Making A Game : American Revolution Board Game
Teacher Name: Mrs. Reeves
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Knowledge Gained
25 points / Student could easily and correctly state 10+ facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
25 points / Student could easily and correctly state 8-9 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
20 points / Most students in the group could correctly state 6-7 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
15 points / Several students in the group could NOT correctly state more than 5 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
5 points
Accuracy of Content
25 points / All information cards made for the game are correct.
25 points / All but one of the information cards made for the game are correct.
20 points / All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct.
10 points / Several information cards made for the game are not accurate.
5 points
20 points / Contrasting colors and at least 3 original graphics were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal.
20 points / Contrasting colors and at least 1 original graphic were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal.
15 points / Contrasting colors and \"borrowed\" graphics were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal.
10 points / Little or no color or fewer than 3 graphics were included.
5 points
10 points / Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate.
10 points / Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation.
8 points / Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game.
6 points / The rules were not written.
4 points
20 points / The group put a lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board.
20 points / The group put some thought into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters.
15 points / The group tried to make the game interesting and fun, but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game.
10 points / Little thought was put into making the game interesting or fun.
5 points

Date Created: Jan 10, 2014 04:27 pm (CST)

Making A Map : American Revolution Map
Teacher Name: Mrs. Reeves
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Knowledge Gained
25 points / When shown the map, student can share information concerning at least 10 events without referring to notes. 25 points / When shown the map, student can share information concerning 8-9 events without referring to notes. 20 points / When shown the map, student can share information concerning at 6-7 events without referring to notes. 10 points / When shown the map, student can share information concerning 4-5 events without referring to notes. 5 points
Labels & Features - Neatness
20 points / 90-100% of the labels/features can be read easily.
20 points / 89-80% of the labels/features can be read easily.
15 points / 79-70% of the labels/features can be read easily.
10 points / Less than 70% of the labels/features can be read easily.
5 points
Map Legend/Key
15 points / Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose. 15 points / Legend contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose. 10 points / Legend contains an almost complete set of symbols, including a compass rose. 6 points / Legend is absent or lacks several symbols. 3 points
10 points / Title tells the purpose/content of the map, is clearly distinguishable as the title (e.g. larger letters, underlined, etc), and is printed at the top of the map. 10 points / Title tells the purpose/content of the map and is printed at the top of the map. 8 points / Title tells the purpose/content of the map, but is not located at the top of the map. 6 points / Purpose/content of the map is not clear from the title. 4 points
20 points / 95-100% of words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
20 points / 94-85% of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
15 points / 84-75% of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
10 points / Less than 75% of the words on the map are spelled and/or capitalized correctly.
5 points
Neatness of Color and Lines
10 points / All straight lines are ruler-drawn, all errors have been neatly corrected and all features are colored completely.
10 points / All straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.
8 points / Most straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.
6 points / Many lines, corrections of errors, and/or features are not neatly done.
4 points
Timeline : American Revolution Timeline
Teacher Name: Mrs. Reeves
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Learning of Content
25 points / The student can accurately describe 10+ of the events on the timeline without refering to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first.
25 points / The student can accurately describe 8-9 of the events on the timeline without refering to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first.
20 points / The student can accurately describe 6-7 of the events on the timeline without referring to it and can quickly determine which of two events occured first.
15 points / The student cannot describe more than 5 events on the timeline without referring to it.
10 points
20 points / Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. / Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline.
10 points / The timeline has a creative title that accurately describes the material and is easy to locate.
10 points / The timeline has an effective title that accurately describes the material and is easy to locate.
8 points / The timeline has a title that is easy to locate.
6 points / The title is missing or difficult to locate.
4 points
10 points / An accurate, complete date has been included for each event.
10 points / An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event.
8 points / An accurate date has been included for almost every event.
6 points / Dates are inaccurate and/or missing for several events.
4 points
10 points / The overall appearance of the timeline is pleasing and easy to read.
10 points / The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and easy to read.
8 points / The timeline is relatively readable.
6 points / The timeline is difficult to read.
4 points
20 points / All graphics are effective and balanced with text use.
20 points / All graphics are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many.
15 points / Some graphics are effective and their use is balanced with text use.
10 points / Several graphics are not effective.
5 points
Fonts and Colors
10 points / The use of font styles and colors is consistent and shows a logical pattern. It helps organize the material.
10 points / The use of font styles and colors is consistent and shows a logical pattern for the most part. It helps organize the material somewhat. 8 points / The use of font styles and colors is consistent , but is not used effectively to organize.
6 points / The use of font styles and colors is not consistent OR detracts from the organization.
4 points