Organ Donor

Brandon Dare

“Alrighty then, your free to go.” said the guard to the jail. He just stared blankly, mad at the world. Three years of jail for one stupid decision. I will get back at them, thought Shane, I will.

Chapter 1

“I will get back at them,”thought Shane.

“I thought they were my friends, I loved Luna how could she do that to me?That is the past, now their lives will be turned into a night mare. None of them left with a breath, which one of them will be first?”


Shane goes to his bulletin board and looks, Luna Smith, Sarah Stella, Alex Gorm, John Rosso, Jeff Vache, and Rick Flair. All of his victims before his eyes, his eyes filled with a pure hatred for those six individuals. The very same six individuals that put him in jail for murder. Shane and his friends were at his house one weekend and when Rick made a very personal comment to Shane he hit him, several times until he was gone. He won’t relent, he won’t forgive, he will kill. Shane grabs a phone book and looks up all of the victims. One after another he finds their addresses. He picks his victims in order and how they will die. Then, he is off. He stops at an old ratty apartment complex and goes inside. He sees a female at the desk and asks, “Does John Rosso still live in these apartments?”

“Yes he lives in room 7B.”

“Thank You.”

Shane begins up the stairs, thinking and plotting and up the 7 stories he sees it, 7B. He knocks…. no answer, so he knocks again…. still no answer. Shane tries the knob and it’s unlocked. He goes in searching every room in the house but no John. So he goes back to his car and waits, plots, and then suddenly he feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He smells sweat and feels something cold on the back of his neck.

“Shane?” The voice sounds familiar but he can’t put a name to it. Shane thought out of common sense that it was John but his voice was feminine.



“What are you doing here?” Shane asked.

“Revenge,” replied Luna. She wanted revenge for the death of Rick. Luna was still hung up on the loss of her friend and wanted him to pay.

Chapter 2

In a sudden motion Luna’s gun is on the floor and his hands on her throat. Pushing and watching, she could see the evil in his eyes. Almost as if his eyes were turning red, but almost simultaneously as his eyes are turning red, her face is turning purple and her body is losing life, and as her eyes are closing and she thinks her last thought, she dies.

“Finally.” thought Shane.

He pulls out his knife and makes an incision near the bottom of the stomach. Few moments later he had an appendix in his hand and he has never been more motivated.

Chapter 3

“Sir, we just received a report that there was a murder in the back of a car in front of an apartment complex and they want us to go investigate the scene.”

“Okay then let’s go.”

The police arrive at the scene and all feel emptiness and sorrow for the life that no longer lives, but they all know that they must investigate. After finding next to no evidence they take the body to the coroner.

The coroners report came back and this is what it said:

Luna Smith

Time of Death: Unknown

Suffered lacerations to the neck and head.

Strangled to death and appendix removed post mortem.

“Any evidence that leads to the murderer Sofia?” asked head policeman Bill Martin.

“Well the gun belonged to our victim sir and there were no fingerprints in the car.”

“So it seems that our murderer was held at gunpoint and had some swift moves.”

“Let’s just hope that he doesn’t have those moves when we find him.” She replied.

The Detroit Police Department was hopeful that they would catch the culprit before there are any more victims.

Chapter 4

“Sir, we got a report that Luna Smith use to be friends with John Rosso.” Stated Sofia

“Yeah, So?” questioned Officer Martin.

“John lives in the apartments where our victim was killed.”

“Get him in here.” Officer Martin became suspicious.

John Rosso was called to the police station and came in looking scared and all shook up. He pleads his case and gave a liable alibi; the police let him go and were all dumbfounded. They could see it in Rosso’s eyes that he was telling the truth.

Chapter 5

Shane contacted an ex-girlfriend and asked if they could catch up and one day in broad daylight they were on the same park bench talking about moms and dads, about family pasts, just getting to know what has happened since they last talked. Shane felt like there was still something there so he tried to slip his fingers between hers and she pulled her hand away faster than a speeding bullet.

She stood up angrily and exclaimed “What are you doing?!” Shane just sat there expressionless and when she walked away he followed her to her car. She turned around to tell him to stop andshe felt an excruciating sharp pain in her heart and before she could think another thought she was surrounded in blackness.

