Protocol MessageAmp II and coupling monoreactive dyes.

Protocol MessageAmp aRNA Kit.

Array Controls.

Mix / Spike / Amount Spike (µl) / Amount TE buffer (µl) / Concentration (ng/µl) / Amount Mix A t/m D (µl)
A / 1 / 1 / 9 / 10
B / 3 / 1 / 9 / 10
C / 5 / 1 / 9 / 10
D / 7 / 1 / 9 / 10
E / 2 / 1 / 99 / 1
F / 4 / 1 / 99 / 1
G / 6 / 1 / 99 / 1
H / 8 / 1 / 99 / 1
************** / ************** / ************** / ************** / ************** / **************
I / 1 / - / 27 / 1 / 3 (A)
J / 3 / - / 27 / 1 / 3 (B)
K / 5 / - / 27 / 1 / 3 (C)
L / 7 / - / 27 / 1 / 3 (D)
10 ng/µl RNA Spikes / 1 ng/µl RNA Spikes
Odd numbered / Even numbered / Odd numbered
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / TE buffer
Cy5 Odd / 5 µl / 2,5 µl / 5 µl / 2 µl / 85,5 µl
Cy5 Even / 10 µl / 10 µl / 10 µl / 2 µl / 68 µl
Cy3 odd / 5 µl / 5 µl / 20 µl / 20 µl / 50 µl
Cy3 even / 1 µl / 2 µl / 4 µl / 2 µl / 91 µl

1.  Add 10 µl Cy5 even at 10 µl Cy5 odd (Stock solution A).

2.  Add 10 µl Cy3 even at 10 µl Cy3 odd (Stock solution B).

3.  Dilute this 5 times for a 1 µg labeling.

4.  Use 2 µl for one labeling.

First Round Amplification.

Reverse Transcriptation to Synthesize First Strand cDNA.

1.  1 µg (at least 500 ng) Total RNA (max. 9 µl).

2.  Add 2 µl Spike controls → cy5 (A) for cy5 labeling and cy3 (B) for cy3 labeling.

3.  Add 1 µl of T7 Oligo(dT) primer.

4.  Add DEPC to a final volume of 12 µl.

5.  Incubate 10 min. at 70°C.

6.  Centrifuge briefly and place the samples on ice..

7.  Add the following mix:

7. Resuspend the mix and centrifuge briefly.

8. Add 8 µl of the mix to each sample quickly at 42°C.

9. Incubate at 42°C for 2 hr.

10. Centrifuge the samples briefly.

11. Place the samples on ice. `

Second Strand cDNA Synthesis.

1.  Add the second strand cDNA mix to the samples at RT:

2. Mix the samples and incubate for 2 hr at 16°C.

cDNA purification.

Before beginning the cDNA purification, preheat the nuclease-free water

to 50°C for at least 10 minutes.

1. Add 250 µl of cDNA Binding Buffer to each sample and resuspend.

2. Pipet this on the filter.

3. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 1 min.

4. Discard the flow-through.

5. Apply 500 µl cDNA Wash Buffer to each cDNA Filter Cartridge.

6. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 1 min.

7. Discard the flow-through.

8. Spin the cDNA Filter cartrigdge an additional minute.

9. Transfer cDNA Filter to a cDNA Elution Tube.

10. To the center of the filter pipet 18 µl of the pre-heated nuclease-free water.

11. Incubate at RT for 2 min. and then centrifuge for 1 min at 13000 rpm.

In Vitro Transcription to Synthesize aRNA.

1.  Mix de following reactionmix with ±16 µl doublestranded cDNA template.

1.  Incubate at 37°C for 16 hours and then put it to 4°C.

In a incubator overnight (PCR-machine).

2.  Add 10 µl Nuclease-free water to stop the reaction.

3.  Purify the cRNA.

aRNA purification.

Before beginning the cRNA purification, use the preheated nuclease-free water

to 50°C.

1. Put 175 µl of aRNA Binding Buffer with the sample and resuspend.

2. Add 125 µl 100% EtOH and resuspend.

3. Pipet this 350 µl on the filter.

4. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 1 min.

5. Discard the flow-through.

6. Apply 650 µl cRNA Wash Buffer to each aRNA Filter Cartridge.

7. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 1 min.

8. Discard the flow-through.

9. Spin the aRNA Filter cartridge an additional minute.

10. Transfer aRNA Filter to a aRNA Elution Tube.

11. To the center of the filter pipet 50 µl of the pre-heated nuclease-free water.

12. Incubate at RT for 2 min. and then centrifuge for 1 min at 13000 rpm.

Labeling with amine-reactive reagent.

1.  Take 3 - 5 µg RNA resolved in a volume of 3,33 µl nuclease-free water.

2.  Add 5 µl dry DMSO to of the amine-modified cRNA.

3.  Add 1,66 µl 0,3 M Na-carbonate buffer (pH 9,0; check pH regulary)

4.  Immediately transfer the mixture to the aliquotted dyes.

5.  Resuspend the dye in the mixture and incubate 1 hour at RT in the dark.

6. Add 4,5 µl hydroxylamine and leave 15 min at RT in the dark.

7. Clean cRNA with te microcon YM-30 method (see standard protocol) or.

Clean cRNA with the RNeasy column method (see protocol RNeasy).

Clean the samples using the Macherey-Nagel RNAII kit.

1.  Add 29 µl DEPC to the sample until it is 50 .

2.  Add 175 µl RAI buffer and mix.

3.  Add 175 µl ethanol 70% and mix by pipetting.

4.  Put the sample on the column.

5.  Centrifuge 1 min. at 11.000 rpm and remove the eluat.

6.  Add 200 µl RAII buffer and centrifuge 1 min at 11.000 rpm.

7.  Remove the eluat.

8.  Add 600 µl RAIII buffer and centrifuge 1 min at 11.000 rpm.

9.  Add 250 µl RAIII buffer and centrifuge 2 min at 13.000 rpm.

10.  Remove the eluat.

11.  Elute the sample by pipetting 50 µl DEPC water (preheated 50°C) on the column.

12.  Incubate for 2 min.

13.  Centrifuge 1 min at 13.000 rpm.

Quantitating aRNA Products

1. Perform wavescan on nanodrop to determine labelling efficiency.

2. If requested evaluate labelled sample on an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer.

