
Student Affairs Committee Minutes

Date: January 12, 2005

Location: Pickens Hall Conference Room

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Members Present: Amanda Blanton, Elaine Foster, Edie Hardin, Polly Kay, Phyllis Shealy, Donny Winkler

Members Absent: James Williams

Presider: Amanda Blanton

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.

  1. Issue discussed and major points of discussion:

Communication of Information

A college-wide activity calendar was again discussed. The committee generated the following list of questions for Margaret Burdette. Amanda will meet with Margaret soon to invite her to attend the next meeting to discuss her vision for this calendar with the committee.

1. Who would manage the calendar?

2. What would be posted (faculty & staff) meetings?

3. Who would have access?

4. Where would it reside?

5. Who would write the procedure for deadlines?

6. When could it be available?

7. Are any calendar examples available?

  1. Issue discussed and major points of discussion

Student Life

The committee discussed the information which Donny Winkler obtained and sent to each member concerning student organizations/activities at other technical colleges in the state. The committee came up with two suggestions which they thought might be a possibility.

Miss Tri-County Tech Pageant

Edie Hardin stated that an SGA Officer was looking into this possibility. Phyllis Shealy said that she would talk to an employee that was in the pageant previously to obtain insight as to the criteria for entering the pageant.

Student Newspaper

The newspaper would need an advisor or someone to set the criteria for the publications in the newspaper. Edie stated she would give Robin McFall a call to get her ideas or concerns.

  1. Issue discussed and major points of discussion


Elaine Foster reported that she had talked with Sharon Colcolough about the suggestions the committee had presented. Sharon did not feel the shuttle bus was feasible and the shelters would be too costly. She did think that a student wanting to pay for reserved parking was a possibility. She did feel that there were some things that would have to be decided such as: How long would the parking space be reserved? What to do with the money? Which parking lot?

Sharon also stated that work was being done to obtain shelters at the bus stops and that bicycle racks may be a possibility for placement at the bus stops.

4. Issue discussed and major points of discussion.

Trophy/Display Case

A proposal was presented by Polly Kay for recessed display series. She will bring examples of other case types to the next meeting.

5.Issue discussed and major points of discussion.

Smoking Policy

Will discuss at next meeting..

6. Issue discussed and major points of discussion.


The committee will submit a list of recommendations.

Next Meeting Date: February 21, 2005

12:30 p.m.

Pickens Hall Conference Room

Recorded By: Phyllis Shealy