Shane had stabbed yet another innocent human being for his own greed. He dragged her behind some bushes and just sat there thinking, waiting for the cops to come. “There had to be a witness.” He thought. The cops never came, nobody saw, he was awed. So he took his knife and took her heart and stated slowly and almost in a whisper, “Now I will always have her heart.”

Chapter 6

“Sir there was another body found in the park this morning,” Officer Sofia stated.

“So handle it” said Officer Martin.

“But, we think it came from the same culprit as the Luna Smith murder.”

“What clues lead you to that?”

“Another… um... organ… was missing.”

“We might have a serial killer. I’ll go check the scene for evidence and you look at the Luna Smith case again. We will compare evidence and find common ground.”

“Yes sir.”

After checking both scenes they found that the only things in common were that an organ was removed and the kills were done with a knife.

The police don’t want the media to know about the murders so the police station is keeping it quiet while still investigating. While every policeman was either contemplating the case or working on a different one the coroners report came back.

Sarah Stella

Time of death: Unknown

Found in bushes with a single stab wound.

Heart removed post mortem.

Chapter 7

Shane sits in his apartment sadden by the result of his only chance to turn back. He feels bad, he wants to quit but he knows that inside jail isn’t an option. He must go until they all are gone then and only then will they know who it is. He goes to his kitchen and just as he stands up he hears a loud and forceful knock. Shane grabs the first weapon in sight for whatever reason and goes to the door. Before he can even open the door enough to see who it is he sees a fist and then nothingness.

Chapter 8

“He’s awake”

Shane hears it but it doesn’t register and before it even had a chance to register it he feels a sharp pain in his side. He must’ve been kicked; he opens his eyes to two people. They look familiar but he is to lethargic to think. He is tied to a chair with only a lone light bulb in the center of the room. The dimmed room gives off an eerie feeling along with the two mysterious beings that are becoming clearer.

“Why am I here?” groaned Shane in an exausted, raspy voice.

“SHUT UP!!!!” said one of the two men as Shane took another blow to the side.

Then at that moment he realized that he was being held in a room; that this wasn’t a dream and that the two men were reality.

Also, that the two men were Alex Gorm, an old “friend” of Shane’s and John Rosso, the menace that put him in jail. At that point Shane was alerted and awake, but he didn’t show it. He still looked dazed and confused. So Shane took a mental note of his surroundings and thought. “Okay, I’m tied to a wooden chair in a dim room with nothing but a table, a light bulb and two, what looked to be average sized men.” Shane tried to slip his hands through the rope but any movement that required extra effort hurt his side.

“Go get the bag.” said Alex to John.

John leaves the room silently and leaves Shane wondering about said bag. Thinking about what could possibly be in that bag frightened Shane. He didn’t know if it was money, pictures of his two victims, or what. Then, suddenly he hears John yell, “Alex! Where is it?!”

Alex leaves the room with the most disgusted look on his face as he mutters, “That idiot can’t do anything right.”

Chapter 9

As soon as the both of them were out of the room Shane got to work. First he tried slipping his hand again but the pain has yet to dissipate, so he stands up and takes his foot to slip his hands off of the chair but there are a few problems. They are coming back and his hands are still together and he has nothing to defend himself with. He hears the footsteps coming closer and closer and his time ticking away, so after some quick thinking, he sits down and starts to rub his hands on the chair. Lucky for Shane, the rope is only about ¾ of an inch thick.

Then, the door opens and both men enter. At that same moment, the rope snapped. Shane is almost certain that that they both hear it because at the same time Alex and John both look at Shane. What seemed like hours pass as all three men glare at each other.Alex lunges at Shane, but before Alex even gets halfway across the room Shane has a chair in his hand and is on his way back at Alex.

Before either of the men have time to prepare for chaos, Alex is lumped on the ground and Shane is on his way to John with the rope

toward John’s neck. John reacts, but not fast enough. John is now on his stomach and Shane is in the mount, ground-n-pounding John to death. Johns face bouncing back and forth off of the cold hard stone floor and a puddle of blood forms around his head.

