IP Buffer
To PBS add,
.1%Triton-X 100
(To make 50mls, add 1ml of .5mM stock EDTA, 0.5ml of 10% stock of Triton-X, and .5ml of 100mM stock of PMSF) Thaw PMSF before using
20mM Tris
150mM NaCl
.1% Tween 20, P.H 7.4
Blocking Buffer
5% BSA in TBST
50mls TBST:2.5g BSA
1. Wash cells with PBS at room temp 3x’s
- Incubate cells with 0.5mg/ml of sulfo-NHS biotin in PBS at room temp for 30 minutes (put 1ml on each gel and incubate on rocker)
- Wash cells with PBS at room temp 3x’s
- Put 500ul of IP Buffer(lysis buffer) into 1.5ml centrifuge tube
- Scrape gels with cells into the 1.5ml centrifuge tube (keep on ice)
- Vortex and incubate on ice for 10 minutes
- Centrifuge for 5 min at 4 degrees and 14k RPM
- Keep lysate (liquid)
- May need to resuspend in 500ul, and spin down again to get all the lysate (liquid)
- Spin down the centrifuge tube containing all the lysate to make sure there is no acrylamide in the solution
- Divide up lysate
III.Add Antibody
- Add 10ul of antibody to lysate and let incubate overnight at 4 degrees( If not adding antibody to the lysate just keep in IP buffer for overnight)
IV.Add Beads
- Add 75ul of Protein G Sepharose to the suspension that contains antibodies
- If you have lysate without antibody add 75ul of Strepavidin (make sure beads are mixed
- Incubate in beads for 1 hr at 4 degrees
- Spin down solution, remove sup (and save) and wash beads 2x with IP buffer
- After washing beads, add 50ul of 2xsds page sample buffer to each bead
- Boil for 5 minutes to release the proteins from the beads
- Spin down
- Remove the sup from the beads *****this is what you want to run in the gel
V.Run Gel
- Remove comb from the gel and wash out wells
- Dry and mark the bottom of the wells
- Remove the paper tab
- Insert with the gels with the ridge facing the center of the apparatus, and lock down
- Fill inner chamber with SDS running buffer
- Fill ½ of the outer chamber with SDS running buffer
- Put 20ul of marker and protein in the wells
- Turn the current all the way up, and set the voltage to 100 v—after it gets through the stacking gel, set it to 150 v
- Crack open the gel apparatus
- Let gel stick to one side
- Remove the stacker gel
- Put gel in transfer buffer by using gravity
- Let gel equilibrate in buffer for 15-20 minutes
- While the gel is equilibrating, put transfer paper in methanol to wet
- Pick transfer paper up with hands and put in transfer buffer
- Make sandwich (wet sandwich with Transfer Buffer as needed) on transfer plate.
- First put down pad that is wetted in transfer buffer
- Put transfer paper on top(start putting it down in the middle to prevent bubbles)
- Put gel on
- Put wet pad on top
- Slightly compress with test tube—do not move sandwich
- Mop up puddles on plate
- Put the top on the plate and then attach plugs
- Turn the current all the way down and the voltage all the way up. Put the voltage on 1X and the current on 10X. Set the current to 112.5
- Transfer for 1HR
- After transferring, make sure all the protein in transferred by making sure the marker on the gel has transferred
- Put transfer paper in 25 mls of blocking solution for 1-2 hours at room temp or overnight at 4 degrees
- Incubate paper in secondary or HRP strepavidin for one hour at room temp
(Dilute in 5% BSA in TBST)
or at 37 degrees for ½ hour
- Two quick washes in TBST, then 2 slow 10 minute washes in TBST
- Cut transparency to fit in film developer
- Put one squirt of each solution from the western blot analysis kit into a dish
- With forceps put the transfer paper in the solution and wet
- Put the transparency in the film developer and put the transfer paper in the transparency
- Develop film using a film developer.