/ Project Management Plan Document
QAT-03-01-3 / Ver.1.5

Project Management Planfor

PharmaReady Implementation

Authored By / Reviewed By / Reviewed On
Ashok / Vijay Srinivasan / 15-December-2015

Template Change History

Date / Ver. # / Change Description / Reason for Change
10-Sept-2012 / 1.1 / Below Points are changed:
1. Section 2.5 Problem Escalation change the word SPEG as EPG
2. Section 3, Project Specific Practices- Remove the sentence "Refer tailoring work instructions in Process Management".
3. Section 5.4 Remove the contents in the column "Role" / Review comments
May 14 2013 / 1.2 / TOC recreate & In PSP Section (remove the column Quest Tailoring Guideline) / Review Comments
June 7, 2013 / 1.3 / Word Tailoring Guideline removed in section 3 & 5.9 / Review feedback Ref Mantis ID 0000207
Jan 13,2014 / 1.4 / In Section 2.3 Stake Holder matrix
a note saying "Please specify Participation, Responsibilities & Authorities separately added
In Section 2.5 Problem Escalation- A Line Item “Escalations from Customer” has been added.
In Section 7.5 Backup & Archival- A Note has added to verify the frequency of Verification. / Mantis ID:0000352
Jul 09,2014 / 1.5 / Following sections removed
Exception section 1.4 the column S.No is removed in all tables
Section 2.5- Problem Escalation- “HR Head” & “Quality Head” is modified as “Head HR” & “Head Quality”
Section 5.10- Identification of Work products and Review types
Section 6.3-Define process Composition
Section 6.4- Sub processes
Section 6.5 Process Performance Model
Section 10.3Project Review Meetings / Mantis ID:0000407

Copyright © TAKE SOLUTIONS. This document contains confidential information. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior permission (All Quality documents in the Repository alone shall be termed as CONTROLLED) Page 1 of 24

/ Project Management Plan Document
QAT-03-01-3 / Ver.#1.5

Table of Contents


1.1Project Overview

1.2Project Milestones

1.3Payment Milestones


1.5Acronyms and Descriptions

2.Project Organization

2.1Project Team Structure

2.2Important Contacts

2.3Stake holder matrix

2.4Project Communication

2.5Problem Escalation

3.Project Specific Practices

4.Project Life Cycle Model

5.Project Planning

5.1Initial Estimation

5.2Detailed estimation

5.3Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints




5.4Manpower Resources

5.5Training and Skill upgrade

5.6Hardware Resources

5.7Software Resources

5.8Work environment

5.9Organization process assets



6.1Process and Product Metrics

6.2Quality Assurance Metrics


7.1Configuration and Data Management

7.2Change Management

7.3Build Management

7.4Release Management

7.5Backup and Archival

7.6Do’s and Don’ts

8.Decision Analysis and Resolution Plan

9.Causal Analysis and Resolution Plan

10.Project Tracking, Monitoring and Control

10.1Project Tracking Records

10.2Audit Tracking Mechanism

10.3Project Plan Revisit

11.Change History

Copyright © TAKE SOLUTIONS. This document contains confidential information. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior permission (All Quality documents in the Repository alone shall be termed as CONTROLLED) Page 1 of 24

/ Project Management Plan Document
QAT-03-01-3 / Ver.#1.5


Project Overview

TAKE has its own product “PharmaReady”, offering for Pharma Companies on the following business functions:

Electronic Submissions to different market agencies on the products

Structured Product Labeling

Document Management System

Training Records Management System

Paper publishing Module

This project is for Implementation of the PharmaReady Product for its clients. Take will perform implementation of the Product based on the license procured by the client, by performing IQ and OQ in TAKE’s Custom IQ OQ template that was followed from its 4.3 version of the product.

Any Project management, Risk assessment pertaining to specific implementation will be taken care by the respective customers.

For L0 support the customers will either call the support No. to raise an issue or send a mail to the PharmaReady support mail address. On receiving the Issue support engineer will analyze and provide appropriate resolution to the customer

These issues will be then logged in to the internal Logging system for future references and tracking.

Project Milestones

Milestone Description / Associated Deliverable / Milestone Date
Implementation and Support / Support to associate clients / NA

Payment Milestones

Since this is a support and implementation to the product, payment milestones are not applicable.

