Revelation 13:11-18: “And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first Beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those that dwell in it to worship the first Beast…and he does great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven onto the earth before men. And he leads astray those dwelling on the earth because of those signs that he was given to do before the Beast, saying to those dwelling on the earth to make an image to the Beast…and there was given to him to give spirit to the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause to be killed as many as who would not worship the image of the Beast. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, and free and slave, to be given a mark upon their right hand, or upon their forehead, so no one may be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding let him calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty six”.
In reading this, you might ask “where does she get all of this?” I get it from years of research, being led and taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. But, I write with progressive knowledge and revelation as I learn it. Thus to understand some of what I write, one has to go back and read foundational articles that support what I throw out here that might be mind-boggling. Looking at the foundational material and looking up all the Scriptures that I put in the articles, will help you to learn quickly and be aligned with what the Spirit is saying to you personally. We have such a short time now to prepare for what is coming, we must not waste our time, but be diligent to search out His Word from Genesis to Revelation on any subject, and study with Him as the Teacher—the Spirit of Truth. All those Spirit-taught by Yahuweh know the same things, and He will take a student as fast as they want to go!
With the doubling of all world knowledge every two months in 2010, as it was estimated, the technology is now in place for these things to be fulfilled. This beast comes looking like a peaceful lamb. He uses his religious mask to fool the earth’s people.
We know that the Luciferic elite of the top Illuminati system—ruled over by the Vatican in Rome, the beyond 33 degree Masons, and the
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“Black Royalty” of Europe (the “old families” of evil lineage and power)--are forerunners of the Beast, son of Lucifer, who will soon take center stage on the world scene. Now the forerunners of the false prophet are surfacing. As I have known in my spirit for several years, the false prophet will come out of the religion of Christianity. From a special report by Lighthouse Trails Research, 2011: “The woman who coined the term `New Age’, occultist Alice Bailey, (believing we are on the threshold of a new spiritual awakening) said that this new enlightened age would come, not around the Christian Church, but rather through it. She said the outer layers would be initially kept intact (i.e. Christian terminology would still be used), but the changes would take place obscurely from the inside.”
About three years ago, Abba spoke to me: “Christianity is the mask of
Satan”. Christians so often look at the outward appearance and go by what is said--often judging the evil as good, and the good as evil (Isaiah 5:20-21), simply because the religion itself is a counterfeit of the true Hebrew Messiah of Israel, and is deeply rooted in Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Persian paganism, from its inception by first century Hellenized Jews and Greeks. [Please go through the study “The Foundation of Deception” for complete understanding, found on under “Yedidah’s Articles”] Because of this shallow surface view of things, there is almost no “discernment of spirits” in western Christians, making it is easy for evil ones to hide under a false “cloak of outward goodness. Ezekiel 13 speaks of these people who ‘whitewash” everything to hide the deceptions and lies. Thus, the false prophet will ride on a shallow Christianity and use the “christianize” language, to “deceive, if possible, the very elect”, as Yahushua warned. All pagan religions had/have their version of “Christ” – the good god in their pantheon.
“St.” Augustine said of the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican, “Rome is the second Babylon”. The great whore of Revelation 17, “Mystery Babylon the Great”, is indeed the Roman Catholic Church and her Protestant daughters, whose pagan religion is rooted in Nimrod himself. So, from Nimrod’s Babylon, the Greeks formed the counterfeit from the gods of Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia, with the express purpose of getting rid of Yahuweh’s Torah (teachings and instructions). Greece and Rome hated His Torah. It would benefit you to read the classic book from the mid 1800s—The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hyslop. You can get this book on
The religion that the Hellenized Jews and Greeks created, Christ-ianity, was an all out attempt to stamp out the teachings of Sha’ul, whom
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they called “Paul”, and the other Apostles who taught and lived the Torah along with their faith in Yahushua Messiah. Actually, Sha’ul and the other early Apostles fought the early beginnings of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. The Greeks even tried to kill Sha’ul to stop him.
II Kepha (Peter) 3:15-16 laments how they twisted his words to pervert understanding of what he was really saying, calling him “beloved brother”. So today, foolish people, again with a surface understanding, exalt “Paul” above Yahushua in order to justify Christianity’s rejection of Torah, or make him out to be a bad guy who taught against Torah, saying he was the father of Christianity. Yet these foolish people have not read Acts 21:17-26, or done personal research to find out what he really taught. Just like the Muslims let their muftis stir them up to emotional anger with lies and deceptions, Christians and Messianics let others influence them emotionally, rabbis
and pastors and teachers, rather than taking the time to be led by the Spirit and learn from Him.