Shane goes to leave the scene and spots his ratty jeans he was wearing when he was abducted, grabs the knife from the left pocket and goes back to the bodies. Minutes later John Rosso is without an ear and Alex is missing a chunk of skin from his right calf.

Chapter 10

“We found two more bodies about a week old in a room sir and we’re almost certain that we have our murderer now!” exclaimed Sofia

“How are you certain?” said Officer Martin.

“DNA was found on both of the bodies, Sir.”

“Did you run it through the system?”

“It is being run right now.”

The policewoman went back to the forensics station and came back with a perplexed look on her face.

“Sir the DNA came back a match but it said it was Rick Flair.”

“And?” questioned the officer.

“Rick Flair has been dead for 3 years.”

Chapter 11

Shane is driving down the road when he sees a sign that states,

Come see motivational speaker Jeff Vache’s 180º speech!


6:00-7:30 P.M.

It Never Too Late.

Shane saw that sign and instantly thought that he had found a way to kill his last victim. Jeff was the final person that was at the occasion when Shane killed Rick to testify. He would talk to Jeff after the speech and then Jeff would offer to help. Shane would lure Jeff to his apartment and kill him. It is as easy as that. That is, if this all goes according to plan.

At 7:15 P.M. Shane was driving to the speech, and realizing that in as little as three days he would have all of the lives of his victims and all of his vengeance needs would be met. Then, Shane sees the chapel the Jeff is speaking at. He pulls over and parks his car. He walked inside and hears Jeff immediately, screaming, running and hurling toward him.He is so happy to see Shane, but why?

“Umm hi,” said Shane.

“Hey buddy!” said Jeff, “How’s it going, how has the free life been?”

“Just fine.”

“So why are you here?”

“We need to talk in the back.”

Jeff’s face turns to stone and the two of them walk to the back. Shane tells Jeff that he needs help, he tells him about all of the murders and then Jeff tries to help. After a long conversation is became apparent that Jeff couldn’t help Shane because he wants to finish what he started. So Jeff walks Shane to his car and says that they’ll be in touch, and they would, right now. Shane grabs his knife and swipes it across Jeff’s throat, before any blood can find its way to the ground Jeff is in the trunk, trying to scream but knowing he will die. Shane drives to a dark alley on the outskirts of town and dumps the body. He cuts off Jeff’s mouth so he will never talk again; never give any more “Life Lessons.”

Chapter 12

“Officer, we received word that when local motivational speaker Jeff Vache was confronted by a person at his speech he left and went missing.” said Sofia

“Well I’m too worried about the serial killer in our city right now so you worry about this one.” sighed Officer Martin.

“Well if you’re worried about that case then I recommend that you worry about this case.”

“Why would that be?”

“The body didn’t have a mouth…”

“You have got to be kidding me,” exclaimed Martin, “I’m done with this guy!”

“Umm… and Sir; we looked over the Rick Flair murder case and found that the body was without a nose.”

“That can’t be coincidental, so all of the bodies were missing organs, But they were specific organs. Our murderer is leading us somewhere.”

“That’s just it sir, the organs spelled a name of our #1 suspect, Shane M.”

“What do you mean?”

“Skin, Heart, Appendix, Nose, Ear, and that spells Shane and then the Mouth is the M for Moore.”

Bill Martin had a puzzled look on his face and was confused on two things, where is our murderer and why didn’t he think of the organ ordeal. Donna Greene, the computer nerd of the police force looks up Shane Moore in the local area,and she was able to get a list of 153 people. Then, she looks up the ones with a criminal record. That narrows it down to 26 people and only 1 was a murder case. They track his phone number and the last activity it had, and as it turns out it was in his apartment. That is where they go and what they find is like no other. All six of his victims bodies had been stolen from the morgue and are aligned in one word laying on the cold cement floor of Shane’s apartment. “UP”

Shane is on the roof waiting on the ledge, at the first glimpse of an officer he falls backwards toward the street below and down 13 stories he goes. All of the officers rush to the edge of the building. They discovered a note that says, “Good work, but I would never go back to that prison. I was wrongly convicted in 2011 and got back at everyone involved. “

The End