
Formal Program Renewal Final Report




Submitted by

Formal Program Renewal Committee

Last Name, First Name (ascending alphabetical)


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Indicators and Data Sources



Context for the Program Renewal

VCC Mission and Mandate

VCC Strategic Plan 2005-2008

Committee Members

Background information: Diploma Program


Mission Statement


Instructional Methodology

Requirements, Electives, Credits

Recommended Student Characteristics

Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR)



Curriculum and Instruction

Program Learning Outcomes

Comprehensiveness: Curriculum Instructional Findings

BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) Pre-major Agreement

Faculty and Support Staff

Faculty (Curriculum Vitae, Professional Development, Hiring Criteria)

Support Staff

Student Outcomes

Student Demographics

Student Advancement (Enrolment, Attrition)

Labour Market Demand, Student Achievements

Student Satisfaction

Support Services


Learning Centre


Assessment Centre

Counselling and Advising for Disabilities

Information Technology (IT)

Centre for Instructional Development

Program Planning and Administration

Annual Program Reviews

Program Advisory Committee (PAC)

Self-study: Strategic Plan (SWOT)

Succession Plan

Training Plan and Budget

Marketing and Promotion

Physical Environment

Equipment and Facilities


Strengths of the Program

Notes from Dean

Notes from Vice President Education



Executive Summary

Indicators and Data Sources

  1. Curriculum & Instruction

This included reviewing if there is a sound foundation of research and effective educational practice displayed in the curriculum documents including the program content guide (PCG), websites, course outlines, syllabi, assessments, learning activities, education delivery systems, quality of curriculum, curriculum map of learning outcomes, a rubric for all course outlines, and method to engage the profession in future trends. External reports of future trends were analysed through student census questions and Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings minutes.

  1. Internal Curriculum Renewal

This process included having key program faculty course coordinators screen their curriculum answering the following three questions:

  • What works?
  • What needs to change?
  • Is anything missing?
  1. External Curriculum Renewal

This included faculty from the VCC Centre for Instructional Development (CID) and members of the VCC Formal Program Renewal Committee (FPRC.) external to the Diploma program. They reviewed the Program Content Guide (PCG), program course major requirements, and course outlines as follows. The curriculum reviewers “screened” course outlines. In this case “screening “is defined as reading and taking note of what was included and if there were any inconsistencies or deficits. Reviewers used the VCC Education Council (EDCo) Curriculum Committee guidelines for course outlines which can be found at under the curriculum development pillar.

The FPRC screened the PCG, website content and program lists of required courses/credits for each of the seven majors for the presence of best practices for curriculum.

Curriculum best practices include learning outcomes, sufficiency and relevance of learning activities, course evaluations, and guidance as to what courses students must take to attain the diploma.

The committee also reviewed relevant results on the curriculum taken from VCC student census comments and the provincial student outcomes long responses.

The CID program renewal curriculum survey, which is heavily based on the presence of learning outcomes, was therefore not employed in this review. Strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum were noted and learning outcomes were drafted but not yet integrated into the curriculum.

  1. Faculty and Staff

The FPRCreviewed ongoing Professional Development (PD) reports for the past two years to see if the activities linked to the diploma mission, vision and strategic plan and VCC’s strategic planning goals. In the future, a succession plan including strategies for recruitment and retention should be developed.

  1. Student Outcomes Reports (SORs)
  1. Student Advancement

This included reviewing the provincial Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Student Outcomes (DACSO) documents to analyse the meaning of completion rates; number and percent of students who graduate and advance to chosen goals (e.g. employment or further education.)

  1. Student Achievementand Satisfaction

This included reviewing student performance on standard measures, attrition and completion rates, and satisfaction rates from student census comments so as to uncover the number of graduates and capture who is not completing the program and why that is the case. Labour market demand was also investigated and reported.

  1. Support Services

The committee reviewed how the program identifies student support needs and provides assistance to students. Faculty and support staff views were solicited on the sufficiency of support services at VCC in areas such as the Registrar’s Office, Library and Learning Centres, Information Technology (IT), Centre for Instructional Development (CID) and the VCC Assessment Centre. Substantive information emerged from the SWOT, faculty meetings and a visioning session.

  1. Program Planning and Administration

The committee reviewed the Annual Ongoing Program Review from the previous year as well as the 2009 Annual Program Review Summary from VCC Research and Strategic Services (RSS.) The FPRC investigated if there were other processes in place to collect, analyze and implement, guide and evaluate changes or actions in the program.

A pre-interview of the Dean and the Department Head was conducted to scan the learning environment and determine reasons for program renewal. Renewal also included assessing the congruence of the VCC program vision and mission statements, mandates and strategic planning (SWOT), gap analysis, needs assessment, provisions for special populations, marketing plan, community surveys and environmental scan, and the presence of an evaluation plan. Program Advisory Committee (PAC) recommendations, curriculum committee and faculty meetings minutes, hiring criteria, labour market information, procedures manuals, VCC committees, support services and the training plan and budget were reviewed.