The Greeks and Romans hated anything Hebrew--especially the Torah of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cob--thus from its early beginnings the Roman Catholic Church took a sword after the Torah-guarding believers, calling them heretics. The Roman Catholic Church has been responsible for the murder of more true believers worldwide, under the guise of political or religious movements of their own creation, than in all the wars ever fought. In fact most wars--country, region, or worldwide wars--have been created and directed by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church and the Scottish Rite Masons.
I cannot give you years of research in one short article regarding these things, but they are leading to a one-world religion headed by what Revelation 13:11-18 and 19:20 call “the false prophet”.
If there is any one outstanding characteristic to watch for, the Beast, whom the false prophet caused the whole world to worship, is a narcissist to the maximum, who craves worship and goes against anyone who will not worship him. He has the spirit of Nimrod, the Pharaohs and the Roman Emperors, who demanded to be worshipped as gods. The the Pope of Rome sits as “vicar” of “Christ”—in the place of “Christ”, ruling as god. [Refer to: “Its All About Worship”]
I have written about 20 articles related to this subject since 2008. It was in 2008 that
I began doing research on Barack Obama (formerly Barry Sorento) in 2008. Quoting from my research, titled “The Capstone on the 72 Pyramid Blocks”, July 16 2009: “I was talking to a friend about Obama’s 72nd/73rd day proclamation and the events of July 10th and 11th, 2009, and without my mind getting in the way, regarding
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Obama’s visit with the Pope on July 10th, I turned to her, and out of my spirit I said: `I think he met his counterpart at the Vatican’. She sat there stunned, but then said, `yes, I witness with that’. If Avi ben Abraham, head of world cloning, was successful in cloning `Jesus’ to `bring him back’, as he publicly announced to Israel in 2001, then who would keep `Jesus’ until the time of his appearing as the false prophet? The false prophet, promoter of Lucifer’s son, the Beast, comes out of the Jesuit controlled Vatican. I have known this since at least 2003. The Beast will sit in the place of Yahuweh, as messiah, on the Temple Mount. It is all about replacing Yahuweh’s authority.
The Roman Catholic Church was given the Temple Mount, overseen by Jordan, in 1993 by Israel. In 2001, Pope John Paul II, gave his go-ahead for Avi to take the DNA off the Shroud of Turin to clone `Jesus’ to bring him back. The world news media is awed by Avi—saying he’ll do anything he says he will. Exxon-Mobile flew him all around the world, and wherever he said `drill’ they drilled and found oil.
Israel would have none of Avi’s plans to impregnate a virgin in Israel with the DNA off the shroud, but the Pope was thrilled. It is logical that the most likely place that this clone would be kept and programmed would be under Jesuit care somewhere in the Vatican, until the `beast out of the sea’ came to meet with him. I said to my friend that I believe that on July 11th Obama met the cloned `Jesus’ in the Vatican and received his commission to go ahead full steam with Lucifer’s plans. The Pope gave Obama a special encyclical on July 10th, calling for world unity politically, economically and religiously, under them of course. It was his go-ahead to finish the Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1971, to create World War III, and bring in the rule of the Beast. I believe that he met with the false prophet, they recognized each other, they interacted, and they came together in partnership with Lucifer. This is why Obama said he would rest on next day from his works--symbolically, the capstone sitting on the Masonic pyramid (back of the dollar bill) with its 72 stones, he the counterfeit capstone, sitting as god”. [Refer to: “The Counterfeit”] We know from Psalm 118:22-26 that Yahushua is the capstone. From July 11, 2009 to December 21, 2012 is exactly 42 months!
The number 72 is the double of the 36 magic squares in Masonic temples used to bind the Word of Yahuweh. At the bottom of the Washington Monument, which is 555 feet high, with descending
staircase down to the bottom level, making it 666 feet high, there is a copy of the Bible, with the magic squares binding it, as the magic squares are used to bind the Bible on Masonic altars. There are 72
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stones on the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill--each representing a name of Yahuweh devised by Cabalist Jews.
Obama said publicly, `I have accomplished so much in the last 100 days of my Presidency, that I will finish my work in 72 days, and on the 73rd day I will rest’. The 73rd stone is the capstone. Once it rests on the satanic pyramid, the “new order of the ages” will be ompleted.” Tom Horn’s Nephilim Stargates 2012 and Apollyon Rising 2012 explain more.
