April 16, 2010


Your packet includes the following:

Instructions for Moderators

SessionInformation Summary sheet (on yellow paper)

Speaker bio.(on light blue paper)

Evaluation Forms for participants

At the end of the session return the moderator packet with the following enclosed:

___Signed Session Information Summary sheet

___Completed Evaluation Forms

____Number of participants recorded

Return the Completed Moderator Packet to the

ASCLSmeeting registration desk.



  1. Locate the room for the session. Directions will be available at the meeting registration desk and on the Room Assignment sheet. Plan to arrive about 15-20 minutes before the start of the session, to find the light switches and to confirm AV equipment. Contact the onsite ASCLS meeting staff for any AV problems.
  1. Introduce yourself to the speaker(s) and explain your role. Make sure the speaker has obtained his/her packet and name tag. Review your introduction information with the speaker to see if he/she has any changes or additions. If biographical information on the speaker was not in your packet, then the speaker did not supply any information. In this case, ask the speaker how he/she wishes to be introduced.
  1. If the session is a panel session, ask the speakers how they want to split up the time period.
  1. Ask the speaker to check that the audio-visual equipment is adequate. There should be no handouts for distribution at the session because speakers were requested to submit these for posting on the website prior to the meeting.
  1. ALL participants must wear an ASCLS nametag. It is your responsibility to ensure that only registered meeting participants attend the session by checking name badges as individuals enter the room. During the session, count the total number of participants and record it on the Session Information Summary sheet.


  1. Begin the session on time.
  1. Introduce yourself; give a warm welcome to the participants; and announce the program speaker, program sponsor, if applicable, and program title. This information is on the program information sheet in your packet.
  1. Make the following announcements:
  1. In order for attendance to be documented each attendee will need to enter a unique session code for this session into the ASCLS online CE Organizer which is located at the ASCLS website. The session code will be announced at the end of the session ONLY. In addition, to obtain an official certificate of attendance for this meeting, each attendee will use the CE Organizer. Instructions for using the CE Organizer program were provided to each attendee in their registration packet, and may also be found at the online tutorial available at the ASCLS CE Organizer webpage. The session code must be entered by MAY 16, 2010 After that date the session code will not be valid and a certificate of attendance will no longer be available.
  1. Request that all attendees turn off or mute cell phones or pagers.
  1. Introduce the speaker, including name and background information (if available). If the session has been sponsored, be sure to mention the sponsor in your introduction.
  1. If the session has more than one speaker, make sure that all speakers stay on schedule.
  1. If there is a Q & A part of the program, ask the speaker to repeat any questions before answering them so that all attendees can hear the question.


12. Thank the speaker and once again mention appreciation for the sponsor.

  1. Get the attendees attention before they leave the room so that you can give them the session code. Be sure to announcethe session code clearly and state it several times.
  1. Collect the Program Evaluation Forms.
  1. Summarize the session evaluations on the Session Summary Sheet.
  1. Complete the Moderator Checklist and return the packet to the Meeting Registration Deskimmediately after the session.

Thank you for being part of the ASCLS-SD Spring Meeting Your participation is very much appreciated!

Evaluation Summary Tally worksheet (Optional to use)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A
What was the overall average rating of the speaker?
What was the overall rating as to if the objectives were met?
What was the overall rating on the program content?

** Do not include this info in your summary on the Roster Cover Form or Attendance Roster. This is for your convenience only.