 of Move On with a National Qualification.

The Learning Journey: Move On to test success

This two and a half-hour module supports teachers preparing learners to take the National Tests. It has a literacy strand and a numeracy strand, which follow the same format and use many of the same resources. The session covers how Move On resources can support each stage of the assessment process, develops skills in test question analysis and shares good practice in test preparation.

The material is available to download from the Move On web site or to order as part of the additional materials for File 2 of Move On with a National Qualification.

Teacher support pack

Materials specific to numeracy include:

·  sample checklist for diagnostic assessment in numeracy at Levels 1 and 2

·  sample session plans.

It provides guidance on commonly assessed skills in numeracy and is available to download from the Move On web site or to order as part of File 2 of Move On with a National Qualification.

Linking resources to delivery

·  Literacy and numeracy from Entry 3 to Level 2.

·  Links free resources and web sites, including Skills for Life materials and embedded learning materials, to the curriculum.

·  Available at in the teacher support category of the free resources section.

Hot Topics

·  Fractions (Level 1)

·  Tables, charts and graphs (Level 2)

·  Short, focused, interactive material on each topic with a ‘testlet’ to check you skills.

·  Available at in the Hot Topics category of the free resources section.

Mini-test and practice tests

The numeracy mini-test is a quick skills check, which gives an indication of the most appropriate level to start at as well as a flavour of National Test questions. Questions are adaptive and start at Entry 3.

Nine on-screen practice tests are available at Level 1 and Level 2, with the facility to print out a results page including the curriculum reference for each question. You can review your answer and get feedback on what was the correct answer and why.

The mini-test and practice tests are available to download from the Move On web site or to order as a CD-ROM (NTT/PT04/CD). File 3 of Move On with a National Qualification (NTT/PT04) contains paper copies of the mini-test, practice tests and the practice tests CD-ROM.

Move On Learner Route on

The Learner Route provides independent practice/brush-up of skills at Levels 1 and 2. There is a mini-test, practice tests, guidance on reviewing answers, tips for test success and signposting to free resources such as Hot Topics, Skillswise, etc.

Materials are available free of charge and can be ordered using the order form on the Move On web site or from DfES Publications (tel. 0845 60 222 60).

For more information contact Move On Up at

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