Title: "ICD-10 and the Human Body".


Patrick Truszkowski, M.S., M.S.B.M.S., M.A.T., Ed.S.; Associate Professor, Delta College.


Learn how the ICD-10 coding categories are organized according to specific body systems or types of diseases. For each coding category, an introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology of the body system and organs, as well as major diseases, will be presented.


Introduction to the human body = terms, directions, cavities, homeostasis, disease, cell-tissue-organ-system.

A00-B99) Infectious disease = transmission, entry, bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungus, parasitic worm (helminthes), pathology.

C00-D49) Neoplasm, tumor, malignant, cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma.

D50-D89) Blood = purpose, function, parts, blood vessels, blood cells, bone marrow, coagulation, anemia, spleen.

E00-E89) Endocrine system = purpose, function, parts, hormones, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, Diabetes, Thyroidism, Digestive/Metabolic disorders.

F01-F99) Brain = areas of brain, general function of each area, mental, behavior, amnesia, dementia, dependence of substances, anxiety, speech, language, motor.

G00-G99) Nervous System = Spinal cord & Brain, meninges, neuron, sensory neuron, motor neuron, receptors & pain, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, plexus, inflammation, atrophy, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, neuropathy-myopathy.

H00-H59) Eye = parts and function, lacrimal system, conjunctiva, layers, cataract, glaucoma, optic nerve, eye movement.

H60-H95) Ear = parts and function, outer-middle-inner ear, hearing loss.

I00-I99) Circulatory System = Heart, parts, function, pulmonary circuit, systemic circuit, ECG, artery, vein, capillary, pressure, resistance, flow, Rheumatic fever, hypertension, hypotension, myocardial infarction, valve disorder, ischemia, embolism, thrombosis, myocarditis, arrhythmia, aneurysm, occlusion, stroke, varicose vein.

J00-J99) Respiratory System = purpose, function, parts, nasal cavity, pharynx, tonsils, larynx, bronchi, lungs, alveoli, pleura, diaphragm, inflammation, infection, emphysema, asthma, COPD, pneumoconiosis, pneumothorax.

K00-K95) Digestive System = purpose, functions, parts, layers of tract, oral cavity, dental, salivary glands, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, peritoneum, reflux disease, ulcer, inflammations, appendicitis, hernia, crohn’s, vascular/fissures/hemorrhoids, liver diseases, cholecystitis.

L00-L99) Skin = purpose, function, parts, layers, epidermis, dermis, glands, subcutaneous, impetigo, abscess, cyst, bullous, dermatitis, psoriasis, erythema, burns.

M00-M99) Musculoskeletal = Skeletal system, structure of flat bone, structure of long bone, ossification, Muscular system, muscle tissue, tendon, ligament, joints, cartilage, arthritis, rheumatoid, deformities, vertebrae disorders, myositis, osteoporosis, chondropathy.

N00-N99) Genitourinary System = Urinary system, purpose, functions, parts, Kidney, nephron, collecting duct, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra, testes, vas deferens, ovaries, uterus, menstruation, nephritic disorders, nephritis, uropathy, kidney failure, kidney disease, calculus, bladder disorders, prostate disorders, mammary dysplasia, inflammation of genital parts, PID.

O00-O9A) Embryo/Fetal Development = Fallopian tube, Uterus, cellular development, embryo development, implantation, germ layers, placenta, fetal development, gestation, disorders, induction of labor, cervix,

P00-P96; Q00-Q99) Umbilical cord, congenital disorders, congenital malformations.

R00-R99) Signs & Symptoms & Clinical = heart, pressure, respiratory, digestive, skin, neuromuscular, urination, cognition/perception, speech, brain physiology, blood, kidney, body fluids, diagnostic imaging.

S00-T88) External = injuries, burns, poison.

V00-Y99) Outside external injury.