Grammar Rock – Adverb!(Monday)Name:
Show me that you have remembered everything from the last weeks of Grammar Rock…
A subject of a sentence is .
What does the verb of a sentence do?
What are the two things prepositional phrases do?
What do adjectives do?
What is a noun?
Now on to this week…What do adverbs do?
Two things to remember:
- Adverbs answer how, when, or where.
- They also often end in “ly.”
Let’s write down how the Grammar Rock jingle helps you remember adverbs.
An adverb is a that modifies (or further explains)
a or an or another .
Directions: In the sentences below, put the letter “A” above all the adverbs. Remember, adverbs answer how, when, or where.
- The students quietly and efficiently entered the brightly lit computer lab.
- Yesterday we went to the store very quickly because we were absolutely tired.
- I seldom stay awake past 2:00 am but lately I am hardly tired at 2:00.
- I like to completely finish my school work before each weekend.
- I really loved the Farmer’s Market this beautiful weekend; I will always visit it now.
Grammar Rock – Adverb! (Wednesday)Name:
- What are the 3 parts of speech that an adverb can modify?
- Adverbs don’t modify nouns because modify nouns.
What four questions do adverbs answer?
to what extent (words like often, too, rather)
- Adverbs typically (but not always) have what two letters at the end of the word?
Let’s write down how the Grammar Rock jingle helps you remember adverbs.
An adverb is a that modifies (or further explains)
a or an or another .
- In the sentences below, highlight all of the words that could be modified by an adverb (verbs, adjectives, and adverbs).
- Then, put the letter “A” above all the adverbs. Remember, adverbs answer how, when, or where.
- I reluctantly boarded the dimly lit plane. I have a tremendous fear of flying.
- Finally after I boarded, my perfectly kind neighbor calmly handed me a barf bag.
- I would like to quickly get rid of my foolish fear of flying; I am rather sick of it.
In the sentence below, show me you can identify all of the parts we have identified through Grammar Rock:
- subject, verb,cross out prepositional phrases, nouns, adjectives, adverbs.
- Then in the line(s) next to the sentences, tell me what the prepositional phrase tells us.
Finally, my mom boarded on the gray plane; it quickly relieved my irrationally embarrassing fears from my churning stomach.
Grammar Rock – Adverbs!(Friday)Name:
Show me that you have remembered everything from the last weeks of Grammar Rock…
A subject of a sentence is .
What does the verb of a sentence do?
What are the two things prepositional phrases do?
What do adjectives do?
What is a noun?
- What are the 3 parts of speech that an adverb can modify?
- What four questions do adverbs answer?
to what extent (words like often, too, rather)
- Adverbs often have what two letters at the end of the word?
In the two sentences below, show me you can identify all of the parts we have identified through Grammar Rock:
- There is 1 of the following: subjectverb,cross out prep phrases, adjectives, adverbs.
- There are two nouns: nouns
- Brent stealthily sprinted through the new gym.
- Brad expertly shot before the loud buzzer.