Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th October 2010 at Longburrow Hall

Attendees: Mr Penny (Chairman), Mrs Baker, Mr Conran, Mr Davis, Mr Dunn, Mr Elliott, Mr Jones,

District Cllr Chris Watson, Mr Capell (Clerk) together with 12 members of the public.

1.  Apologies were received from Mrs Cripps, Mrs Warden, Mr Harding, Mr Randall and County Councillor Frank Downes.

2.  Declarations of Interest. None

3.  Proposed footpath near Kings Row. Mr L. Abel from Premier Stonebond Drives Ltd gave a short presentation on natural stone paving materials and showed examples, in connection with the Council’s consideration of a footpath on the Common adjacent to Kings Row cottages. Members preferred the “Golden Pea” material and agreed to consider the quotations at the next meeting; it was noted that planning permission is not required in this instance.

4.  Minutes. It was proposed by Mrs Baker, seconded by Mr Dunn and agreed unanimously, that the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th October be approved, subject to the addition of the word “unaudited” prior to the word ”accounts” in item 10.3 referring to the Memorial Hall Social Club.

5.  Matters Arising. A quotation was received in respect of tree work on Bowling Green Common.

6.  Reports and Actions. The following reports were received:-

·  Mr Jones had attended a meeting of the Neighbourhood Action Group, at which street lighting in Studley Green and speeding had been the main topics of discussion.

·  The Chairman and clerk had attended a training session, organised by WDALC

·  Work was being undertaken at the electricity sub-station near the allotments.

·  The Chairman had attended the SW Chilterns and Marlow Local Forum; information about free inspections and advice by the Fire Service, for elderly peoples’ dwellings was given, as well as details of BCC’s intentions on snow clearance on main highway routes.

·  The Chairman had also attended a briefing by the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police.

·  The Freemasons had organised another working group to clear undergrowth at the Marlow Road cemetery; the Scouts had undertaken a litter-pick. (Disposal of material – item for next agenda)

·  Mr Davis and Mr Penny had borrowed the Allotment Association rotorvator to clear weeds and rubble from the area behind the MUGA, which Mr Jones had subsequently levelled with his vintage Ferguson tractor and roller. Reseeding was now awaited. Thanks were recorded to Messrs Davis, Jones and Penny.

7.  Planning. Several members of the audience were in attendance to make representations concerning an application for the erection of a new 3 bedroom dwelling at 53 New Road, Stokenchurch (07204). Members noted that this is a re-application, and that the Parish Council had previously objected to the proposal. Letters from two neighbours, Mr & Mrs Glenester and Mr & Mrs Brewer, as well as from the applicant Mr & Mrs Riley, were read out and comments were invited and made by members of the audience. Cllr Chris Watson described his discussions with officers at the Planning department, who were minded to refuse the application on the grounds that the proposal was not materially different to that which had been previously turned down by the Members’ Panel. Mr Watson read out a report from the Panel, detailing some of the reasons, and indicated that he would again refer the matter to the Panel, if the officers did not reject the application. After consideration, it was proposed by Mr Jones, seconded by Mr Dunn and agreed by majority decision, that the Council make no comment on this application. Mr Elliott asked that his abstention be recorded.

Nine other planning applications were considered; in the case 07340 and 07342 (8 Foresters, Water End), Members agreed to make no comment and in the other seven cases, it was resolved to offer no objections (cases 07263,07293,07341,07343,07256,07234 and 06268); however, Members asked that the District Council give careful consideration to 3 issues in relation to the proposed conversion of the former Studley Arms Public House into 2 dwellings with associated parking (case 07234), namely the provision of a footpath, the temporary use of the former car park and the layout of the A40/Water End Road junction.

8.  Finance. (i) Bills Payable and Accounts for September. It was proposed by Mr Conran, seconded by Mr Jones and agreed unanimously, that both the Bills Payable and the Accounts be approved. (ii) Report of the Finance & Risk Assessment Committee. A note of the items discussed by the Committee was distributed and the Chairman highlighted details of those budget items being examined by the Committee, including possible updating of the Council’s IT system. (iii) Village Fun Day 2011. It was proposed that this event should be held on 23rd April to coincide with the official opening of the new Scouts & Guides Headquarters. (iv) Christmas Event. Members approved a quotation received from Southern Electricity in the sum of £318.99 for a temporary connection to an electricity supply for the Christmas Tree illuminations. (v) Annual Accounts 2009/2010: External Auditor’s Report. Receipt of the External Auditor’s report was acknowledged; a copy of the report and accounts has been displayed on the notice board and the website, and is available for public inspection.

9.  Correspondence. Invitations were received to the AGMs of the M40 Chilterns Environment Group, the Bucks Association of Local Councils and the Bucks Rural Action Group. Approval was given to a request from John Lee for a memorial bench to be placed in the cemetery, subject to agreement on its location and method of securing. Councillors noted the contents of an e-mail from a resident of Raven Road, concerned about parking and litter on the Green.

10.  Scout/Guides Headquarters. The Chairman reported that, to the relief of all concerned, the agreement to lease had been signed and that funding in respect of ‘Sure Start’ had been secured from the County Council, following much to and fro between solicitors, councillors and the Scouts’ representatives, who had asked that their grateful thanks to the Parish Council be passed on.

11.  MUGA, Travellers’ Sites and Slade Road. Nothing to report.

12.  “Land for Sale” offer by Vantage Land Ltd. Cllr Chris Watson reported that the District Council was aware of the situation and may be taking appropriate action in the near future. Councillors were reminded that in the last village survey, parishioners had expressed their view that every step should be taken to preserve the green spaces in and immediately around the village.

13.  Other Parish Matters. The following matters were raised for action as appropriate:-

Mr Davis had obtained prices for a leaf blower – to be considered by the Finance Committee.

Snow clearance at the Medical Centre

Various tree works required

Members were asked to visit the Marlow Road cemetery prior to consideration of disposal of waste material at the next meeting.

Solar lighting proposal from BCC concerning lamps on the A40 at Studley Green

Damage to posts – Kings Hotel Common and Church Square

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 9.20pm.