Payment Description / Associated Deliverable / Payment Date / Terms of payment
NA / NA / NA / NA


S. No / Reference

Acronyms and Descriptions

Acronyms / Descriptions
PR / PharmaReady
DM / Delivery Manager
PM / Project Manager
BA / Business Analyst
Dev / Developer
QF / Quality Facilitator
TL / Test Lead
DMS / Document Management System
TRMS / Training Records Management System
eCTD / Electronic Common Technical Document
SPL / Structured Product Labeling
PMP / Project Management Plan
PMR / Project Metrics Report
PMG / Product Management Group
PEG / Product Engineering Group
PPM / Paper publishing Module

2.Project Organization

Project Team Structure

Important Contacts

Exchange of Information / Customer / TAKE Solutions
Technical / NA / Vijay Srinivasan

+91 97431 69668
Commercial / NA / Agy T. George

+91 444590 9146
Managerial / NA / Vijay Srinivasan

+91 97431 69668
Varadarajan Srinivasan

Note : since this is a support to all the PharmaReady clients specific customer is not highlighted.

Stake holder matrix

Stakeholder Role / Person / Participation/Responsibilities/
PharmaReady Sales Team / Vijay Srinivasan
Rajesh Prabu
Senthil Kumar / Participation:
Requirement Definition
Elicitation Meetings
Status Meeting
VP GRC / VaradarajanSrinivasan / Participation:
Approve Resource Request
Senior Implementation Manager / Vijay Srinivasan / Participation:
Status Meetings
Review Meetings
Review PMP
Review PMR
To provide adequate resources
Conflict resolution
Prepare Business Requirement Documents
Approve PMP
Customer Patch Releases
Senior Implementation Lead / Ashok / Participation:
Status Meetings
Review Meetings
CAR Meetings
Perform New implementation
Provide Training
Provide L0 Support
Process Adherence
Project Data collection and analysis
Preparing PMR
Project Tracking
Risk Management
Issue Tracking
Communication Management
Timesheet Approvals
Implementation Engineer(s) / Rajesh Prabu
Senthil Kumar / Participation:
Review Meetings
Status Meetings
Perform New implementation
Provide L0 Support
Quality Team / Rajagopal S / Participation:
Process Awareness to the team
Audit Closure
Project Management Office / Anabaya Selvan / Responsibilities:
PMR Review

Project Communication

Internal / External / Data for communication
Email / Support communication to the Clients, Review, Meeting request
Tele-conference / Weekly status call with the PharmaReady Engineering Team, Support call with Clients

Problem Escalation

Escalation Scenario / Escalation Path / Role and Person
Team coordination is poor / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Head HR
Customer issues (need of customer time, frequent changes in scope, providing information) / Implementation Lead
Account Manager
Delivery Head
Business Unit Head
Schedule delays / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Senior Management
Payment delays / Delivery Head
Senior Management
Manpower allocation /attritions / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Head HR
Machine allocation /Unresolved Software hardware issues / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Facilities Management Head
Product Quality issues (Defects high, Customer detects more defects, Rework high) / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Test Manager
Head Quality
Process Quality issues (Nonconformance to QUEST, Process not being followed with spirit, Documentation and Process workflow not in proper sequence, Metrics not collected) / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Head Quality
Escalations from Customer / Sr. Implementation Manager
Delivery Head
Head Quality

3.Project Specific Practices

PSP Description / Rationale behind the PSP / Approval details (Person, Reference)
Usage of Customized templates.
The following are the Custom templates used.
  1. Hardware and software requirement documents license wise.
a)PharmaReady 5.x - Enterprise Edition-Hardware and Software Req
b)PharmaReady 5.x - Standard Edition-Hardware and Software Req
c)PharmaReady 5.x -TEST Server-Hardware and Software Req
  1. PharmaReady Implementation plan
  2. Implementation Completion Report – project closure document from client on project completions.
  3. Validation documents:
a)PharmaReady 5 1 X to 6 0 Installation Qualification - Server Upgrade
b)PharmaReady 5 1. X to 5 1.10.2 Installation Qualification - Server Upgrade
c)PharmaReady 5.1 - Installation Qualification – Client
d)PharmaReady 5.1 - Installation Qualification – Server
e)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - SPL Admin
f)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - SPL Workflow
g)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - DMS Admin
h)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - DMS Workflow
i)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - eCTD Admin
j)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - eCTD Workflow – US
k)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - TRMS Admin
l)PharmaReady 5.1 - Operational Qualification - TRMS Workflow
m)PharmaReady SPL Import Utility Installation Qualification
n)Upgrade Qualification – Server Migration from Version 4.0 to Version 5.X
o)Upgrade Qualification – Server Migration from Version 4.X to Version 5.X
  2. PharmaReady Training Guides
/ These custom documents are inherited from the initial version of the product 4.3 / Mr. C. Pradeep, Quality Head.

