Any Sacrifice but Conscience
Author: Walter C. Utt / Helen G. Pyke
© 2008 by Pacific Press®
Readability Level 8.5 / Points 30
Word Count: 100,757
272 pages
1. Armand needed to personally carry the letters because _____.
a. copies of dispatches were given to the Frenchb. he looked inconspicuous
c. the mails were unsafe
d. all of these
2. Jurieu thought the prophecy of the resurrection of the Two Witnesses was fulfilled in _____.
a. the open return of Huguenots to Franceb. the Glorious Revolution in England
c. the unwavering support of the Duke of Savoy
d. the French Revolution of 1789
3. The Good Cause referred to in this book is the needs of the _____.
a. English Governmentb. French Government
c. Protestant Reformation
d. none of these
4. A major question in the book is whetherpeople may resist a faithless tyrant or _____.
a. flee to another placeb. quietly accept persecution
c. support others to do it for them
d. none of these
5. Someone who abjured was one who _____.
a. rejoined the Catholic faith and said the Reformed were wrongb. joined the army
c. was injured because of their faith
d. was a spy for the French King
6. Some countries offered to take some of the Valdois but they didn’t want to be _____.
a. asked to change religionb. deterred from killing off their enemies
c. separated
d. in Protestant countries
7. Barbin was a loyal _____.
a. Huguenot / b. Swiss Reformerc. French Dragoon / d. none of these
8. The problem with fighting the French government was a lack of _____.
a. leadership and trainingb. alliances
c. weapons and money
d. all of these
9. Leaders of the Valdois fighting were primarily picked based on _____ rather than ability.
a. ethnic background / b. religious fervorc. social position / d. experience
10. Some of the soldiers got so busy _____ they threatened the success of the expedition.
a. cooking mealsb. looting the houses
c. praying
d. romancing the local lasses
Part II
11. Pastor Merson went back to France to _____.
a. lead the people out of Franceb. raise up an army
c. spy for the English
d. none of these
12. Louise died due to _____.
a. an accident / b. damp weather / c. old age / d. torture13. Alexandre was considered a vagabond or _____.
a. drifter / b. merchant / c. mercenary / d. none of these14. Mathieu died when he was _____.
a. fighting the British / b. trying to save Madeleinec. stricken with malaria / d. none of these
15. Soldiers played drums as Pastor Merson was being hanged because they wanted to _____.
a. be somewhere elseb. drown out his words
c. scare the people
d. show their respect
16. Isaac Cortot ended up in _____ because of his faith. (Page 304)
a. America / b. England / c. the galleys / d. none of these17. The Duke gave Armandone thousand louisd’orbecause he _____.
a. agreed to help the Duke in exchange for help for Alexandreb. brought the Duke back in favor with the king
c. was like his only son
d. none of these
18. The Catholic innkeeper spoke loudly so _____.
a. de Gandon could get awayb. the dragoons would come arrest de Gandon
c. the priest would believe him
d. his family would hide
19. The King’s confessor claimed that they had stamped out heresy without _____.
a. expense or effort / b. opposition from other countriesc. violence or blood shed / d. all of these
20.The Duke of Savoy ended up being a _____.
a. a fickle fellow / b. Huguenot hereticc. ambushing ambassador / d. conscientious Catholic