Youth Volunteering Award

Presented in celebration of an individual aged up to 25 years, who has demonstrated an outstanding voluntary commitment in Queensland and who through their volunteering has positively impacted the lives of others.

Details of nominator (yourself)

Nominating organisation (*)
Nominating person (*)
Home phone
Work phone
Email (*)
Agreement (*) / By submitting this nomination you agree that Volunteering Queensland may use photos, audio or video in which the nominated volunteer, program or organisation and/or nominator appear for use online (website, blog, social media), in reports, marketing materials and media releases/interviews.


Is the person or organisation you are nominating aware of your nomination? (yes / no)

Nominated person contact details

First name (*)
Last name (*)
Email (*)
Please confirm (*) The nominee is under 25 years old / (yes / no)
Age of the nominee, if known


What is your relationship with the nominee? (*)

What is outstanding about the nominee's volunteering commitment? (*)

Detail their main volunteering achievements and their current volunteer role

What positive impact has the nominee had on the Queensland community? (*)

Detail the social, cultural, economic and/or environmental impact of their volunteering, or explain the difference it has made to people’s lives

Where and how long has the nominee been a volunteer? (*)

List all organisations and length of service

How is the nominee an inspiration?

Detail their character / qualities that make you want to nominate them; are there any difficulties they have had to overcome

What is their current situation?

Are they studying or working part/full time, family, carer, etc.?

Are there any supporting documents you can attach that highlight the nominee’s achievements?

Please attach any documents that support your nomination. This could be photographs, news articles, certificates, etc.

Do you have other referees we could speak to should your nominee be shortlisted as a finalist? (yes / no)

Referee #1

Name (*)
Organisation (*)
Position (*)
Email (*)

Referee #2

Name (*)
Organisation (*)
Position (*)
Email (*)

Please email your nomination to

Nominations close Tuesday 3 April 2018 (extended due to popular demand).