
Montana Chapter MembershipSWCS Meeting

January 17, 2017


Members present: Stacy Eneboe, Jane Holzer, Angel Rosario,Mark Henning, Marni Thompson, Eric Watson, Travis Lemke, Tommy Bass,and Corey Swenson.

Meeting called to order by PresidentStacy Eneboe 8:32 a.m.

Minutes: Motion made by Mark Henningto approveNovember2016 minutes as sent out, Eric Watsonseconded. Motion passed to approve November meeting minutes.

Holzer sent the treasurer’s report.

Treasury Report:

Checking account $ 1,016.92

Savings account $17,920.22

Investment acct $30,892.88

Total $49,830.02

Chapter Investments: $10,000 bond mature. It will be reinvested with $5,000 TVA government Bond for 5 years at 3.15%. Discussion occurred to invest $5,000 in NuveenPreferred stock at 6%. Motion was made by Holzer to approve the Preferred Stock investment, seconded by Henning. Motion approved. An existing $5,000 CD will mature March 2016 so Holzer will look for better interest rate ideas than CDs current earn. Motion to approve treasurer’s report made by Holzer, Thompson seconded. Motion approved.

Old Business:

-Election of Officers: Eneboe received 13 ballots back. Officers elected include: Marni Thompson - President Elect, Shalaine Watson – Secretary, Jane Holzer - Treasurer, Travis Lemke - Northwestern Director, and Eric Watson - Northern Director. Officers will assume their duties February 1, 2017 including Mark Henning as President.

Soil Health Workshops in February in Great Falls, Sidney and BillingsJan 16-18. SWCS Chapter contributed $1,000 to the Montana Soil Health Workshops as they have done in previous years as a co-sponsor and helped with the organizing and speaker selection along with SWCDM and NRCS. There were a total of fourteen sponsors. Dr. Duane Beck/Manager of Dakota Lakes Research Farm spoke on Managing Agricultural Ecosystems. Dan Forgey with Cronin Farms spoke on the Value of Diversity. Holzerand Eneboe reported on the Great Falls Workshop on January 17, 2017with about 150 attendees. Henning report about 75 attendees at the Sidney workshop. This is in improvement over previous years. No one on the call attended the Billings workshop.

-2016 Technical meeting- The meeting date of June 13 and 14th in Conrad has been confirmed. Four Conservation Districts(Pondera, Glacier, Toole and Liberty) are involved in a 5-year soil health grant project so results will be presented. The CDs will work on buses and food. Eneboe is still working on the agendabut Dr. Ray Ward /Ward Labs has confirmed. Marlon Winger/NRCS has been asked and will confirm later. Luiz Alvarez/NRCS Great Falls Area Soil Scientist will present with a soil pit. All districts will also bring a silent auction item for Chapter scholarship fund silent auction. All members will also need to bring silent auction items.

-71st International Annual Conference- The conference is in Madison Wisconsin this year around the end of June. Conference will be held July 30th to August 2nd. Thompson may be able to attend.

New Business

Website: Tera Ryan will be asked to make updates to the website including new slate of officers. Holzer provides the new minutes and newsletters to Ryan to be added to the website each month.

Committee Reports-

Soil Painting Kits:Six kits have been sold since the last meeting and more kits will be assembled as needed. Holzer mentioned that CD administrators have requested ideas in how to use the kits which have five soil colors. Holzer will ask Tera Ryan to work on some templates and instructions that can be accessed on the website.

EarthWise Bracelets:Holzersold 15 kits at the MACD convention.

Awards:Thompson will send an email out to everyone with requests for awards and the new deadline. The group agreed that the deadline for the awards would be May 1st. Awards will be announced at the technical meeting on June 13th & 14th.

Newsletter: Joyce Trevithick sent the Fall/Winter Newsletter to the membership January 2017.She is requesting ideas for spring/ summer newsletter.

Scholarships: Tommy Bass reported on the 2017 applications process. The scholarship is now named the Tom Pick Memorial Scholarship. Roger Hybner updated the application form to reflect the new timelines and new name. Hybner has a list of schools to send the scholarship information form for students. There are two scholarships: One for Freshman/Sophomore and one for Junior/Senior. The deadline for applications will be April 20, 2017. Three reviewers rank the applicants. Cash amounts for this year awards will be $500 for Junior/Senior and $350 for the Freshman/Sophomore.

Membership:No report due to Shalaine Watson’sabsence on the conference call. Since Shalaine was elected Secretary, a new person will be named to chair this committee. Bass is also a member of this committee but hasn’t been able to assist as much as due to his current schedule. Eneboe will ask Kelli Coleman if she would be interested in the Chairmanship.

Meeting adjourned at 9:11 a.m.

Next meeting scheduled for: February16th, 2016 @ 8:30 AM