4.Project Life Cycle Model

List of standard processes / List of tailored processes / List of improvements deployed
L0 support life cycle defined in the Quest is applicable. / Refer PSP section / At present, Nil.
  1. Take will perform implementation based on the implementation plan prepared and accepted by customer
  2. Take will perform IQ and OQ with TAKE’s Custom template
  3. On successful completion of the implementation “Implementation completion Certificate” will be obtained from the customer
  4. For L0 Support on receiving issues entire by mail or phone call Support engineer will analyze and provide appropriate solutions. Record the issue in the internal logging system for future tracking.

5.Project Planning

Initial Estimation

Estimating component / During Proposal / Agreed in SOW/Initiation
Effort / NA / As per release plan
Schedule / NA / As per release plan
Cost / NA / NA (as this is an internal product development)
Resources / 4 FTE

Detailed estimation

Estimating component / During Proposal / Agreed in SOW/Initiation
Effort / NA / As per release plan
Schedule / NA / As per release plan
Cost / NA / NA (as this is an internal product development)
Resources / 4 FTE

Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints


  1. TAKE will participate only in the Implementation and support to customer and all the Project management for the individual customer will be taken care by respective customer
  2. TAKE will perform IQ and OQ with its template that was in place since the 4.3 version of the product
  3. Temporary additional resources if any will be addedon need basis.


Delay in clarifications (if any) from the customer will delay the problem resolution

If there are any issues that requires deep troubleshooting would require support from the product engineering team


Not foreseen any as of now

Manpower Resources

Role / Number of Resources / Skills required
Managerial/ Domain/ Technical / Skills available
Managerial/ Domain/ Technical
Senior Implementation Manager / 1 /
  • Project Management Skills
  • Domain skills
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Inter Personal skills
  • Problem Solving and Facilitation skills
  • Measurement techniques
  • Review techniques
  • Process awareness and understanding
  • Implementation Skills
/ Available
Senior ImplementationLead / 1 /
  • Domain skills
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Inter Personal skills
  • Problem Solving and Facilitation skills
  • Measurement techniques
  • Review techniques
  • Configuration Management
  • Process awareness and understanding
  • Implementation skills
/ Available
Implementation Engineers / 2 /
  • Communication
  • Process awareness and understanding
  • Implementation skills
/ Available

The required resources have already been identified. Since the identified resources have the expected skill and no gaps found between required and available, no training is envisaged at this juncture. In case of any change in the stakeholder matrix and if there is any gap in the expected skill, necessary training would be planned and imparted

Training and Skill upgrade

Since the identified resources for this PharmaReady implementation have already been worked in various modules of the existing application and if required, the training needs would be identified and tracked to closure.

PharmaReady product Skills required as follows

  1. Product Orientation -Learner Level

In case of external training, necessary approval shall be obtained from GDH and the training request would be sent to the Training department for further course of actions.

Role / Member / Training required on / Training Waived Yes/No / Waiver Reason
NA / NA / NA / NA / NA

Hardware Resources

Device type <Server, Work stations, Printers etc> / Number / Hardware Specifications (* also specify dedicated/ shared)
Server (Demo and Internal UAT for new product changes) / 2 / One server with 64-bit and other server with 32-bit, Quad core with 1.6GHz or faster processor , 4 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Disk Space for system drive, minimum of 130 GB of Hard disk space for Data, 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution display, Network Adapter Card, Fast Ethernet NIC
Standard Desktop/ Laptop / 4 / TAKE’s Standard Operating system.