In all of my research, all has dovetailed perfectly with current events and with all of Scripture. I saw the Jerusalem Post in 2001, after Avi Ben Abraham made his speech to all of Israel, shocking the nation—that he was the “creator” and he would take the DNA off of the Shroud of Turin, and clone Jesus and bring him back. Then, in the Fall he met with President George W. Bush in the White House and persuaded him to allow stem cell research to go ahead. Avi is very powerful in the world. World leaders believe that he will do anything he says he will do. He is also the head of the freezing of humans to bring them back to heal them. He also told Israel in that speech `I am the resurrection and the life’. He said that he was giving his 10 appointed Italian doctors all the secrets of DNA. President Bush, Avi and his 10 doctors
met at Camp David for a weekend to discuss these plans. I later learned that the cloning of `Jesus’ would take place on the “international space station. But, that was 2001 – and now it is 10 years later. From within the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church, the false prophet, will bring such fantastic signs and wonders that even the elect might be deceived. (Matthew 24: 21-25)
Revelation 13:13, regarding the false prophet: “And he does great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on earth before men”. This may be a repeat of the Fatima miracle, 1917 in Portugal, when supposedly the sun spun in the heavens and 70,000 people saw it and were terrified. Yet, as I’ve written in “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials”, many who saw it later reported that it was a huge silver disc (an orb) that came down, not the sun. Malachi Martin quoted Pope John II in The Keys of This Blood as saying that he believed he would join with a world political ruler and together they would rule the world, when he saw the sign of Fatima--the fire coming down from heaven.
It is now understood that when the Beast comes to power, he will be
accompanied by an entourage of fallen angels who will speak into the minds of each person what will cause them to submit to the Beast.
The Vatican has said that they believe the aliens are coming, and that they are “Christians” and “friends of the Pope” and we should receive
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them. [Again, refer to the article: “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials”] The Church has observatories all over the world, and a special huge observatory in Arizona to track their coming. The Vatican has also issued a proclamation that no one of their one billion members should use the name of Yahweh in their church or in their private prayers. They are the #1 agent of Satan/Lucifer/Devil/Dragon on earth, and have been since their beginning under Constantine (325 CE). Emperor Constantine used his newly created religion to make himself the Pontifex Maximus--the supreme ruler to be worshipped as a god. He bowed to one god--Sol Invictus – the unconquerable sun. The Roman Emperors had temples built to them, and people were commanded to worship them as gods, or be killed. So the worship of the Emperor simply became the worship of the Pope. Historians tell us that Rome never died, it only transferred itself into the Roman Catholic Church, where the pope became the god – the Vicar of Christ-- the one who sits in the place of Christ. Thus we have had an anti-messiah for a long time, ruling for much of that time over the world. Sha’ul said: “The mystery of iniquity is already at work” – referring to the Greek counterfeit religion of Christianity – a related god to their savior-god,
Zeus. Thus they named their new god “Iesous” (eesoos) – phonetically “Jeesoos” in English. The letter “J” is only about 500 years old in the English language--“J” being the Greek “I” with a tail. How to hide truth—just make a letter in your alphabet.
The Roman Empire is still alive and now worldwide--aligned with end-time Babylon (historically, and actually America, in Scripture and history)—[Refer to the study: “End-Time Babylon”], and are in unity together to bring forth the Beast and his false prophet.
In the article “Nebuchadnezzar”, I show how the 8th beast of Revelation 17:11 is the combination of the Roman Catholic Vatican with end-time Babylon. Many people say the seventh beast is the Ottoman Empire. I do not see the religion of Islam in the Bible. I see that the ancient nations surrounding Israel are stirred up against Israel. But, the root of what aligns them is not mentioned in the prophetic passages. The root of the violence comes from “Mystery Babylon the Great” – the whore of Rome. I have studied and taught the Word for over 45 years, and it is just not there. Reason: Because it is a branch from the Roman Catholic root--always has been. Today, its chief muftis work with the Vatican, as Communist and Nazi Muslims have worked well with the Illuminati since 1917. The Vatican created Islam for the purpose of getting control over Jerusalem. Now it is a reality, and their agents in East Jerusalem are Muslims.
I know of several so-called christianized ex-Muslims, one in particular,
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who teach the Bible as if they are experts, telling how Islam fits into prophecy. Yet, this one I know well, is obviously in with the Illuminati muftis, or else they’d be dead … openly supported by Islamic leaders to infiltrate the ranks of Christianity/Messianity and bring deception and lies regarding the timing of the return of Yahushua, the Jew-Levite Messiah. Be wise … be led by the Spirit in discernment! As Messiah said: “Be careful how you hear”.