St Joseph’s Parish, Subiaco +++ 22nd March 2015
web / / Tue/Wed/Thu / 9amemail / / Friday / 7am
office hrs / Tue – Fri 9am-3pm / Saturday Reconciliation / 4.30pm
phone / 9381 0400 / Saturday Vigil / 6pm
fax / 9381 0499 / Sunday / 8am, 10am, 6pm
Parish Priest
Parish Secretary / Fr Joseph Walsh
Christine Jagger (Prompt 7) /
Wedding Secretary / Lina Salomone (Prompt 3) /
Events, Bookings, Accounts / Sherina O’Donnell (Prompt 5) /
Baptism & Pastoral / Veronica Lally (Prompt 2 or 4) /
Sacramental Program / Bart Welten (Prompt 4) /
Youth Co-ordinator
Music Co-ordinator / Paul Curtis
Michael Peters /
ALTAR LINEN / Mimma Lanza / Vivian Bowler
MESSENGER / Mary-Anne Baljic [27/3] / Mary-Anne Baljic [2/4]
SANCTUARY / Sherryl McDonald&Cecilia Turton / Alice Dudley Carr
CHILDRENs LITURGY / Palm Sun – no roster / Easter & school holidays
Sun22 / 11.30am / Baptisms: Fionn Patrick Healy, Lucy Sarah Clair, Hunter Parin, Sam and Ebony Dwyer
Mon 23 / -
5.00pm / Parish Office: closed
Church:Wed Rehearsal – Father Saminedi
Tue 24 / 11.00am
7.15pm / Visitation: Marian Centre
Prison visitation
Upper Room: St Vincent de Paul
Church: Salvado Schola Cantorum Choir Rehearsal
Wed25 / 10.00am
5.30pm / Upper Room:Ladies Prayer Meeting
Tribune Chapel: Centering Prayer
Thurs26 / 9-4pm
7.30pm / Board Room: CEO Interviews
Church: Women Ministering to Women
Fri 27 / 2.30pm
7.30pm / Church: Wedding – Darlene Dias & Daniel Holt
Church: Wed Rehearsal – Fr J Tran
Church: Kerala Syro-Malabar Community [Fr Thomas]
Church: Lenten Stations of the Cross
Upper Room: Growing Where You Are Planted
Sat 28 / 9.30am / Baptism: Barton Family
Mass / Ent / Off / Com / Rec / Mass
8am / 148 / 15 / 23 / silence / 393
10am / 209 / 264 / 94 / silence / S.Benedict
6pm / 353 / 328 / 290 / silence
Hymn Numbers
WOMEN MINISTERING TO WOMEN Thursday March 26th at 7.30pm. An evening for women to share conversation about faith, to hear the stories of Carli Win and Una. There will be champagne and canapés.
CHURCH CLEANING - for Easter – please see clipboards in the foyer.Cleaning may be done anytime as the church is open from 6.00am to 6.00pm
YOUTH GROUPUpper RoomIndoor Cinema Sunday 29th March 7 – 9 pm. All families welcome! Join us for Big-Hero 6 while munching on sausage rolls and party pies. Donation - $5
THANKS to all involved in the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations – now, back to the Lenten Fast!
VOLUNTEERS needed to clean up the upper levels of the Bell Tower – please contact the Parish Office
PALMS BYO for Palm Sunday – if homes have some large palms we would appreciate them to decorate the Church
COLUMBARIUM -Fr. Joe has ordered 30 marble plinths which will be delivered and installed in six weeks.
APPLICATION -(Fri 27th) has been made with the City of Subiaco for a Grant to assist us with the conservation of the Church Doors
Getting Close to Holy Week, our Archbishop reflects…..
To be a Christian is to be someone who sees with the eyes of Jesus. To put it another way to be a Christian is to be someone in whose eyes people experience the loving and merciful gaze of Christ. But it is only when we have allowed Jesus to gaze on us that we can begin to see as he sees, and people will see him in us. This it seems to me is what Francis is reminding us of and modelling for us as he lives each day, in all its variety, his ministry as Bishop of Rome.
There is so much noise in the world!
May we learn to be silent before God
In our hearts.
Pope Francis 19 March
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