Slow Food Denver School Garden Survey

What is the name of your school?______What grade level do you teach? ______

Does your school have a garden? (please circle) Yes No Not Sure

Has your class used the garden in the past year? (please circle) Yes No

If you selected “No”, then please select which reasons explain why you did not use the garden (circle all that apply)

a.  I do not have time to go to the garden

b.  I do not have the knowledge to work with students in the garden

c.  I do not have the interest or passion for working with students in the garden

d.  I do not know how to schedule a time for my class to work in the garden

e.  I do not feel comfortable managing my students in the garden

f.  I do not have the resources to integrate the garden into my curriculum

Would you replace a classroom lesson with a garden lesson

given that it met the same curriculum standards? (please circle) Yes No Not Sure

If your school has a garden, who is the contact person for the garden? ______


There are several ingredients that can contribute to the successful implementation of a school garden program. For each of the items below, please circle whether or not (Y or N) these ingredients are currently available at your school. If you do not know the availability, you can select Not Sure. Also, please choose five (5) factors that you feel are most important for supporting your school garden.

Ingredient / These ingredients / Check the five (5)
Exist at my school / Ingredients that are absolutely
Essential for your school garden
Funding for supplies / Y / N Not sure / 
Site to grow plants outdoors / Y / N Not sure / 
Site to grow plants indoors / Y / N Not sure / 
Adequate garden space for class use / Y / N Not sure / 
Support from the principal/administration / Y / N Not sure / 
Expert assistance and/or school garden leader / Y / N Not sure / 
Volunteer help / Y / N Not sure / 
Summer garden maintenance program / Y / N Not sure / 
Gardening equipment and storage / Y / N Not sure / 
Garden-based curricula, tied to academic standards / Y / N Not sure / 
Adequate amount of instructional time / Y / N Not sure / 
Adequate amount of preparation time / Y / N Not sure / 
Addressing safety concerns / Y / N Not sure / 
Outdoor classroom management skills / Y / N Not sure / 
Other factor ______/ Y / N Not sure / 

Do you think the garden is valuable as a teaching tool? Y / N

If so, describe the value to you.


Would you be interested in attending school garden instructional workshops? Yes No Not Sure

If yes, would you be more interested in:

Place an ‘X’ in below
A series of three (3) afterschool workshops
An all-day Saturday or Sunday workshop
Some combination of the two

How do you prefer to coordinate the school garden scheduling for your class? (circle just one)

a.  A schedule posted on a wall where I can write my name into a time slot

b.  An email from the garden coordinator with the timeslots available in the near future

c.  I want to email the garden coordinator myself letting them know my preferred times

d.  An internet scheduling/calendar program which allows me to see open time slots and reserve them at my pace

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being Not Any More Likely and 5 being Much More Likely, how much would receiving Continuing Education credit affect your likelihood of participation? / 1 2 3 4 5