A2C2 Minutes of March 30, 2005
3:30 pm, MaxwellTeleconferenceCenter
Present: Charla Miertschin, Paul Schumacher, Dan Kauffman, Ann Rethlefsen, J. Paul Johnson (USP Director, Alternate), Armando Gonzalez, Cathy Summa, Randy Miller, Greg Schmidt, Pat Paulson, Ron Elcombe, Chris Malone, Rich MacDonald, Kathryn Lammers, James Reidy, Richard Shields, Fred Lee, Edward Guernica (alternate), James Kobolt, Barbara Boseker, David Bratt, Bob Newberry
Guests: Carole Madland, Bridget Armstrong
- Call to order: 3:33 p.m.
- Adoption of agenda: Approval by Consensus
- Approval of minutes of March 2, 2005. (available at
Boseker/Schumacher, motion to approve. Correct Item IV.B.2. Discussion of “MN” online community
Minutes incomplete - postponed
- Chair’s report
- Senate report - David Bratt
1. Howell Hall coming down in near future;administration needs to consult with local faculty to make
plans for this; Space Allocations Committee has not heard about this.
2. Please respond to David Bratt’s e-mail about committees: Make recommendations for committees
such as SSAC and Human Subjects this year
- IFO Board report - Cathy Summa
1. Linda Baer: Came to answer questions about Minnesota Online;
- Report from Rod Henry, Negotiations; trying to stimulate more faculty involvement; local action committee wants faculty response about what we are willing to do; buttons/posters forthcoming; One should be receiving a letter from HRA about the accounts; claim reimbursements after 4/1 from this account; spend up to a maximum of $999.99; over this, it goes into your separation from the university; does not rollover if you take a new job; build up if you plan to retire within five years; personal account tapped before HRA account;
C. Proposal deadline is March 30, 2005 to A2C2 chairperson. The last CPPS and USS meetings are scheduled for April 6, 2005. This date will insure that proposals can complete the approval process this semester. This is final after agenda is published tomorrow.
V.General Education Course Substitution Requests
- Bridget Armstrong - HIST 330 Psycho-history (3 SH) from WSU NOT EDUC 120 Parenting (3 SH) from WSU for Humanities. Moved: Miller, Seconded: Lee,to approve. Motion passed.
Course & Program Proposal Subcommittee report, Fred Lee - from 3/2/05 and 3/23/05. The CPPS recommends approval of the following courses and programs.
A.New Course Proposals: Moved: Lee; Courses Approved
1. CS 116 Web Technology (3 SH) - tabled from 3/23/05
- CS 495 Computer Science Research Seminar (3 SH) - with editorial corrections
- ENG 472 Seminar in Language and Discourse (3 SH)
- ENG 481 TESL: Theory and Methods (3 SH)
- FREN 303 Advanced Grammar and Stylistics (4 SH)
- RESC 150 Insights and Implications (3 SH)
- STAT 405 Biostatistics (3 SH)
- CAST 301 Child Advocacy Studies I: Perspectives on Child Maltreatment and Child Advocacy (3 SH) - with minor revision
- CAST 401/501 Child Advocacy Studies II: Professional and System Response to Child Abuse (4 SH)
- CAST 402/502 Child Advocacy Studies III: Responding to the Survivor (4 SH)
B. Revised Program Proposals: Moved to Approve: Lee;
1. French programs: Motion to Approve Passes
B.A. Major – French (from 32 to 36 SH)
B.S. Major – French (Teaching) (from 36 to 40 SH)
B.A. Minor – French (from 24 to 28 SH)
- History - B.S. Major – Paralegal, Options A (from 91 to 85 SH) and B (from 56 to 50 SH)Technically one cannot require a minor with a program of 47 or more hours.Moved: Shields; Seconded: Bratt, to ask the department to recommend a minor and not require it.
Motion: Summa; Seconded: Malone, to table pending discussion with History department. Motion passed.
C. New Program Proposal
1. Need to have a director identified: Carole Madland has been named this person
2. Child Advocacy Studies - 11 SH - with editorial corrections
A2C2 approved all new course proposals, the French revised program proposal, and the new program proposal.
- University Studies Subcommittee report, J. Paul Johnson - from 3/2/05 and 3/23/05. The USS recommends approval of the following courses. Recommend Approval of Approved and Posted Courses: Courses Approved
The other courses will come to A2C2 at the next meeting after they are posted
A.Course Requirements
1.Unity & Diversity: Contemporary Citizenship
CS 116 Web Technology (3 SH): Approved and Posted
B.Flag Courses
1.Oral Flag
CMST 451 Topics in Communication Studies (3 SH)* Approved and Posted
HIST 385 Trial Advocacy (1 SH) - pending revisions: Approved and Posted
MUS 440 American Art Music (3 SH) - pending revisions: Approved and Posted
CMST 452 Topics in Public Communication (3 SH)*: Approved and Posted
A2C2 approved courses for USP credit.
