BANGALORE - 560 012






Tender No. : R(SH)/MESS/2009-1641 Dated 04.05.2009

Issued to





BANGALORE – 12 / / Telephone No. : 2293 2399 / 2427 /
2293 2428 / 2620
Tele Fax : 23602436
Email :


1)  This Tender Document contains 27 Pages.

2)  Read the tender documents carefully before filling and submission.

3)  Sign each page with seal.

4)  PART ‘A’ should contain

a)  Profile, with all relevant signed documents as mentioned in Terms and Conditions (General) in Page No. 5 to 8.

b)  EMD


5)  PART ‘B’ should contain only Commercial Bid.


6)  Put PART ‘A’ and PART ‘B’ in separate sealed covers and put both the sealed cover in one cover addressed to The Chairman, Council of Wardens, Students’ Hostel, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012 with superscription on the cover as “TENDER FOR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT STUDENTS’ HOSTEL, IISc., BANGALORE”, No. R(SH)/MESS/2009-1641 Dated 04.05.2009 and send it to us and it should reach before the last date.

7)  Application forms can be downloaded. Completed application should be accompanied by Demand Draft for Rs. 1000/-, drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 12”, towards the cost of the Tender Documents.

Application without the prescribed fee will not be considered.

Assistant Registrar (Hostel)


Sl. No. Particulars Page Numbers

1. Scope of Work 1

2. Job Specifications 2-4

3. Terms & Conditions (General) 5-8

4. General Definitions 9

5. Manpower 10-11

6. Building Details 12-14

7. Terms & Conditions as part of Agreement 15-20

8. Other Conditions 21

9. Penalty Clause 22

10. Part ‘A’- Profile of the Tenderer 23-24

11. Part ‘A’ - List of Materials 25

12. Part ‘B’- Commercial bid 26-27

Assistant Registrar (Hostel)


Students’ Hostels consist of 15 various blocks with common bathrooms and toilets and 18 guest rooms in various hostel blocks.

Tenderer should carry out all work as per Job Specification like cleaning, washing all the rooms, (daily) utility rooms, lounges, corridors, terraces, staircases, bathrooms, toilets, urinals, all Plinth Area of the Students’ Hostels and its surroundings up to the adjoining service roads daily, including collection of garbage, dry leaves, twigs, paper and plastic wastes, all organic and non organic material, solid waste, litter etc., over areas specified and depositing in the dustbins.

I. New Hostel Complex:

1)  All Bathrooms, Toilets in Block – I & Block - II in all the floors will be cleaned between 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily.

2)  All student rooms in both the blocks in all the floors will be cleaned between 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m..

3)  Cleaning of Solar pannels every 15 days.

II. Old Hostel Blocks:

1)  All Bathrooms, Toilets will be cleaned between 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily.

2)  All students rooms will be cleaned on request between 11.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. daily.

3)  On all Saturday and Sunday students’ rooms will be cleaning on request between 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. apart from cleaning of terrace, windows, chajjas, common areas etc.

III. Guest Room

1)  Guest Room working hours is 24 hours with three shift duties @ 8 hours per person.

This schedule is subject to change, depending upon the convenience of the students and requirements.

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)




a. All the rooms and balconies have to be cleaned using appropriate type of brooms and washed with water added with ISI branded detergent solution, scented phenyl and hand swabbed with clean cloth, twice in a week as per a Schedule.

b. Doors, windows & electrical fittings (fan & tube light etc.,) to be cleaned once in a month.

c. Water spouts in balconies and corridor to be cleaned once in a month.

d. Schedules for carrying out each job will be provided by the Assistant Registrar (Hostel) IISc.


