Chemical Oceanography, Spring 2015
11:628:472 or 01:628:472 (undergrad); and 16:712:540 (grad)
Time and place:
Monday and Thursday 9:15-10:35 AM (1st period), Blake 106
SilkeSevermannIMCS Room 303Dphone
Liz SikesIMCS Room 114Cphone
Amy Anderson (TA) recitations M 5-7 pm
Course Info and grading (click here for link):
Syllabus revisions as of Jan 13, 2017
First class meets Thursday, January 22
DateLecture #LecturerTopic Reading Libes 2nd edition (Libes 1st edition).
Chapter (pages)
Section I Mass Balances/Nutrients and Biological influences in the Water Column
19-Jan1LizMajor ions/ geochemical mass balance 1.1- 1.4 (pp 3-11), 3.1-3.2 (pp 41-45), 3.4 (pp 50-56)
Chapt 1 and 3.pp 3-11, 30-42)
23-Jan2 HW1Liz Rates and Processes /residence time2.4- 2.5 (pp 36-40), 5.5-5.6 (pp 108-119) 5.8 (pp 138-146)
Chapt 5 (pp 59-66)
26-Jan3LizNutrients and distributions/conveyor belt and biological pump Chapters 9&10 (pp 221-257)
Chapters 8 & 9 (pp 142-167)
(optional reading for students who haven’t had dynamics or PO:
Chapt. 4.1-4.2 (pp 65-82) (Chapt 4 pp 43-58)
30-Jan4SilkeNitrogen cycleChapt. 24 (pp 661-680 65-82) (Chapt 24 pp 423-446)
2-Feb5 HW1dueLizCarbon cycleChapt. 25 pp709-717,25.3, pp724-735
6-Feb6 HW2LizOrganic Matter Production/Chapt. 23 (pp609-645, 652-659) (Chapt 23 pp 394-422)
DOC and POC in the water column
9-Feb7LizDissolved gasses / air-sea gas exchange, and CO2 Chapt 6 (pp.147-168) Chapt 5.8.3 (pp 141-146)
Also required Chapter 1 from Zeebe (available on the Sakai site)
13-Feb8SilkeCarbonate System Alkalinity, TCO2Chapt 15 pp 373-394 (Chapt 15 pp 242-261)
16 Feb9HW2 due Liz &SilkeClass presentations on Conundrum papersReadings as assigned by the instructors.
20-Feb10 EXAM 1
Section II sediment processes and solid/water interactions
23-Feb11SilkeTrace metals and their usesChapt 5.7-5.8 (pp119-114) Chapt 11 (pp 259-297)
27-Feb 12SilkeHydrothermal vent systems and trace metals exchange (Chapt 19 pp 471-502) (Chapt 19 pp301-316)
2-Mar13 HW3SilkeThe silicon cycle(Chapt 16 pp 403-422) (Chapt 16 pp 262-273)
6-Mar14SilkeRadioisotopes(Chapt 28 pp 517-537) Emerson and Hedges Chapter 5 (pp152-169)
9- Mar15 HW3 dueSilkeNovel isotope systemsAnbar&Rouxel 2007(available on the Sakai site
Also required Emerson and Hedges selected reading from Chapter 3 (available on the Sakai site)
13 and 16 Mar SPRING BREAK
20-Mar16LizLight Stable isotopes(Chapt 29 pp557-586) Emerson and Hedges Chapter 5 (pp139-153 and appendix (169-171)
23-Mar17 HW4LizPaper outline DueThermodynamics and Redox Chemistry Chapt 7.1- 7.3 (pp 171-189) Chapt 7 (pp107 -128)
27-Mar18SilkeRedox Chemistry and diagenesis in Marine Sediments Chapt 7.3 (184-189) and Chapt 12 (pp299-324) Chapt 12 (pp189-203)
30-Mar19 HW4 dueSilkeDiagenesis and carbonate sediments Chapt 15 pp 373-394 (Chapt 15 pp 242-261) also Chapter 1 from Zeebe
3-Apr20EXAM 2
Section III Paleoceanography climate change and ocean geochemistry
6-Apr21SilkePaleoceanographic concepts: Stratigraphy and ChronologyEmerson and Hedges Chapter 7 (pp 219-234)
10-Apr22LizPaper draftCO2 atmosphere ocean exchange and climateChapt. 25 pp717-724, optional: pp 735-758)
13-Apr23 SilkeLong term view of a changing ocean
17-Apr24Lizpaleo reconstructions of temperatureEmerson and Hedges Chapter 7 (pp 235-256)
20-Apr25Liz paleo reconstructions of circulation and fluxes Emerson and Hedges Chapter 7 (pp 249-256)
24-Apr26bothPaper presentations
27-Apr27bothPaper duePaper presentations
1-May28bothPaper presentations
8-May, time TBD EXAM 3 officially scheduled for 8-11 pm.