
Guided Reading Chapter 16 Section 3 and Section 4

Pages 393-399

1.  ______is a measure of how strongly a wire or other object resists the flow of current.

2.  Name an object with a high resistance to current flow and an object with low resistance to current flow:

3.  What happens to the current flow through a circuit if you add resistors to the arrangement?

4.  Electrical resistance is measured in units called______.

5.  How is resistance measured?

6.  Define Ohm’s Law:

7.  Copy the equation for Ohm’s Law. Include all of the labels:

8.  Show the equations for I, V, and R. Make a table like the one on the bottom of page 395.

9.  Why is it that a 100 watt light bulb will not light when connected to a 1.5 – volt battery? (pg. 397)

10.  What is the resistance of dry skin, and the amount of current that nerves in your body can feel?

11.  What does water do to the resistance of current flow through your body?

12.  A ______carries current easily, while a ______blocks the flow of current.

13.  Complete the following table:

Term / Definition / Example

14.  What is a potentiometer? Give an example of a potentiometer used in everyday life.

15.  Section 6.3 Review (page 400)

Pages 401-410

1.  A series circuit contains only ______path for the electric current to flow.

2.  If there is a break at any point in a series circuit, the current will ______everywhere in the circuit.

3.  If you know the voltage and resistance of the circuit, you can use ______Law to calculate the current in a series circuit. (pg. 402)

4.  ______the individual resistances in a series circuit to obtain the total resistance. Copy the formula for adding resistances in a series circuit. Make sure to include all labels:

5.  What is a voltage drop? (pg. 404)

6.  Why does voltage drop?

7.  Define Kirchhoff’s voltage law: (pg. 405)

8.  A parallel circuit is an electric circuit with ______path or branch.

9.  Why do we use parallel instead of series circuitry in houses?

10.  Define Kirchhoff’s current law.

11.  The ______is the same across each branch of a parallel circuit.

12.  The total current in a parallel circuit is the sum of the ______in each branch.

13.  The total resistance in a parallel circuit is ______than in a series circuit.

14.  Create a table that compares the differences between current, resistance, and voltage in a series and parallel circuit.

15.  What is a short circuit and why is it dangerous?

16.  Section 16.4 Review (page 411)