The committee investigated the need to review any articulation agreements and partnerships such as those relating to the BC Post Secondary Forum’s pre-majors proposal which can be found at

  1. Physical Environment

This included reviewing Student Census and Banner comments; conducting administrative, faculty and staff interviews and documenting the goals of a strategic planning session and a departmental self-study. Comments by faculty, staff and students included information relating to the adequacy of space and facilities (virtual or physical) and other physical resources to determine if there were successful efforts to facilitate appropriate learning.

Highlights and recommendations for consideration are noted after a careful review of all the data collected in the diploma formal program renewal process.


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Curriculum and Instruction

Program Planning and Administration

Faculty and Staff

Context for the Program Renewal

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VCC Mission and Mandate

College Mission Statement: Vancouver Community College serves a diverse urban community by providing excellent programs and services that prepare learners for ongoing education, direct entry into employment, career advancement and greater participation in the community.

College Mandate: Vancouver Community College responds to existing and emerging community needs. In cooperation with other educational institutions, licensing and accrediting bodies, employers, community groups and governments, the College offers flexible and responsive instruction. Our accessible and transferable programs help students reach their personal, educational and professional goals.Vancouver Community College is committed to delivering innovative instruction in developmental education, adult basic education, English language programs, special education, vocational, career, technical and academic and continuing education programs. We use creative instructional methods in concert with professional support services which are integral to the success of all students. The College champions a learning environment that maximizes the educational experience by continually improving its resources, and technology cited May 3rd 2009 at

VCC Strategic Plan 2005-2008

The strategic planning process for the period 2009-2015 had to be paused in 2008 for financial and restructuring reasons. The 2005-2008 plan is still in effect until the planning process is resumed.A revised VCC Strategic Plan (see Appendix #4[1]) was approved by the Board in January 2006. The VCC Vision states

“As B.C.’s #1 College, the graduates of our Schools and Centres will be candidates of choice for job entry, career advancement, or further education.” There are four goals with each goal having a set of objectives. The plan has not been substantively updated since 2006. Although technically it was a plan to 2008, the following goals still inform the VCC community.

The VCC strategic goals are:

  1. Improve learner experience and success
  2. Improve learning opportunities
  3. Maintain financial viability and improve organizational effectiveness
  4. Build alliances in key sectors

The following objectives from the VCC Strategic Plan are central to the program goals:

  1. Provide focused high-quality education and services
  2. Improve graduate employment & satisfaction outcomes
  3. Maintain and improve retention and completion rates
  4. Increase part-time student enrolments
  5. Meet annual seat utilization targets
  6. Maintain an accumulated operating surplus
  7. Increase employer satisfaction with program graduates
  8. Advance agency, community and industry support for our programs.

Committee Members

Name, Dean of the School of ___ struck the Formal Program Renewal Committee (FPRC) consisting of:

  • Name: Chair,Centre for Instructional Development (CID)an Instructional Associate (IA)
  • Name: Dean, from another division of the College-Dean of ___
  • Name: Department Head, from the ___ program
  • Name: Instructor,an elected faculty member from the program
  • Name: Dean, Centre for Instructional Development & School of Instructor Education; representative of Research and Strategic Services (RSS)
  • Name: Position - a staff person who works directly with the program

The FPRC wishes to thank the ___

  • Name: Position, Department for his/her assistance with ___

Background information: Diploma Program


The Vancouver Community College (VCC) School of began in

Historian Name

Mission Statement

Enter information here.


This program is two (2) years in duration. At the time of the renewal there was one Program Content Guide dated January 2007. The course descriptions can be found in the PCG and the VCC website at

The Diploma Program provides the following

  • Professional training for potential and practicing ians.
  • Necessary courses of instruction for performance-oriented students who may wish to pursue their studies at a more advanced level following the completion of the college program.
  • Maximum flexibility, allowing all students the opportunity to choose, in consultation with their faculty advisor, an individualized sequence of courses, permitting, for instance, a student to complete the program in three years instead of two.

Other options include

  • Opportunities for part-time students (space permitting.)
  • College community ensembles such as the Willan Choir, Concert Choir, Wind Ensemble, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Madrigal Singers, Jazz Orchestra, Gamelan Ensemble and various small ensembles.

In order to be eligible to obtain a Vancouver Community College Diploma, students must complete the minimum number of credits required in one of the 7 major study areas and earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00

The seven major study areas are:

  1. Instrumental Studies: 67 credits
  2. Composition: 67 credits
  3. Classical Voice: 69 credits
  4. Keyboard Studies: 69 credits
  5. Jazz & Contemporary Voice: 71 credits
  6. Composition/Arranging: 72 credits
  7. Contemporary Instrumental : 73 credits

Instructional Methodology

The instructional methodology includes the use of lecture, seminar, individual and flexible tutoring, and instructor juries and peer assessments. The committee also reviewed many curriculum documents including the Program Content Guide (PCG) (see Appendix #5[2]); Course Outlines (see Appendix #6[3]); Course Major Requirements (see Appendix #7[4]). Further information on the curriculum renewal begins on page 17.

