State of Illinois (Revised: 12/19/2007)

{McLean County} ss.



16 April 2014

Location of Meeting: Randolph TOWN HALL - 104 West Main St., Heyworth, IL 61745

Meeting called to Order by Supervisor Newby at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call: In addition to a Quorum of Trustees being present, a Quorum of Cemetery Trustees and Road District, were also present in the following roll call of Township Officials that was taken by the Town Clerk:

Officers: Town Trustees: (4) Cemetery Trustees: (3) Guests Present:

Supervisor Newby P Rustemeyer P (Pres.) Duffy P

Clerk Mowery P Terrell P (Sec.) Ryburn A

Hwy Comm. Rees P Necessary P (Trustee) Lay P

Assessor Milton P Cole P Sextant Powell P

Deputy Clerk Elderton A

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes:

Motion: (Rustemeyer, Cole) to approve the 19 March 2014 regular meeting minutes presented by the Town Clerk.

(5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Bills:

Monthly financial records were reconciled with bank statements by the Board of Trustees. All were found in order and correct. The Town Clerk presented the current months transactions: Orders, Bills and Dispersements by the Supervisor. All were presented in order, examined, and found to be correct.

Motion:(Cole, Necessary) to pay all monthly orders & bills as presented. (5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

Guests & Public Comments: None

Reports from Officers:

Supervisor’s Report: None

Highway Commissioner Reported: None

Assessor’s Reported: None

o  Clerk’s Report: Clerk presented all regular monthly reports

Trustee’s Report: None

Cemetery Dist. Report: None

Other Reports: None High temperature today of 52 degrees.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: None Presented

Action Items: Motions, Resolutions and Ordinances

o  Motion: (Rustemeyer, Necessary) to adopt Ordinance 2014-01, Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for FY 2013-14. (5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

o  Motion: (Terrell, Rustemeyer) to adopt Ordinance 2014-02, Township Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for FY 2013-14. (5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

o  Motion: (Terrell, Rustemeyer) Appointment of Professional and Appointed Positions for FY 2014-15 (Attorney Mark McGrath and 1st State Bank of Bloomington) (5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

o  Motion: (Rustemeyer, Cole) Approving grants: Requested from the Annual Town Meeting (Town Acct (119) Community Organizations): $350.00 to Show Bus for Senior Transportation, $300.00 to Heyworth Hey Days Event, $300.00 to DARE Program (Sara Bay), and $350.00 to the Heyworth Christmas Organization. (5)-Yes [Motion Carried]

Adjournment: Motion: (Necessary, Terrell) (5)-Yes [Motion Carried] Time: 7:25 pm

Meeting recorded by: ______

Larry W. Mowery, Town Clerk

Date of approval: 5/21/2014; _____ LWM ______at the Randolph Township Regular Meeting