Incoming PCard charges are routed to either the PCard or Travel Module based on the merchant category code (MCC) assigned to the charge. Travel Related PCard charges are typically routed to the cardholder’s wallet in the Travel Module and general expenses are routed to the PCard Module. The cardholder or one of their delegates is responsible for reviewing charges in the wallet, reassigning them to the Traveler’s wallet and associating them to the corresponding Travel Authorization.
How to Associate a PCard charge to a Travel Authorization
1. Use the following navigation to access the Reassign My Wallet Charges:
Main Menu > Employee Self-Service>Travel and Expenses>Reassign My Wallet Charges
2. Enter the cardholder’s employee ID (remember to include the six leading zeroes) and click the "Search" button.
3. If the cardholder only has multiple charges, the system will display a list of the search results. Each of the wallet charges will display with the Empl ID as a blue hyperlink. Click on the charge you would like to work with. If the cardholder only has one charge in the wallet, the system will bring up the charge. Click on the "Return to Search" button to view the list.
4. To associate the charge with a Travel Authorization, fill out the Split Amount and Travel Authorization fields. The entire amount of the charge must be entered in the Split Amount field and the Travel Authorization entered must be in an “approved” status. The Travel Authorization ID can either be manually entered into the field or the magnifying glass may be used to search for it. Click the Save button once both fields are populated.
5. The system will display the Travel Authorization ID you have associated with the charge. If you delete the Travel Authorization or select another authorization and click the Save button this will remove or update the Travel Authorization associated with the charge.
6. After you have saved the information, you will need to click the Return to Search button and search again using the EmplID for the information to display on the Search page.
How to associate a PCard Charge with a Travel Authorization and reassign the charge to the Traveler’s wallet
Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 shown above.
1. Click the blue plus key to add a new blank row. Enter the Traveler’s employee ID, or search for it using the magnifying glass. (If you decide to type it in, please make sure you hit the enter key as it will allow for the Traveler’s name to populate. This will help ensure that you are using the correct empl ID.) Fill in the Split Amount and Travel Authorization ID fields and click the Save button. (You can split a charge to more than one traveler. To split a charge between multiple travelers, click the blue plus key again to add another row and fill in the Split Amount and Travel Authorization ID field in those rows as well. Keep in mind that the amounts in the split column should add up to the entire monetary amount of the charge.)
2. When you click the Return to Search button, the charge will still appear on the pcard holder’s list of charges. However, the charge is in the traveler’s wallet and assigned to the Travel Authorization selected. You can search again using the Pcard holder’s EmplID to see that the charge no longer appears there or you can search using the Traveler’s EmplID and you will see the charge in the Traveler’s wallet and associated with the Travel Authorization.