Software Resources

Software / Number of installations inside the project team / Additional Specifications
Windows 2008 Server / 2 / 132 for Demo
1 for Testing
Windows 7 OS / 4 / Senior Implementation Manager, Implementation Lead, Implementation Engineers
MS Office 2007 / 4 / Senior Implementation Manager, Implementation Lead, Implementation Engineers
SQL Server 2008 Server / 2 / 1 for Demo
1 for Testing.

Work environment

Work stations / Software / Back up facility / Facilities / Communication
Shall be as per the section 5.6. / Shall be as per the section 5.7. / SVN backup shall be taken on weekly basis i.e. last working day of the week. The desired backup shall be taken by the support team. / :: As per the PM’s request and approval from QH, SVN rights shall be set by Infrastructure team.
:: Conference room with STD facility shall be made available for tele-conference with PR Engineering Team / :: Outlook shall be configured in the entire team member’s machine.

Organization process assets

This project shall inherit and use the following from the organization’s process assets viz. Process Capability Baseline, Risk database, Best practices and Lessons learnt.


All the project risks are listed and tracked through Risk Track Sheet, which is available in the following path

Add the SVN path

Process and Product Metrics

Issue Category / Brief or Description / Severity
Production Issue / Response time SLA is applicable.
Production Issue / Resolution time:
Patch deployment should be made as per committed schedule with the goal of 90%.
New defects injected per request can be accepted up to 15%.
Incorrect patch or fix can be accepted up to 15%. / "block", "crash", “Feature”, “trivial”, “text”, “tweak”, “minor” and “major”

Quality Assurance Metrics

S. No / Name / UOM / LCL / Baseline Value / UCL / LSL / SL / USL
1 / Process Conformance Score / % / - / 75.00 / 85.00 / 100.00


Configuration and Data Management

SVN is identified as the configuration management tool for artifacts and document base.

The list of configurable items would be identified and tracked in the CI Data Track sheet, which is available in

The following work sheets (Tabs) would be made available in the CIDTS

  • Folder Structure Rights: In this sheet, SVN folder structures that are created for this product is mentioned. This sheet would contain the information of top two levels of folder structures, “access rights for each folder and roles” and “the snapshot of SVN folder structure that is created for this product”.


  • Configurable Items: The configurable items (CI) for this project are identified and mentioned in this sheet. The following are a few key info of each CI that are being tracked here i.e. “file naming convention”, “baseline criteria & version”, etc,.
  • Data and Records: All the documents and the records that are maintained for this product with its full path and naming convention are recorded here.
  • Managed and Controlled: Managed and Control items are identified and mentioned in this sheet. The following are a few key info of each Managed and Control that are being tracked here i.e. “file naming convention”, “baseline criteria & version”, etc,
  • CI Version History: The version of the CI’s is tracked here specifying the current and obsolete versions. Movement to the controlled area is also recorded in this sheet along with the baseline request information.
  • CI Baseline: The entire work product’s baseline versioning information is maintained here along with the common baseline

Change Management


Note: Since this is a Support project Build management is not applicable

Build Management

Line item / Value

Note: Since this is a Support project Build management is not applicable

Release Management

Note: Since this is a Support project Build management is not applicable

Line item / Value

Backup and Archival

Line item / Value

Respective customer will take care of backup of their servers based on their internal policy. For the local assets and repository will be backed up as per Infra team backup process.

Do’s and Don’ts

S. No / Do’s
1 / Adhere to Software support Processes defined in the QUEST
2 / Check-in all the items that are Checked-out before leaving
3 / Submit the timesheet weekly once
S. No / Don’ts
1 / Never work with local copy
3 / Never check in code that throws error during compile.
5 / Do NOT check-out a file for a longer period
6 / Do NOT login into SVN using other’s ID

7.Decision Analysis and Resolution Plan

This section will be filled when DAR is performed

8.Causal Analysis and Resolution Plan

This section will be filled when CAR is performed.

9.Project Tracking, Monitoring and Control

Project Tracking Records

S. No / Components to track / Tracking Mechanism / Reporting Mode / Frequency / Target Audience
1 / Effort / Resources / Project server 2007 / Portal / Monthly / Support Team
2 / Issues in Mantis / Mantis tool / Portal / Monthly / Support Team
3 / Risks / Risk Track Sheet / Excel / Continual / Support Team
5 / Metrics / Project Metrics Report / Excel / Continual / Support Team

Audit Tracking Mechanism