Requirements, Electives, Credits

Academic Entrance Requirements:

Recommended Student Characteristics

Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR)




Curriculum and Instruction

Program Learning Outcomes

Course Listing

Comprehensiveness: Curriculum Instructional Findings

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BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) Pre-major Agreement

Faculty and Support Staff

Faculty (Curriculum Vitae, Professional Development, Hiring Criteria)

The (Program) faculty is composed of (average#) full time equivalent (FTE) positions drawn from ## instructors for the 20##-20## budget year.

The core (Program) faculty is composed of the following:

Hiring Criteria (Appendix #12[5])
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Support Staff

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Student Outcomes

The FPRC reviewed the provincial Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Student Outcomes (DACSO) documents to analyse completion rates; number and percent of students who graduate and advance to chosen goals (e.g. employment or further education.) The committee reviewed student performance on standard measures, attrition completion rates, satisfaction rates, student census comments and investigated who, why and the rate at which students are not completing the program.

Student Demographics

A total of students participated in the census surveys. The demographics are summarized from the 2006-2009 student surveys as follows:

Year / Median age / Female / Male / International

The department may wish to monitor the increasing number of female students over the past few years and determine if this changes support needs in any way with the VCC Student Services areas.

Student Advancement (Enrolment, Attrition)

The committee reviewed Banner data relating to the attrition rate for the past three-years(see Appendix #14[6]).

The renewal committee reviewed the attrition rates and Banner documents for the past five years to analyse the meaning of completion rates; number and percent of students who graduate and advance to chosen goals (e.g. employment or further education) and compared these outcomes both provincially and within VCC.

Student Enrolment / Max. / Max. / Max. / Max. / Max.
2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
Applications / 77 / 98 / 88 / 85 / 81
Accepted / 47 / 66 / 55 / 61 / 49
Registrations / 38 / 45 / 43 / 52 / 47
Graduates / 19 / 17 / 19 / 20 / 11

Labour Market Demand, Student Achievements

The renewal committee reviewed the summaries of the provincial five year student outcomes reports (SORs)of graduates. Reviewing this data is an integral aspect of the Annual Ongoing Program Review process at VCC. The Dean and the Department Head program annually review, discuss and report on this data and other aspects of the Diploma program. These 5-year graduate outcomes are also reviewed between the Dean and the Department Head at regular “one on one” meetings and at PAC meetings.

The following six provincial student outcomes are included in the 2009 VCC Annual Program Review process as follows. The standard variation is at plus or minus one.

Indicator / Data Source/BC- DACSO
# responses-47 / Score / VCC Average
Studying or working
Training-related job
Median hourly wage
Found job <2-mos
Useful perform job
Met main objective

Student Satisfaction

VCC Student Census Survey Data (see Appendix #))and Degree, Applied Degree, Certificate Student Outcomes (DACSO) Reports and Long Responses (see Appendix #)

Research and Strategic Services performs two student census surveys a year - one in the fall and one in late winter. The surveys include those students registered in VCC programs during those times of the year. In addition to inquiring about language, race, age and educational level, the census asks students about their decision to come to VCC, their plans upon graduation, feedback about the quality of instruction and resources at VCC, and their utilization of college services.

Enter information here.

Indicator / Data Source VCC
Student Census-20##
Number ofResponses - ## / (Program) Score
Per cent / VCC Average per cent

Support Services

The committee reviewed how the program identifies student support needs and provides assistance to students. Faculty and support staff views were solicited on the sufficiency of support services at VCC in areas such as the Registrar’s office, Library and Learning Centres, Information Technology (IT), Centre for Instructional Development and the VCC Assessment Centre. Substantive information emerged from the SWOT, faculty meetings and a visioning session.


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Learning Centre

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  • Enter information here.

Assessment Centre

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Counselling and Advising for Disabilities

  • Enter information here.

Information Technology (IT)

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Centre for Instructional Development

  • Enter information here.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

  • Enter information here.

Program Planning and Administration

The goal of program planning and administration is to collect evidence or research data about program outcomes, and to analyze, implement, guide and evaluate changes or actions in the program as necessary. The committee reviewed the pre-interviews with the Dean and Department Head as well as the results of Annual Ongoing Program Review from the 20##-20## academic years.

A pre-interview of the Dean and the Department Head was conducted to scan the learning environment from their point of view and determine reasons for program renewal. Renewal also included assessing the congruence of the VCC and (Department) program missions, visions and strategic plans.

The committee reviewed the program’s strategic and marketing plans and the minutes and recommendations of two Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings and several faculty meetings.