IACURH 2013 Delegate Application

The IACURH 2013 Regional Conference is a leadership conference that brings together RHAs and NRHH Chapters to share ideas and recognize outstanding contributions from residence hall leaders. IACURH 2013 will be held at Brigham Young University (BYU) on November 21st – 24th. This is a free conference. This Delegate Application is due September 18th to the RHA Office.You must be available every Thursday from 7 to 9pm starting from September 26th, until the conference. If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea, the National Communication Coordinator at .

Describe your involvement/leadership within clubs and organizations (freshmen use high school experience, others use university experience):

Have you attended a leadership conference previously? If so, which one? What was your experience? (Freshmen use high school experience, others use university experience.)

How will attending IACURH 2013 benefit you in your leadership endeavors? What do you want to gain from attending?

How can you ensure that NMSU will benefit from your attendance at IACURH 2013? What can you contribute to the IACURH 2013 delegation?

What are three qualities that be describe you?

How do you feel the qualities you listed above will benefit you as an IACURH delegate?

What is the best program/event that you have attended? Why did you enjoy it?

How willing are you to participate in cheers, dressing up, and showing school spirit?

Will you be able to attend IACURH 2013 from November 21st – 24th?YES / NO

If you are chosen to attend IACURH 2013, you will be required to reimburse NMSU for your delegate and travel fees if you choose not to attend after being registered. If this situation arises, are you will to pay the required fees? YES / NO

Committee Preferences

If chosen as an IACURH 2013 delegate, you will be required to serve on a committee to prepare for the conference. Please rank your committee preferences from 1 (most desired) to 3 (least desired).They are as follows:

____ Spirit – responsible for making themed clothespins to trade with other schools, creating new NMSU cheers, and assembling any props for costumes

____ Banner & Display – responsible for assembling a school banner and display to represent NMSU at IACURH 2013

____ Roll Call – responsible for creating the roll call (similar to a skit) for the NMSU delegation

Personal & Academic Information

Banner ID#: / Telephone: / Email:
Academic Year:

Residential Information

Current Residence Hall:
Semesters Lived On Campus: / Living on-campus next semester?:

I hereby certify that all information, statements, and answers set forth on this application are complete and true.

Applicant’s Signature: ______Date: ______