Making Strides Together

NAMI Minnesota State Conference

November 7, 2009

Sheraton Bloomington, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN

$75.00 for members, $100.00 for non-members, Lunch is included, Limited Partial Scholarships

8:00 – Coffee and Registration

Exhibits Open

9:00 - 10:00 – Welcome – Sue Abderholden, Executive Director NAMI Minnesota,

Karen Lloyd, Ph.D., NAMI Board President

Keynote Speaker – Terrie M. Williams

Author: Black Pain; It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting

Terrie M. Williams, Founder of the “Healing Starts With Us” movement, was diagnosed with clinical depression in 2004, but her symptoms began manifesting themselves more than 30 years earlier while she was in graduate school. Then for nine months in 2004, Terrie experienced an extreme bout of depression. This is her personal story of recovery and hope.

Break 10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 11:30 Session 1

A Day in the Hospital

Everyday children and adults are hospitalized and stay there for days or weeks. In this session, learn about the criteria for admission, what treatment is provided in hospitals, what criteria is used for discharge and the components of good discharge planning.

Tom Geskermann, V.P. Behavioral Health, Regions Hospital

Kathy Knight, R.N. MIC, V.P. Fairview Behavioral Health Services

Treatment Options for At-Risk Children and Adolescents

The percentage of children and adolescents in the juvenile justice is very high, with many studies finding that seventy percent have one or more mental health diagnoses. What types of therapy can work for these youth? What other interventions and treatment options are available to prevent them from entering the system?

Angelique Kedem, Coordinator Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative

Work - How to Find It and Not Lose Services (Part 1)

Meaningful work is an essential component to recovery. Supported employment is an evidence-based practice that Minnesota has identified as an important initiative. Learn about supported

employment, who qualifies, how to find it, and how to keep health care and other benefits in place while working.

Claire Courtney, M.S., CRC, Department of Employment and Economic Development; Kristina Koukkari, Work Incentives Connection

Connecting Faith Communities and Health Care Providers for African Americans

For many African Americans, their faith community is the first place they look to for help and support when they fear that depression or another mental illness has touched their life or the life of a loved one. While spirituality plays an important part in the recovery process, professionals when necessary should be acceptable and supported. Terrie will facilitate a conversation about how both faith communities and mental health care professionals can work together to meet individual and community needs.

Terrie M. Williams, Author: Black Pain; It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting

Intensive Needs Task Force Report: What’s Next?

The 2008 Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to convene a workgroup of stakeholders from the child, adolescent and adult mental health systems and staff of the health economics program at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to develop recommendations to reduce the number of unnecessary patient days in acute care facilities. The workgroup was also charged with developing recommendations on how to best meet the acute care mental health needs of children, adolescents and adults. An examination of current and future workforce issues and recommendations to address any shortages was also a required part of the report. This workshop will discuss the results of this report.

Sharon Autio, M.S. Director of Adult Mental Health Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services;

Glenace Edwall, Ph.D. Psy.D, M.H.LP, Director of Children Mental Health Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services

11:30 - 1:00 Awards Luncheon

1:00 - 2:15 Session 2

Preventing and Minimizing Problem Behaviors in Schools

Learn how to prevent and minimize problem behaviors in schools through the use of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Social Emotional Learning, and more. Also learn about the new law that restricts the use of seclusion and restraints.

Char Myklebust, Psy.D; Sue Abderholden, MPH

Borderline Personality Disorder and the Impact on Families

The University of Minnesota has been involved in a study examining the benefit of teaching skills and holding support groups for family members of people living with Borderline Personality Disorder. Strategies and the new Family Connections program will be introduced.

Richelle Moen, Ph.D., Asst. Director of the Psychiatric Residency Training Program, University of Minnesota; Mary Jean Babcock, NAMI Minnesota

Work- How to Find It and Not Lose Services Part 2

Claire Courtney, M.S., CRC Department of Employment and Economic Development; Kristina Koukkari, Work Incentives Connection

When Crisis Occurs

Preparing for an emergency or mental health crisis is important in order to ensure a good outcome. While each crisis plan is different, there are common elements. This workshop will explain the common elements and help individuals and families plan and prepare for a crisis.

Roxanne Anderson, NAMI Minnesota


Recent research, new medications and new information about the importance of families and family psychosocial education will be discussed.

2:15 - 3:30 Session 3

Engaging Your Children about Medications

This workshop will help you to: talk to your child about medications, how to listen when they tell you about how they feel about taking medication, and to get them to take their medication. Parents will be encouraged to share what techniques have worked with their children.

Jane Marie Sulze, RN, CNS, MS, PraireCare

Jail Diversion and Discharge Planning

NAMI Minnesota has been working with a number of counties to encourage them to develop alternatives to jails and discharge plans. Counties will report their success and how NAMI members can encourage their local authorities to look at these innovative programs.

Anna Meyer, NAMI Minnesota; Stearns County RAP Team

Housing Options in Minnesota

Affordable housing for people living with a mental illness is often hard to find and the options can be confusing. This workshop will clarify some of the different housing terms and options such as: Section 8, the Bridges program, group homes, supported housing and adult foster care.

Returning Veterans: How Can We Help?

Our returning veterans are facing more mental health difficulties than ever before including: PTSD, depression and anxiety. What are the barriers to obtaining the help they need? Learn what NAMI members can do and what the new NAMI Connection program offers to veterans.

Micah Ternet, NAMI Minnesota; Brock Hunter, Attorney

HIPPA and Data Privacy Practices

Families are often frustrated when professionals invoke HIPPA whenever they want information to help their family members obtain appropriate care. This workshop will give families information on what HIPPA does allow, the “Family Involvement” law and minor consent issues.


3:30 - 3:45 Break

3:45 - 4:30 Wrap Up

- Legislative Challenges and Changes: Maintaining Mental Health Funding in these Economic Times

- Report on the Strategic Plan

- Election of new Board Members