What is STEM Reading is Power! ?

STEM Reading is Power! is a motivational reading program for middle school students. In today’s complex world, it is becoming increasingly important that kids leave high school with proficiency in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Reading is Power is one small way to contribute to this by getting middle school students excited about these subjects. The program is sponsored by <your energy company> who is dedicated to helping the community and preparing our future workforce.

What are the benefits to the library?

During this eight-week program, you will have energized, curious middle school students at your library looking for science and technology books, along with biographies about important people who have changed the world through science and technology. This is an opportunity to teach them about search skills and how to pick the most appropriate books for them as individuals. It is our hope that these students will keep coming back to the library even after the program has ended.

What will our library need to do?

Participating libraries are asked to display flyers on the program, which will be provided to you. We also ask that you distribute the registration forms and collect them along with the reading logs. <Your energy company> will take care of the rest. You don’t need to keep track of anything or tally up minutes. We will be hosting a Everyone’s a Winner party at our energy company where we will give out prizes and teach students a little bit about the energy industry.

When is the contest?

Registration will begin <date>. Students will have until <date> to accumulate their reading minutes, and will need to turn in their reading logs by <date>.

So how do we sign up?

Simply contact <contact name> at <phone number/e-mail address> to have your library join the fun!