Information about keeping KS2 test materials safe and secure in school.

Consider sticking this sheet to a document wallet and keeping all the relevant paperwork in this one place.

Key stage 2 modified and standard tests should be arriving in school

from 26 April 2010

Checking your delivery

Once you have received your delivery of test materials, you should immediately check it against the Delivery note. If your delivery is incomplete, please contact the QCDA distribution helpline on 0800 169 4195 for standard tests or the modified test agency (statutory) on 0844 500 6727 for modified tests, to arrange for the correct number of packs to be delivered. Keepyour delivery notes in a safe and accessible place.

Secure storage

Maintaining the security of test materials is important. It ensures that the confidentiality of the tests is maintained and that no pupil has an unfair advantage over another. After checking your delivery, reseal all boxes and store them in a secure lockable location. It is the headteacher's responsibility to ensure that all materials are sealed and are not opened prior to the test date.

Reporting a security breach

If you suspected a security breach regarding the test materials, you must report the incident to us immediately by phoning the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013. We will investigate the incident and take action where appropriate.

Additional packs for maintained schools

If your school or local authority requires additional packs or needs to amend an order, please contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013.

Items to keep in or with this folder:

Delivery notes

Stationery pack for dispatching test scripts (includes Guide to handling test papers and scripts factsheet)

Keeping test materials secure factsheet

Pre-printed marksheets

Test administrator’s guide

Modified test administrator’s guide(s) (if appropriate)

Assessing and Reporting Arrangements book (ARA)

List of children for whom access arrangements have been made

Copies of permission for access arrangements where they have been sought in advance via the NCA tools website or through correspondence with Education Bradford

Copies of tests used to support application for additional time

Any other records relating to the arrangements school is making for the administration of these tests

Guide to monitoring visits.

Log of people accessing the tests storage:

Staff names / Date (s) / Purpose
Locking away test papers
Checking security (daily check advised)
Checking security (daily check advised)
Getting out putting back Monday’s papers
Getting out putting back Tuesday’s papers
Getting out & putting back Wednesday’s papers
Getting out putting back Thursday’s papers
Getting out putting back Friday’s papers
Preparing sacks for Parcelforce