C.Other issues
1.One-time course offerings and USP credit: Valid pedagogical and intellectual reason to include this in USP for some courses as a one time course offering: it has to be approved and on the books to get University Studies recognition; it would be beneficial to us to approve one-time offerings because of timely manner needed for some courses to be offered; one-time offerings should not be “on the list”; this body should decide whether they could be offered as USP; no: “can of worms” contributes to flux; a one-time course could count toward major or minor or graduation—just not USP; goes to CPPS first, then to A2C2 for approval, then to USP; if you wanted to embrace a one-time offering for USP, it still needs the approval; if a course were a one-time course offering, it needs to go through the regular procedure; Moved: Shields; Seconded: Schumacher: One time course offerings should not be allowed for UPS unless it has gone through CPPS and A2C2; Motion Fails; MacDonald: special regulation for special cases?; why does it have to plug into USP?; USP can only consider courses that are already courses; submit proposal for a topical course; we limit our students without the ability to offer topical course offerings and it discriminates against our students; Moved and seconded Bratt/Shields to call the question; Motion Fails; without a flag, unfair competition at upper level; revise one-time course offering form: ask for an Ad Hoc committee to come up with a proposal before we vote on this; Moved; Bratt; No Second: to table indefinitely: motion dies for lack of second;
2.USS membership - Science & Engineering, Liberal Arts representatives needed for AY 2006-2008 term.
3.USP Faculty Area Assessment Committees - Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine & Performing Arts will be formed and chairs sought for the arts and science core. Chairs have 3 hours reassigned time for their two year term; Charla will bring this to Senate next week.
D.USP Course Substitution requests – USS recommends approval as indicated for each request.
Moved: Miller, Seconded: Schumacher, to separate #6/. Motion passed.
Requests 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 approved as recommended by USS.
Moved: Miller, Seconded: Johnson, to accept USS recommendation of #6. Motion passed.
1.Erin Lumsden - MUS 142 Winona Oratorio Chorus (1 SH) from WSU for Arts & Science Core: Fine and Performing Arts. USS recommends disapproval.
2.Susan Riesgraf - CMST 261 Public Speaking (3 SH) from WSU for Arts & Science Core: Humanities. USS recommends approval.
3.Kristina Meyer - CMST 261 Public Speaking (3 SH) from WSU for Arts & Science Core: Humanities. USS recommends approval.
4.Tala Khalidi - BIOL 104 Conservation (3 SH) from WSU for Arts & Science Core: Natural Science. USS recommends disapproval.
5.Sean D’Agnolo - PSY 361 Abnormal Psychology (3 SH) from UW-Stout, for Unity & Diversity: Critical Analysis. Withdrawn.
6.Corey Wencl - STAT 210 Statistics (3 SH) from WSU for Basic Skills: Mathematics/Statistics. USS recommends disapproval.
7.Alicia Block - BIOL 104 Conservation (3 SH) from WSU for Arts & Science Core: Natural Science. USS recommends disapproval.
- Notifications
- Chemistry - one-time course offering: CHEM 305 Introduction to Nanoscale Science & Engineering (1 SH). Fall 2005.
- Computer Science - one-time course offerings:
- CS 235 Algorithms I Companion (1 SH). Fall 2005
- CS 245 Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms (4 SH). Fall 2005.
- CS 251 Algorithms II Companion (1 SH). Fall 2005.
- CS 375 Computer Systems (4 SH). Fall 2005.
- Health, Exercise & Rehabilitative Sciences - Set the default MNSCU schedule code to a variable 1-5 SH for the following HERS practicum courses. This will not alter the required credit or content requirement of the courses. This has been encouraged by the WSU Registrar’s Office. (For internal adjustment in Donna Heyer’s office of credits—the catalogue is correct for credit hours)
- HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
- HERS 362 Practicum in Athletic Training
- HERS 363 Practicum in Exercise Science
- HERS 364 Practicum in Movement Science
- HERS 395 Practicum in Health Promotion
- Marketing - one-time course offerings
- MKTG 346 Marketing Plans (3 SH). Fall 2005.
- MKTG 365 Advanced Selling Techniques (3 SH). Spring 2006.
- Sociology and Criminal Justice - US Notification
- SOC 440 Sociology of Dying & Death (3 SH) - writing flag for fall 2004.
- Old Business
- New U Issues?
- Registrar Issues: Request Glen early next fall as the new registrar system is implemented.
- New Business
- Calendar - 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 academic calendars (e-mailed to A2C2 representatives and alternates); Chris Malone, Richard Shields, and Charla Miertschin met as A2C2 Calendar Subcommittee. Moved: Shields; Seconded: Johnson; to approve. Motion passed. This calendar will proceed as a recommendation to Senate.
- Things considered in proposing calendar drafts: balance between fall and spring; # MWF classes and # TH classes; beginning and ending dates; break days; non-class duty days; spring break placement (from David Bratt)
- Proposal from A2C2 Calendar Committee (e-mailed to A2C2 representatives and alternates)
Key features: Delete assessment day; Delete the fall and April spring break days; M, T, W before Thanksgiving as non-class duty days; fall classes begin on Wednesday with only two development days prior.
- From Senate
- Technology issues with registration, postponed from 3/2/05: Do we want prerequisites enforced: Motion: Moved Boseker; Seconded: Shields: Motion Passes
- WSU Regulation 4-3 Testing Procedures (e-mailed to A2C2 representatives), postponed from 3/2/05; Personal Policy and Grievance Committee: Suggest that departments go to Counseling Department Website; CLEP Tests are listed for students; they tend not to use them; Caution: there is “hair splitting” as to how they are classified; put this on University Studies Subcommittee agenda to study this.
- Double major policy - see attached, postponed from 3/2/05: Postpone and move to top of agenda for next meeting.
- Graduation with Honors guidelines - see attached, postponed from 3/2/05: Postpone and move to top of agenda for next meeting.
- Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and Upper Division Courses: Came down from Meet & Confer, so this will be forthcoming; Linda Baer: looking at counting of upper division classes; not our intent to implement MN Online in a manner that forces the state universities to redefine their missions or redistribute their courses into only the first two years of a student’s education. Charla asked to forward the document to A2C2 representatives that describes MnSCU’s position.
XI.Adjournment: 5:52 p.m.
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