Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council
Held at the Tairgwaith Community Centre
On Tuesday 8th October 2013.
99. Present.
Cllrs. S.Sunderland (Presiding), M.Pugh, C.Puw, I.P.Lewis, G.Moore, C.Jones, L.Davies, J.E.Jones, D.Jones, T.Darnbrook, L.G.Williams, A.Herdman.
Cllr J.Penston.
100. DANSA – Local Transport.
Alison Owen from DANSA attended this meeting and updated council members on the possibility of placing a car onsite (GCG Community Centre) to be driven by volunteers; this vehicle is available and ready to go. Also they have received funding for a mini bus for our community, again looking to place this vehicle in the heart of the community, in the hope that it will be used by local groups for trips etc.
RESOLVED that DANSA provide further information for council member and to advertise for volunteers within our community.
101. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Tairgwaith Community Centre on Tuesday 10th September 2013.
These were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairperson.
102. Matters arising upon those minutes.
a) County Councillors L.G.Williams and A. Woolcock (min 69 refers), correspondence from both thanking for the invitation to meet with council and discuss local and NPTCBC issues, and update members on financial pressures being faced by local authorities across the UK and NPTCBC. Due to this some very difficult decisions will have to be made, which could very well result in non-statutory services being lost. The library service is a non-statutory service and at a meeting of the cabinet last Wednesday, it was decided to consult on the closure of nine libraries across the county borough, one of which is the Gwaun Cae Gurwen library.
Correspondence received from Brian Humphreys requiring information on costs for the library, and what our council charge NPTCBC for rent for the room at the Gwaun Cae Gurwen Community Centre, the cost is £2025.00 per year.
RESOLVED that council invite Russell Ward, Wayne John of NPTCBC and Local County Councillors to a meeting at the Tairgwaith Community Centre on Tuesday 15th October 2013 at 7.00pm.
b) Park Heol Godfrey, Lower Brynaman (min 71a refers); members discussed the opening of the park on Saturday 28th September 2013.
RESOLVED that the Chairperson thanked the Brynaman Ward members for a successful opening, enjoyed by all.
c) Community Web Site (min 71b refers), communities 2.0 are preparing a draft website specification, using information members give during our recent meeting. Also discussed the need for photographs of council members for the web site.
RESOLVED that council members read and amend any details necessary.
d) Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2013 (min 71c refers), the Clerk reported MAZARS external auditors have completed their work and have pleasure in enclosing our certified Annual Return, also enclosed fee note for the audit.
RESOLVED that Notice of Conclusion of the audit and right to inspect the Annual Return be advertised by council members.
e) Japanese Knotweed on highway 474 from Rhyd y Fro through to Cwmgors (min 71d refers).
RESOLVED that the Clerk informs NPTCBC of Knotweed that needs to be treated within the area.
f) The Old YGG Ysgol Y Glyn Primary School, Lower Brynaman (min 71e refers), the Clerk discussed the meeting held on 30th September 2013 with Canolfan Maerdy, council to make decision as to whether they wish to proceed further with discussions about purchasing the building from the authority rather that lease the building. Canolfan Maerdy to appeal against decision on Mynydd Y Betws application etc.
RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to Gwenda Thomas AM for advice on asset transfer of the YGG Ysgol Y Glyn to the Community Council.
g) Retirement of Councillor (min 71f refers), NPTCBC refer to the casual vacancy, and would advise that they have not received a request for an election to be held to fill the vacancy. In accordance with the provision of the Local Government Act 1972, our council must now proceed to fill the vacancy by co-option.
RERSOLVED that Notice of Vacancy be advertised throughout the community for co-option.
h) Retirement of Councillor (min 71g refers), Notice of Vacancies were presented to council members for distribution within the community.
RESOLVED that the matter ne noted.
i) NPTCBC Liaison Committee (min 73a refers), discussion regarding Cemetery Road and update from the Chair and Vice who attended the meeting, also distributed to council members correspondence from County Councillor A. Woolcock.
