Friday, April 27, 2018
Bell 5
SHOF Induction
Senior Assembly (Gym)
Junior Assembly (Cafeteria)
Outdoor Track & Field Penn Relays – UPenn 8AM
Varsity Lacrosse v Lansdale Catholic (A) 3:45PM
JV Lacrosse v Lansdale Catholic (A) 5:35PM
SHOF Banquet (FOP Lodge#5) 5:30PM
Knights of Columbus 7:30-9:30PM
Activities and Events
April is almost over and it’s gonna be May!
The month of May is widely known as the month of Mary, the Blessed Mother.During the month of May Christians around the world, both in churches and the privacy of the home, offer special prayer to the Blessed Mother, especially through the Rosary.In honor of the Blessed Mother, all our welcome to join in saying the Rosary together everyWednesdayduring the month of May at2:45pmin the Chapel.If you do not have a Rosary, one will be provided for you.For more information, please see Mr. Beaver.
In honor of National College Decision Day,Seniorsare permitted to wear a shirt or hoodie from their college on May 1st. This is in place of the RCHS golf shirt. All other parts of the school uniform must be worn.
The annual Broad Street Run will take place on Sunday, May 6th.Student volunteers are needed for this event from7:00-10:30AM.RCHS Community Service Hours and volunteer t-shirts will be given for participation.
Please sign up in the Student Affairs Office by May 2ND
CSC and AOH are sponsoring a canned food drive in conjunction with the AOH Hibernian Hunger Project in Philadelphia. We are extending the canned food drive until May 7th. Please drop off your donations in the designated boxes during homeroom. The homeroom that collects the most cans will receive a free breakfast in May.
Sacred Heart Home- We will be going to the home on 4/30, 5/7, and 5/21. Please see Miss Kuvik to sign up.
In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month, students are asked to wear a blue shirt as part of the uniform on Monday, April 30th. This is in place of the RCHS golf shirt. This is not a Dress Down Day. All other parts of the school uniform must be worn. No inappropriate language or material is allowed on shirts.
Are you a sophomore or junior interested in the nursing field? Thomas Jefferson University is offering a free summer training and enrichment program. If you are interested stop in the guidance office or email Mrs. Desmond.
Juniors and Seniors
For information about an after school job in Center City, see Sr. Jane in theGuidance Office as soon as possible.
There will be an information meeting with representatives of the service academies to explain the nomination and admission process. The meeting will take place at the George Washington High School on Bustleton Avenue onSaturday, April 28th from 10:00 to 12:00 Noon
Dante & Luigi's Restaurant in South Philly has Bus Person positions available.
Any junior interested in working for a Law firm in Center City, see Sr. Jane in the Guidance Office ASAP.
Seriously, this is the last day for Lost and Found. If you have lost anything in the last month, please come and look for it. This offer expires at 2:41PM.
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: A reminder that the Senior Prom is scheduled for Friday, May 11th. Senior Prom tickets are presently available for sale. As soon as students have completed their Senior Prom Permission Form, they are to bring it to the Student Affairs Office for approval. Once approved, they can bring it to the Financial Affairs Office to purchase their tickets. A reminder that all tuition and fees must be up to date before a prom ticket can be purchased. Please ensure that all tickets are purchased by May 2nd.
Roman lost to Carroll yesterday by a match score of 1-4. Roman's only winning point came at #3 singles where Shea Bulna needed 3 sets to win a tight match. Roman will conclude the season with some non-league matches and the District XII Singles and Doubles tournament. Kudos to this year's players for a valiant effort!
Dr. Kim’s 1stperiod to the café, 4th, 8thperiod to the library, 6thperiod to the gym
Mr. DiGiovanni’s 1stand 2nd period to the café, 3rdand 7thperiod to the library, 6thperiod to the gym
Dr. Bell’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, all others to the class
Mr. Murphy’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, all other’s to the class
Mr. Randzo’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, 4thand 7thperiod to the library, 6thperiod to the gym
Mr. Miller’s 1stperiod to the café, 4th, 5th, 8thperiod to the library, 7thperiod to the class
Mr. Tarducci’s 1stperiod to Room 2, all others to the class
Mr. Kane’s 2ndperiod to Room 2, all others to the class
Mr. DiMartino’s 2ndperiod to the café
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Freshmen Baseball v Wood (A) 1-2PM
Monday, April 30, 2018
Bell 1
Outdoor Track and Field Southern Division Champs
at Cardinal O’Hara HS 3:30-5PM
Varsity Lacrosse v Springfield (H) 4-5PM
Varsity Baseball v SJP (H) (Philly U) 4-5PM
JV Baseball v SJP (H) (Boyce) 4-5PM
Freshmen Baseball v SJP (H) (Pachella) 4-5PM
JV Lacrosse v Springfield (H) 5-6PM
Varsity Volleyball v Lansdale Catholic (H) 5-7PM
JV Volleyball v Lansdale Catholic (H) 7-8PM