200 Henry Clay Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118
PHONE 504 896 9568 • FAX 504 896 3966 • E-MAIL

O. Adetola Roberts

work experience: Children’s hospital of new orleans
200 henry clay avenue
Suite 2010, Department of neurosurgery
new orleans, la 70118
tel: (504) 896-9568; fax: (504) 896-3966
8/1/13 - present
Professional Training
Intern, General Surgery, 7/99-6/00
University Hospitals of Cleveland
CaseWestern ReserveUniversity
Cleveland, Ohio
Resident, Neurological Surgery, 7/00-6/01
University Hospitals of Cleveland
CaseWestern ReserveUniversity
Cleveland, Ohio
Resident, General Surgery, 9/02-6/04
Washington, DC
Pre-resident fellow, Neurological SurgerY , 7/04-6/05
University of Colorado
Denver, Colorado
The Children's Hospital of Alabama
University of Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama
University of Colorado
Denver, Colorado
Miami Children’s Hospital
Miami, Florida
BS (Biology), 1990 - 94
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
MD, 1994 - 99
Durham, NC
Awards Received
Biology, Pre-medical & Golden Key honor societies
Dean’s honor list
Dean’s F.T. scholarship, 1994
Research abstract competition, first place, 2004
Congress of Neurological surgery SANS Resident Competition first place, 2008
University of Colorado, Dept. of Neurosurgery Outstanding Resident Award, 2008 CSNS socioeconomic fellow 2011-12
Research Positions
Inhibition of glioblastoma cell proliferation
using Nek siRNA, 6/10 – 7/2012
Preceptor: Rajeev Vibhakar MD. Ph.D.
Department of Pediatrics
University of Colorado
Differentiation and proliferation in
EGF-responsive stem cells, 7/96-6/98
Preceptor: Dennis A. Turner MD. MA.
Department of Neurobiology and Neurosurgery
Differentiation of Sertoli Cells, 6/93-7/93
Preceptor: Clarke Millette, Ph.D.
Dept of Anatomy and Neurobiology
University of South Carolina
Memory Deficits in patients with pediatric CNS germ cell tumors. Wilkening GN, Madden JR, Barton VN, Roberts A, Foreman NK. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. Vol 57, Issue 1, July 2011
Contribution of surgical evacuation of a large subgaleal hematoma to the resolution of severe conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in a neonate. Case report
Ryan TD. Dimmitt RA. Tubbs RS. Roberts OA. Choi h. Loukas M. Blount JP
Journal of neurosurgery. 106 (2 Suppl): 131-3, 2007 feb.
Contributor, Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage. Lerner & Zaidat (ed.)
Little Black Book of Neurology. Fourth Ed.St. Louis: Mosby, 2002
Poster, Characterizing the response of GBM cell lines to the inhibition of NIMA Related Kinase 2 (NEK2).
(Society for Neuro-Oncology, Pediatric Neuro-oncology Basic and Translational Research Conference, New Orleans, La 2011)
Poster, NIMA related Kinase 2(NEK2) expression in Glioblastoma correlates with survival.
(AANS poster session. Denver, Co. 2011)
Poster, Influence of donor age on the in-vitro population
size of epidermal growth factor responsive cells.
(Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, La. 1997)
Poster, Influence of basic fibroblast growth factor on the survival
and proliferation of epidermal growth factor responsive stem cells.
(Student national medical association research forum, Chicago, IL. 1998,
AOA medical students poster session, DukeUniversityMedicalCenter, 1998)
Presentation, Aggressive surgical resection for the treatment of WHO Grade II gliomas; an essential component of treatment. 23rd Annual Neurosurgery in the rockies, 2010
Presentation, Surgical Resection of Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas. 22nd Annual Neurosurgery in the rockies, 2009
Presentation, Lesionectomy for Epilepsy associated with neoplasms and vascular malformations. 21st Annual neurosurgery in the rockies, 2008
Presentation, Transplantation therapy for Parkinson’s Disease.
(Graduate student seminar Dept. Of Neurobiology, DukeUniversity, 1997)
Presentation, Adult mammalian central nervous system stem cells.
(Graduate student seminar Dept. Of Neurobiology, DukeUniversity, 1997)
The American Board of Neurosurgery Primary Examination – Passed
Colorado Physician License #50269
La Physician License # 206486
Professional Society Memberships
Congress of Neurological Surgeons - Member