RESOLVED that the matter be noted.
j) 17 Banwen Place, Lower Brynaman (min 78 refers), correspondence Gwenda Thomas AM maintenance of boundary fence.
RESOLVED that council adhere to letter sent to 17 Banwen Place on 13th July 2010, stating that council will not continue with cutting the hedge.
103. Pontardawe Town Council.
PTC in partnership with Cilybebyll CC produced a brochure in 2013 giving details of out of school activities in the Pontardawe/Alltwen areas, copy provided for council members. They are contacting our council to determine if we would be interested in the partnership to produce this brochure, the cost approximately £400.00 for 3000 copies.
RESOLVED that the Chair and Vice attend the future committee to organise and produce the brochure.
104. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.
Requesting to meet with council, the purpose is to discuss the future for the Fire and Rescue Service within NPT and the Fire Authorities Draft Annual Improvement Plan 2014-2015.
RESOLVED that future meeting be arranged with the Fire and Rescue Authority.
105. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.
In accordance with the requirements of Section 147 of the Local Government Measure 2011, informing that the panels draft annual report, including proposals which would have effect for the financial year 2014/2015, has now being published on its website. Report distributed to council members.
RESOLVED that the matter be noted.
106. Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.
The Act requires the Commission to publish a ten year programme of electoral reviews, in February 2013 the Commission set about analysing the information it had obtained from principal councils and the relevant factors considered necessary to develop a 10 year programme.
RESOLVED that the matter be noted.
107. Police Matters.
Neighbourhood news updated for the community, distributed to council members.
RESOLVED that the matter be noted.
108. NPTCBC/Community Councils Charter Agreement.
Draft version of the Charter between NPTCBC and Community Councils, copies distributed to council members for consideration.
RESOLVED that council member discuss at next meeting.
109. NPTCBC – Proposed Plaque in the Gwaun Cae Gurwen Community Square.
NPTCBC prepared to recommend that the authority grant a formal annual Licence on accepted terms and conditions.
RESOLVED that the Clerk informs NPTCBC that our council accepts the formal annual Licence on their following Terms and Conditions.
110. Cwmgors Management Committee.
Correspondence received, regarding concerns raised between the CMC and the Clerk at meeting held in March.
RESOLVED that the Chair and Clerk updates the CMC on points raised.
111. Welsh Government.
Community and Town Councils Welsh Government News, distributed to council members.
RESOLVED that the matter be noted.
112. Financial Assistance.
Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre Wales.
RESOLVED that the matter be deferred.
113. Commemorative Plates.
The following commemorative plates were presented during the month.
Mr and Mrs William Morgan – Diamond Wedding.
Mr and Mrs Meidrim Thomas – Diamond Wedding.
114. Other Business (At discretion of Chairperson).
a) Cwmgors Primary School, council to co-opt governor for the vacant position.
RESOLVED that the above be discussed at next meeting.
115. Planning Applications.
a) Application No P2013/0893 – Details of agreed association with condition 5, condition 6 and condition 10 of planning permission, Mynydd y Gwrhyd, Awel Amman Tawe.
RESOLVED that no objections be made against the above planning application.
b) Application No P2013/0932 – Detached dwelling (outline), land part of 1 Quarry Place, Gwaun Cae Gurwen.
RESOLVED that council object to the above planning application as before junction and railway no clear vision on to the highway.
116. Accounts Paid and Income Received October 2013.
Accounts Paid.
Mazars – External Auditors Fees. 690.00
SWALEC – Elec Tel Box. 5.97
SWALEC – Cwm Centre. 47.38
SWALEC – Tair Centre. 99.34
M.Pugh – Sundries Opening park. 125.21
HAGS SMP – Final Payment Park. 2804.40
Wages and Salaries October. 2706.82.
The Meeting finished at 8.45pm.
Signed...... Dated......