TCMAffiliate Meeting
July 7, 2011
Present:Margie Pressgrove, Abilities Equals Success; Shawna Link, Caring and Compassionate Care; Shelli Barrett, Monaco & Associates; Nancy Rhone, Individual Support Systems; Coleen Hernandez, CDDO; Tim Gorton, Sheltered Living; Amy Shockey, Sheltered Living; Dawn Zabala, Sheltered Living; Donna Holstein, Sheltered Living; Rachel Kuehn, CDDO; Sara Ditch, Monaco & Associates; Merilee Larson, Monaco & Associates; Robert Smith, CDDO; Rachel Munoz, CDDO; Paula O’Brian, CDDO; Sabrina Winston, CDDO; Larry Collins, Sheltered Living; Susie Kirkwood, CDDO; Jovanna Vink, Sheltered Living; Tracey Herman, TARC; Elise Monaco, Monaco & Associates, Ramona Macek, CDDO
The meetings opened with introductions and welcoming Sabrina Winston who is rejoining the CDDO as the Quality Management Coordinator. Sabrina was previously employed for 10 years as the Liaison and Community Support Associate.
Guest speaker Mitzie Tyree is scheduled to speak at 3:15 p.m. regarding the upcoming changes regarding Self-Determination and the implementation of the Financial Management Services (FMS).
Critical Incident Reporting (hand out) –The CDDOs critical incident form identifies the necessary information needed which includes the persons welfare, health and safety. Ramona stated that if it is a planned hospitalization a critical report is not needed unless there is some kind of complication; a critical incident report is needed if it is an unexpected admission to the medical hospital, ER visit or admission to a mental health hospital. Report any incident that could possibly draw media attention. Both Paula Ellis and Larry Castro, SRS, are notified electronically when a critical incident report is made in the web based system (BCI). Providers and case managers MUST report all critical incidents as outlined by SRS. Case managers should follow up to verify what has or may still need to be been done. Ramona stated CDDOs submit a statistical report quarterly to SRS which shows the breakdown by the number of hospitalizations, ANE reports, contact with law enforcement and if the person is a victim or suspected perpetrator. It was stated that sometimes the case manager doesn’t know about an incident for a few days. It was asked if case managers could receive an email notification when a critical incident is reported by a day and residential provider. Sabrina & Ramona will meet with IT about the request although there may have been a reason why it is programmed for only the person submitting to have access to the report.
It was asked about the part of reporting any work related injury which results in the death or serious injury requiring emergency care or hospitalization of an employee or any incident involving a threat to the life of the employee. Ramona stated that SRS is requesting the information so licensed providers need to verify the expectations with the Quality Management Specialists (Larry or Paula).
Needs Assessments – Coleen stated that she does not need hard copies of the Needs Assessments. Upload the Needs Assessment as an Excel document and scan the signature page. She also stated that the cover sheet and the justification pages should not be the same as the previous year. The cover sheet and justification page needs to be updated yearly. If a child is in foster care, the TFI worker should be signing the Needs Assessment document. Ramona stated if case managers continue to have difficulties with the completing Needs Assessments correctly the CDDO will require the case manager to take the training again. Coleen stated that she is planning a Needs Assessment training later this month and will send out an email with details.
Ramona stated that State General Funds have been eliminated and that CDDOs were asked to submit names of individuals that are Medicaid and HCBS eligible to SRS. There may be a possibility of refinancing with waiting list dollars.SRS will make the decision based on the number of people submitted. Ramona stated that she had submitted five individuals’ names. It is the intention of the Shawnee County CDDO to utilize State Aid for the individuals who had been funded with SGF.Ramona will speak to the day and residential providers at the upcoming Affiliated Provider meeting on Monday. There are24 individuals that will need funding for day, residential or both services. A letter will be sent out to case managers requesting a POC be submitted once the State Aid allocated amount is known. Community support day and residential rates should remain the same unless there is a reduction of the State Aid amount.Also, be sure that these individuals understand that if they move outside of Shawnee County they will no longer have funding because State Aid will not be ported.
The SRS/CDDO contract negotiations were not finalized so a 90 day extension will be implemented for the FY11 Contract.
Ramona informed case managers that there are still monies in reserve for Non-Medicaid case management reimbursement through FY2012. Case manager were reminded to submit their fourth quarter billing for FY2011.It was asked if someone has a huge spend down can their name be submitted for reimbursement. The answer is no, it is for individuals that don’t have Medicaid.
Robert reminded case managers that they are expected to upload support plans and transition checklists and to submit the hard copies of the required documentation. This includes the signed POC, additional information page, 3160, 3161 and sometimes the service information page.
Ramona stated that there has been an increase in errors on POCs submitted to the Funding Committee as well as late POCs. Ramona suggested taking your time to complete paperwork to eliminate errors and Robert suggested asking co-workers or calling him for assistance if you have a question. The CDDO submits a purple POC so that funding is not interrupted. This is discussed during the annual case management review overseen by the CDDO QMC.
Guest Speaker:
Mitzie Tyree, TARC Self-Determination, wanted to address the case managers with families in the Self-Determination program who receive in-home supports. Mitzie stated that TARC Self-Determination will not becoming a Financial Management Service (FMS) provider. The self-determination program operates under the individual themselves being the sole employer and FMS operates under a co-employer relationship which goes against the philosophy of self-determination. Mitzie informed the case managers that a letter would be going out to the 32 families that are receiving that service informing them of the change and that self-determination will no longer be able to service that particular support for them. Self-Determination will continue to serve individuals that receive day and residential services. Mitzie acknowledged that it may be upsetting for some and others may see a decrease in pay. She stated that she and Dolores would be working with these families to get through the process.
Mitzie announced that Cari Blankingship, currently a program coordinator at TIES, will be joining the Self-Determination team Aug.1.
Ramona announced there is a SRS/CDDO conference call Tuesday regarding FMS providers and affiliation agreements. The affiliation process should not hold up anything.
It was stated that there are a few licensed providers that offer supportive home care and the difference between agency directedand self-directed care. The difference is that the agencies do all the hiring.
Q. Do we know who the FMS providers are?A. At this time we do not know although Shawnee County has received two letters of intent from existing payroll agents and they are Another Day and RCIL.
Q. What is the timeline of when to redo POC? A. At this time we don’t know for sure. The understanding is that the State is going to overlay POC based on the information section in BASIS who has self-directed supports currently. They are going to change those provider codes at the state level and then make a determination sometime this month of when we are to makes the changes at the local level. Providers should be able to start billing as of Sept. 1.
A. Is there is a timeline for providers to start the process to become FMS providers. A. No, there isn’t;they can start their application process now. The KMAP provider manual is up and ready and can be accessed on the KMAP website click on the FMS manual.
Ramona stated that as soon as we know who the FMS providers are she will email out the list as well as adding them to the affiliated provider list.
Training Opportunities/Resources/Announcements:
Stiffler Representative Payee Services (brochure)
A Weight Loss Program for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (flyer)
The next meeting is September 1stat 3 pm.
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