Cyngor Cymuned Onllwyn Community Council
Financial Year Ending 31st March 2016.
Maesgwyn Windfarm Section 106 Community Benefits Account.
Receipts.£p £p
Grant receipts from Neath Port Talbot CBC 70,791.41
To be redistributed as listed in payments below.
Onllwyn C Council, R of W no.33 6,508. 00
Banwen RFC, Additional Drainage 5,000. 00.
Age Connects Neath Port Talbot 14,422. 13.
Pantyffordd Film Club 5,000. 00.
Banwen Pony Club, fences and gates 2,585. 00.
Banwen Homing Society, storage container 4,928. 40.
Onllwyn Choir, portable piano 1,568. 00.
Maesmarchog School, IT equipment 4,500. 00.
Banwen RFC, work on new 3G pitch 29,655. 56.
B.L. Parfitt, salary 2,496. 00.
Admin expenses 114. 62.
Balance B/Fwd from 31.03.15. 37,716. 94.
Add Receipts 15/1670,791. 41
Deduct Payments 15/1676,777. 71
Balance at 31.03.16. C/Fwd (as bank statement)31,730.64. ***
***Note : £30,162.88 is earmarked for a grant to Onllwyn Welfare Association.
Opencast Account.
Balance B/Fwd from 31.03.15. 30,869. 92.
Add Interest in 15/16 15. 49.
Balance at 31.03.16. C/Fwd (as bank statement)30,885. 41
This account is as a result of a dowry from British Coal in 2003 to be used for the
maintenance of fences, ditches and a pond on reclaimed opencast land transferred
to the community council.
Financial year ending 31stMarch2016.
Current Account
2014/15 2015/16
£ p £ p£ p
20,208.00Precept 20,409. 00
930.00Cemetery Fees 690. 00
385.00Rent of land 375. 00
2,500.00Rent of Banwen CC2,500. 00
436.77NPT Public convenience------
22,377.94VAT Reimbursement 23,275. 67
4,000.00.Washery grant, Pantyffordd ------
8,000.00NPT special grant “ ------
14,000.00NPT Minor Proj. Grant “ ------
28,211.00 Windfarm grant “ ------
26,850.00Winfarm grant, Skatepark ------
75,000.00WREN grant “ ------
25,523.40Windfarm grant, MUGA------
------Powys CC grant “ 8,000. 00
560.00Miscellaneous 110. 00
30,000.00Transfer from Opencast Acc. ------
------Windfarm Grant, R of W 33 6,508. 00
258,982. 11 61,867. 67
150.00Banwen Pond------
520.00Wages 570. 00
2,420.00Clerk’s salary2,640. 00
665.29Cemetery rates water plus fence 1,972. 65
4,150.00Pantyffordd Com. Centre 6,481. 85
48,361.10Pantyffordd play equipment 9,849. 90
415.00Audit 675. 00
1,888.58Insurance1,845. 04
30,288.97VAT Payments 13,801. 73
------Grounds Maintenance 7,953. 86
858.44General Admin. 415. 43
300.00S137 Grants 496. 00
179.85Play equipment inspection 282. 50
------Playground maintenance 343. 28
------Rights of Way No.33 7,935. 00
------MUGA 36,957. 29
------Grant to RFC, 3G pitch 7,755. 00
------New boiler, Banwen C Centre 1,243. 00
200,656. 17 101,217. 53
27,523. 20Balance B/Fwd from 31.03.15. 85,849. 14
258.982. 11Add receipts 15/16 61,867. 67
200,656. 17Less Payments 15/16 101,217. 53
85,849. 14Balance at 31.03.16. C/Fwd 46,499. 28 ***
*** Note : £7,755 is earmarked for a grant to Onllwyn Welfare Association.
Financial year ending 31st March 2016.
Bank Reconciliation.
Prepared by B.L. Parfitt, clerk, on 23rd May 2016.
Balance as per bank statements as at 31st March 2016.
£p £p
Maesgwyn Windfarm Benefits account31,730.64
Opencast Account30,885.41
Current Account46,499.28
Deduct unpresented chequesnil
Add unbanked moneynil
Net balance as at 31st March 2016109,115.33
Cash Book
Opening balance at 1st April 2015154,436.00
Add Receipts
Benefits Fund Account70,791.41
Opencast Account 15.49
Current Account61,867.67
Deduct Payments
Benefits Fund Account76,777.71
Opencast Accountnil
Current Account 101,217.53
Closing balance at 31st March 2016109,115.33