The paved areas and courtyards in the front and surrounding areas and approach road to the building should be cleaned daily.


a. Cleaning to be carried out as per daily/weekly/monthly schedule. The frames are to be cleaned with appropriate detergent.

b. The dust from the window platform outside and inside area to be removed with least disturbance to the persons in the rooms.

c. Glass of the window to be cleaned with appropriate ISI branded chemicals meant for cleaning the glass. There should not be any scratch on the glass and the glass should be neat and sparkling. The cleaning of the glass should be done by modern method and the method of using newspaper and old cloth for cleaning the same should be avoided.

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)



a. The area has to be mopped once a day with water added with ISI branded detergent solution, scented phenyl and hand swabbing the area with clean cloth.

b. The area (floor and hand rails etc.) has to be washed as per schedule, specially by using ISI branded chemicals (which should not affect the floor and painted surfaces) to maintain the original colour of the Granite/kota/shabhas floor. After cleaning, floor and railings should look alike.

c. Perfume to be sprayed around the area.

d. The terrace of each block should be cleaned once in every 15 days.


a. Toilets, Bathrooms, wash basins, urinals and fittings to be cleaned with water added with ISI branded disinfectant twice, daily-once in morning and once in the evening. Toilet fittings, glazed tiles, washbasins and floors to be cleaned meticulously and kept spick and span.

b. Toilet floor to be washed with soap and ISI branded Phenyl/Iteol. Phenyl, which forms sediments at the bottom, should not be used. The floor is to be wiped with cloth.

c. Glazed tile walls to be washed with ISI branded soap to maintain the glow of the shining surface of glazed tiles and wipe it with white cloth.

d. Toilet, washbasin, urinals, and bathrooms fittings should be cleaned every Wednesday in order to maintain the original shining by using the chemicals to avoid formation of residues and stains.

e. Putting urinal cakes and naphthalene balls cleaning the soap bowls, as and when required.

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)



a. Cleaning the doors and sides of rooms and removal of cobwebs once a week inside the rooms and the corridor.

b. On the 15th of every month cleaning of non-solar area; of the terrace of the entire building should be done and kept clean to avoid blockage of water, on the roof and chajjas.

c. Intensive cleaning of basement floor to be carried out every month.

d. Solar pannels to be cleaned carefully by a trained person.

e. Cleaning the cobwebs in the entire area and keep the area free from cobwebs.

f. Cleaning of electrical fittings, such as tube lights/fans/regulators (inside and outside the rooms) as per schedule.

g. The waste material/garbage collected from designated dustbins have to be transported outside the complex and disposed to identified dustbins/garbage bins every day.

h. The water pond is to be cleaned by removing fallen leaves, twigs etc. on weekly basis.

i. The tree branches protruding on all hostel blocks will be trimmed once in a month.

j. 18 guest rooms in Hostel Blocks, is to be maintained on 24 hours basis including handing over and taking over of keys to and from students.

k. Housekeeping of Hostel Office including cleaning of three toilets in Hostel Office.

l. Pumping water to the overhead tanks in P and PD Blocks by switching on the pump and switching off after filling up the water, in two shifts.

m. All the water coolers in all hostels have to be cleaned twice in a week by a trained person.

n. Filters provided in the water purifiers are to be cleaned as per the instructions of the suppliers in all the hostels.

The work done by the Contract labourers and their Supervisors will be monitored by persons assigned by the Hostel Office to oversee the deployment of labour and the quality of the work. Their observations and reports will be recorded in a register and produced to the Assistant Registrar (Hostel). The contract Supervisor will keep a register for each floor and block and get the signature of the students after cleaning their rooms and also get the signature of the students after cleaning of bathrooms and toilets daily and produce the register before the Assistant Registrar (Hostel). Feed back reports will be called by Students about the quality of work done by the contractor from time to time. All the above inputs shall be taken into consideration during renewing the contract or otherwise.

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)



1. Tenderer should be a registered and licensed contractor. Appropriate documents/Certificates issued from appropriate authorities should be enclosed to support this.

