Reasons to Rejoice!

The Bible is Inspired


A lot has changed in 1900 years…

107 AD 2007AD

Papyrus/parchment Paper inexpensive

Written with stylus Laser printers

Book not collected Revelation delivered

Copied by hand Mass produced

No bookstore Bookstores & online

Scandal to have Bible Carried openly

Supply lo/demand hi Supply hi/demand ?

I. What Does “Inspired” Mean?

A. Scripture- graphē- holy documents

B. Inspired- theopneustos- divinely breathed

C. Many detractors- Three Positions

1. Pagan view- Bible is inspired only in the sense that great human writings, such as those of Shakespeare, are inspired.

2. Partial view- Bible inspired in those matters not affecting science, but that there are historical errors in the Bible.

3. Perfect/inerrant view- Bible is perfectly inspired and contains no error.

[The third, or Perfect view, is the one supported by the Bible itself.]

II. How much of the Bible is Inspired?

A. All scripture is inspired by God- 2 Timothy 3:16

B. Bible written by men moved by the Holy Spirit speaking from God- 2 Peter 1:20-21

C. The entire OT is scripture- (Lk 24:27; Rom 3:2; 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:19-21)

Specifically called scripture

Genesis (Rom 4:3; Gal 4:30)

Exodus (Mt 22:29-32; Rom 9:17)

Leviticus (Jas 2:8)

Kings (Rom 11:2-3)

Psalms (Mt 21:42; Jn 10:34-35; 13:18; 19:24, 36; Rom 15:3-4)

Isaiah (Mk 14:28; Lk 4:17-21; Acts 8:32-33; Rom 10:11; 1 Pet 2:6)

Zechariah (Jn 19:37)

D. The Gospels are scripture (1 Tim 5:18 and Mt 10:10; Heb 2:3)

E. Writings of the apostles are scripture (Rom 16:25, 26; 1 Cor 2:7-13; 14:37; 1 Pet 1:12; 2 Pet 3:1-2, 15-16

F. Revelation is called the word of God (Rev 1:2)

[The whole Bible, not just the parts we like, is God’s inspired word]

III. If the Bible is Inspired, What does that mean for us?

A. It answers three crucial questions:

1. Where did we come from?

2. Where do we go from here?

3. What are we supposed to do while we are here?

B. Only the Bible:

1. Tells us that we came from God and were made in His own image. Gen 1:26-27

2. Gives us the assurance of where we are going if we live as Jesus lived in obedience to the word (Jn 14:1-3)

3. Reveals that the meaning of life is rooted in glorifying God by obedient living and through sharing our faith with a dark and dying world ((Mt 5:16; Mk 16:15)

C. We can Rejoice knowing that the Bible is God’s word and that His promises are true


God’s word is as effective and true today as it was in the days past when stylus first touched parchment to record it. God speaks to us every time we read His word. Many things have changed in the last 1900 years, but God has not changed and neither has His word.

Let’s hope that the increase in supply of Bibles will no longer diminish the demand. Let the church never forget that one of our Reasons to Rejoice is the blessing that the Bible is inspired.