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Councillors Present: Mr Colin Arthur (CA) Miss Sally Fell (SF) Mr Eric Lazenby (EL) Mr John Phillips (JP)

In Attendance: Fiona Hill (FH) - Parish Clerk Mrs Christine Cookman (CC) – Hambleton District Councillor

Public Present: None

15/124  To receive apologies for absence and reasons given:

Lisa Brown - Away on honeymoon

15/125  To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda:


15/126  To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21 September 2015:

These minutes along with those for 10Aug15 were approved and signed by the Chairperson.


15 minutes of each meeting is set aside for members of the public to address the Council which should be done through the chair. Each member is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes. Where possible it would be helpful to inform the clerk in advance, of your intention to speak


15/128  Matters arising from the minutes:

1. Parish Council vacancies/co-options

It was unanimously agreed that Lisa Brown and Eric Lazenby should be co-opted on to the Parish Council. This left two vacancies to be filled.

2. Parish Council Grants Policy/outstanding applications

It was unanimously agreed to adopt the grants policy as drafted by CC

Several expressions of interest had been received, but no formal applications had been received to date.

3. Huby Bowls Club - request for letter of support

FH was asked to reply by email as follows - "The Parish Council support the facility in principle and are delighted that other people will be able to use it, when not in uee by the bowls club.

4. Huby Primary School: a) Tally Hill Dog Fouling Signs Unveiling Event

No date set to date

b) Parish Council School Visit with School Council

SF would speak to school to arrange meeting at 1230 on 11Nov15 which CA, EL and JP would attend. SF would also speak to the school about children attending a parish council meeting at an earlier time, say, 6.00 p.m.

5. Street Signage

SF had reported to HDC missing street sign on Stillington Road. CC would also look into the possibility of additional signage on Lund Green Lane and Paddock Close.

15/129  To discuss long-standing matters:

1. Grass Cutting

Cllrs felt a good job had been done. CC and Cllrs would assist with edging of overgrown paths, weed clearing and litter picking at Horner Close

2. Tree Works

Only one tender received for £1195.00 plus VAT. The Parish Council unanimously agreed that JP could give go ahead for the two main areas and to discuss the Willow tree with a maximum authorised spend of £750.00 for this tree.

3. Neighbourhood Plan

Cllrs had received a copy of the Working Group Meeting Minutes (06Oct15). FH was asked to add the Memorial Hall on to a Community Assets list.

4. Public Open Space & Recreation Plan

CC would circulate a copy and advised that the figures may not have been agreed as yet.

5. Village Hall/Sports Pavillion

SF advised that the Village Hall committee met on 23Sep15 and gave a summary of the meeting.

15/130  To discuss new planning applications received:

1. 15/02192/FUL - 9 Horner Close, Huby

This application was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that there were "No Objections"

15/131  To report planning decisions by Hambleton District Council:


15/132  To discuss matters raised by Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer:

1. Bookkeeping records to date

FH circulated copies around Cllrs

2. Internal Control Check(s)

These were conducted and everything was in order

3. External Audit Report

FH reported that this had been conducted a no matters were raised.

4. Work Place Pensions

FH reported that YLCA were looking into an affinity scheme to which all Parish Councils could join, however on 31 July 2015 YLCA disappointingly announced that due to the high risks and not been members of the Financial Services Authority, they decided the risks were too high.

No other Local Council Association or NALC have researched any scheme, YLCA stood alone in trying.

NYCC were approached, but they quoted a charge £1000.00 per council to research the setting up of the scheme.

Independent Financial Advisers were approached for quotes to set up a scheme and the cheapest received was £295.00 from Ardent UK of York, with Now Pensions

Then Now Pensions announced that any new schemes set up after 30Sep15 would be subject to a monthly charge of £40.00.

There is a free government scheme - NEST. At this stage FH is unsure what expertise is required to run this scheme or if the payroll system used is compatible.

The Parish Council discussed this matter at length via email and unanimously agreed to accept the quote from Ardent, so the scheme could be set up before 30Sep15

5. Budget/Precept 2016/2017

Cllrs would discuss this at the next meeting

6. Matters raised by/with Yorkshire Local Councils Association

SF had attended the Hambleton Branch meeting and gave a summary of the meeting.

7. Approve the following payments:

Parish Clerk Salary £109.69 100130

Parish Clerk Expenses £17.52 100131

Inc Dot Huby Voice Printing £152.82 100132

Terry Wolf Motor Expenses £25.06 100133

15/133  To report any new correspondence received by the council:

FH had received and included in a circulation pack -

- Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine Sep15

- Northallerton & District VSA Community News

- Hambleton Parish Liaison Meeting information (Thu19Nov15)

The Parish Council noted receipt of correspondence as follows:

- NYCC, Footway Lighting Maintenance - Service Contracts Competitive Rates

15/134  To receive reports from County and District Councillors:

- CC reported that leaflets about recycling would be circulated early next year

- CC would obtain details of the mobile speed signs as speeding within the village was a issue.

No report from County Council.

15/135  To receive matters raised by members:

Seat - JP reported that the family had been given the catalogue - no feedback received

Huby Voice - SF reported that assistance was required with gathering articles and forwarding them to Rachel Marshal for editing. CA is to take on the role of Huby Voice co-ordinator from 2016

15/136  To confirm the details of the future meeting(s):

Thu12Nov15 7.30 p.m. in the Chapel

Thu03Dec15 7.30 p.m. in the Chapel

The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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Approved ……………………………………………… Chairman Date......