2. a) Tenderer should have a minimum five years experience in providing similar type of services. The tenderer should have worked with Government/Public Sector Undertaking/Large Private Sector Institutions and a Certificate of Performance should be enclosed duly indicating the value of contract period and payment received.

b) The tenderer should have a minimum annual turnover of Rs.30,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty Lakhs Only) for the last five years.

3. The tenderer should have KST/CST/VAT/TIN/PAN Registration.

4. Tender should be accompanied with an EMD of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only), by way of Cross Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012. EMD will not carry any interest and the same will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer within 30 days from the date of tender opening or finalisation of the tender whichever is later. Any tender without EMD in PART-A will not be considered.

EMD of successful Contractor will be retained as a part of security deposit and is refundable after termination of the contract without any interest after deducting dues if any, to the Institute.

5. The tender document is non-transferable.

6.  Tender covers consists of Part A & Part B:

Part- A

a)  Profile of the Tenderer

b)  Tender Documents

c)  EMD


a) Commercial Bid

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)



The tender should be submitted under “Two Cover System”, the first cover is termed as part ‘A’ with Tender documents, profile of the tenderer, necessary EMD of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) with superscription on the cover as “TENDER FOR PROVIDING FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVISES AT STUDENTS’ HOSTEL, IISc., BANGALORE” PART ‘A’ and the second cover is termed as Part ‘B’, sealed with “COMMERCIAL BID FOR PROVIDING FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVISES AT STUDENTS’ HOSTEL, IISc., BANGALORE” PART ‘B’. Both covers should be placed in a bigger cover with superscription “TENDER FOR PROVIDING FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVISES AT STUDENTS’ HOSTEL, IISc., BANGALORE” addressed to The Chairman, Council of Wardens, Students’ Hostel, IISc., Bangalore-560 012 and submitted before the last date.

8. Quoted price should be inclusive of all taxes and duties. Rate of tax/duty should be indicated separately.

9. The offer should be valid for a period of atleast 60 days from the date of the tender opening.

10. The Contract will be for a period of two years, which could be extended further, on mutual consent of either party at the end of one year.

11. IISc., reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders, wholly or partly without assigning any reason thereof. In all matters pertaining to this tender, the decision of the Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, shall be final and binding.

12. All tenders and covers should bear the name and address of the tenderer and all the pages of the tender document must bear the seal and signature of the tenderer.

13. The tenderer should be prepared to come to IISc., to take part in discussions, if required at a short notice.

14. Pre-bid meeting: A pre-bid meeting would be held on 21st May 2009. The tenderers who require any clarifications of the tender documents are invited for the meeting.

Tenderer Assistant Registrar (Hostel)


15. The completed tenders should reach the Assistant Registrar, Students’ Hostel, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012, on or before 25th May 2009 by 3.00 p.m..

16. No request for any further extension of the above deadline shall be entertained. Delayed and/or incomplete tenders shall not be considered.

17. The Tenders will be opened at 3.30 pm on 25th May 2009 at the Hostel Office. Representatives of the tenderers are welcome.

18. On the above date, only Part-A i.e., the Profile of the tenderer will be opened. Tenders will be short-listed based on the information provided in Part-A. Part-B submitted by the short listed tenderers (Only who has fulfilled the condition of Part-A) will be opened at a later date under intimation to such tenderers.

19. The Contractor shall fulfill all statutory requirements pertaining to minimum wages and other statutory benefits like ESI, EPF, MWA etc., and proper account of payments including minimum wages being made to the workers of the agency. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any failure to fulfill the statutory obligations and shall indemnify the Institute against all such liabilities, which are likely to arise out of the agency’s failure to fulfill such statutory obligations.

20. Where counter terms and conditions, printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the Contractor, the same shall not be accepted by the Institute, unless a specific written acceptance thereof is obtained.

21. If the Contractor fails to carry out the Jobs as per the terms and conditions agreed upon, he is liable for forfeiture of EMD/Security Deposit in additions to penalty.