Introduction to the Qualification Course
The Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Taekwondo provides you with an opportunity to study and be assessed for both the practical and theoretical aspects of coaching Taekwondo.
The qualification has been developed and aligned to the underpinning knowledge and understanding of the Level 2 National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Coaching, Teaching and Instructing. The NOS for Coaching have been developed by people from the industry with a vast range of knowledge and experience. These standards provide a benchmark of good practice.
Whether you are coaching, teaching or instructing in an employed or voluntary capacity, it should be a rewarding and responsible role. People who want to do sport and physical activity have expectations of coaches’ conduct and behaviour - it's our duty not to disappoint them!
Things you need to know:
- Candidates must be at 18 years +, be in current membership and be a 1st Dan or higher.
- Candidates must have applied for a valid criminal record check before they will be allowed to attend the course.
- Wear something casual and comfortable. Days 1 and 2 will be classroom based - starting at 9am and finishing at 5-5- 5.30pm.
- Lunch is provided, please make us aware of any dietary requirements. Refreshmentsare providedthroughout the day.
- You will collect your coaching resources on day 1, this information will be explained to you.
- The Practical Assessment session will take place on day 3, more information will be provided on day 2.
- Each course can accommodate 20 people and places are allocated on a 'first come, first paid' basis.
- The course costs £265 per person. There may be subsidies available from your County Sports Partnership and Local Authority Sports Development Units. Check our website Funding Pages.
- You will need to attend all three days and complete the course paperwork which includes theory tasks, planning and delivering a series of coaching sessions.
- Details of the course syllabus and timetable are available from the British Taekwondo website.
- Discounts available when you have completed the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Taekwondo Award Course.
If you have any questions about attending this course please contact .
indicate which course you want to attend / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Lon / Total Number ofPlaces Available
29th April / 30th April / 9thJuly / Bluewave Taekwondo Club, Unit 3A Vickers Business Centre, Priestley Rd, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NP
Hamp 04 -97944 / 20
20th May / 21th May / 16th July / The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster DN4 7PD
Don 06 - 97946 / 20
10th June / 11th June / 3rdSeptember / MSE, 103A Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LS
Lon 05 - / 20
5th August / 6th August / 8th October / The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster DN4 7PD
Don 07 - 97947 / 20
30th September / 1st October / 17th December / Bluewave Taekwondo Club, Unit 3A Vickers Business Centre, Priestley Rd, Basingstoke, Hampshire
RG24 9NP
Hamp 05 - 97948 / 20
30th September / 01st October / 17th December / MSE, 103A Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LS
Lon 06 / 20
4th November / 5th November / 28thJanuary 2018 / The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster DN4 7PD
Don 08 - 97949 / 20
09th December / 10thDecember / 04th March 2018 / MSE, 103A Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LS
Lon 07 - / 20
13th January 2018 / 14th January 2018 / 18th March 2018 / Bluewave Taekwondo Club, Unit 3A Vickers Business Centre, Priestley Rd, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NP
Hamp 06 - 97950 / 20
More dates will be announced in due course.
Please tell us which course you would like to attend:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / LocationPersonal Details - PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT THIS FORM
NameFull Postal Address inclPost Code
Telephone No
Your Email Address
confirmation of your booking will be sent by email
Additional information (including access, disability and dietary requirements)
Membership Details
British TaekwondoMembership No / Expiry DateClub Name
Payment details
- A non-refundable deposit of £100 if required to secure your place on the course. The balance must be paid (in full) 30 working days before day 1 of the course.
- Part payment is accepted by cheque or bank transfer. Invoices will only be raised for full payment.
Please indicate how payment is being made / By cheque / By bank transfer / By invoice
Amount Paid / £
By Cheque: / Your Sort Code / Your Account No
By Bank Transfer: / Account - British Taekwondo, Sort Code: 40-27-15, Account Number: 44746430, Reference: L2 Coach Course
Please provide a screen shot of your online payment so that we are able to trace this payment with our bank
By Invoice*: / Please provide details of the Local Authority/County Sports Partnership including the name and telephone number of your contact person.
*Please note we do not issue invoices to British Taekwondo Clubs or Individual Members
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Please complete return this application form and payment to: Debbie Smith
British Taekwondo, The Business Place, Park Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts NG19 8ER