19th September, 2016

To the Town Mayor and Councillors, Llanidloes Town Council, you are summoned to attend a monthly meeting of LLANIDLOES TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Llanidloes on Monday 26th September, 2016 at 7.00 p.m

The business to be transacted is as set out below,

Sonia Pritchard



1.  To accept apologies for absence

2  To accept personal and pecuniary interests in items of business

3  Minutes Council Meeting held on 25.07.16

Meeting to discuss costs for Library/Museum merger 25.08.16

4  To receive correspondence:-

a)  Introduction letter from Dafydd Llywelyn, Police and Crime Commissioner

b)  Copy letter from Marjorie Corbett, Chair of Old Market Hall Committee

c)  Reply from Chris Lloyd, PCC re Parking on the highway on Bryndu Road

d)  Statement of account from Public Sector Deposit Fund

e)  Reply from Cllr John Brunt re Grass cutting and verges

f)  Letter from Boundary Commission re 2018 review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales

g)  Invitation from MMP to Best Kept Village in Montgomeryshire Competition 2016

h)  Letter from PCC RE New Joint Venture to delivery Property Services for the Council

5  To receive Annual Return and to discuss comments from External Auditor (Grant Thornton)

6  To discuss any developments on the merger of Llanidloes Museum/Library, including feedback from surrounding Community Councils

7  To discuss Newspaper article printed in County Times on 19th August(Cllr Whittal Williams)

8  To discuss the future of Public Toilets at the rear of the Town Hall (Cllr Rees)

9  To receive update on Llanidloes Day Centre (Cllr Margot Jones)

10  To receive & discuss Burial Board Accounts, Annual Return to year end 31.03.16 and Information relating to External Auditor’s Report

11  To receive a report on developments with Alzheimer’s Care (Cllrs Smith and Evans)

12  To receive & discuss quotations for new Christmas lights

13  To receive & discuss quotations for decoration of top floor offices

14  To discuss request for funding from Dial a Ride

15  To discuss request for funding from Community Centre Trustees

16  To receive Bank Reconciliation April – June 2016

17  To discuss plans for the Christmas Concert

18  To adopt new Financial Regulations (as received by e mail)

19  To receive information on Staff training

20  To discuss complaints about offensive odours from Bryn Posteg Landfill site

21  To discuss the following planning applications:

P2016/0867 Refurbishment of the existing dwelling plus the addition of a rear extension. Erection of a new garage and provision of a parking and turning area at Almeda Gorn Road Llanidloes

P2016/0853 Demolition of modern extensions, erection of an extension, alteration to roof and fenestrations and installation of a septic tank at Mount Severn Glan y Nant Llanidloes Powys

P2016/0852 LBC Demolition of modern extensions, erection of an extension, alterations to roof and fenestrations, internal alterations at Mount Severn, Glan y Nant Llanidloes Powys

22  To confirm Accounts for JULY

Chq No

100417 Sarpa 8.00

100418 D.W. Jerman 447.02

100419 PCC (Eurobin) 523.12

100420 J.K. Morgan 71.00

100421 PC-Q 18.37

100422 Agri Power 155.70

100423 Wynnstay 198.43

100424 Mid Wales Welded Products 4,200.00

100425 PCC (Pension) 517.36

100426 Inland Revenue 793.40

100427 Zurich Municipal 2,988.51

100428 Petty Cash 79.80

Total £ 10,000.71

23  To Confirm Accounts for AUGUST

Chq No

100429 Void

100430 JDH Business Services 906.00

100431 Border Janitorial 74.15

100432 J.C. Rowlands 85.00

100433 PC-Q 814.79

100434 K.P. Fire 142.50

100435 Phyl Davies (Mayoral Allow) 500.00

100436 Burial Board 15,000.00

100437 PCC (Pension) 517.36

100438 Petty Cash 96.10

100439 Simon Owen 220.00

100440 Petty Cash 85.74

100441 Inland Revenue 793.00

100442 Petty Cash 93.90

Total 19,328.54

24  Councillors’ Questions - (Answers to be found by next meeting if possible)

25  The next meeting will be held on 24th October unless a Panel meeting is called in the meantime.