
House Bill 3062, 84thTexasLegislature, Regular Session (2015),transfers the administration of the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). TWC has been appropriated $5 million in Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017 from General Revenue funds to implement the legislation’s provisions, which allow all comptroller rules, forms, policies, procedures, and decisions that are related to the JET program to continue in effect as TWC rules, forms, policies, procedures, and decisions until superseded by rule amendment or other appropriate act of TWC. Additionally, the legislation changes the makeup of the JET advisory board, removing a member of the public designated by the Comptroller, and designating TWC’s Chairman as presiding officer of the advisory board. The bill’s primary impact wasto include independent school districts (ISDs) as eligible grantees.

JET grants may be awarded to defray the start-up costs associated with the development of career and technical education programs, with primary consideration given to the potential economic returns to the state from the development of the career and technical education course or program. The commission may also consider whether the course or program for which funds are requested:

  • is part of a new, emerging industry or high-demand occupation;
  • offers new or expanded dual-credit career and technical educational opportunities in public high schools; or
  • is provided in cooperation with other public junior colleges or public technical institutes across existing service areas.

Eligible grantees include:

  • public junior colleges;
  • public technical institutes; and
  • ISDs that have entered into a partnership with a public junior college or public technical institute for the purpose of:

promoting career and technical education to the district’s students; or

offering dual-credit courses to the district’s students.

Issue 1

Current rules statethat JET provides grants to public junior colleges and public technical institutes.


Staff recommends amending TWC’sChapter 804 Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program rules to state that JET grants include ISDsas eligible grantees, as set forth inTexas Education Code§134.007.

Issue 2

Current rules state that an advisory board of education and workforce stakeholders is created to assist TWC in administering the program’s elements. Section 804.12 of the JET rules provides that the board shall meet at least once per quarter or at the request of the presiding officer.Per Education Code §134.003(c), the advisory board shall meet at least once each quarter, or as needed, to review received applications and recommend awarding grants.


Staff recommends amending Chapter 804 to align with the statutory wording.

Issue 3

Current law statesthat the advisory board comprisesthe Comptroller, as presiding officer, and seven appointed members who serve two-year terms. HB 3062 revised the board size to six, removing the public member appointed by the Comptroller, and designating the Chairman of TWC as the presiding officer.


Staff recommends amending Chapter 804 to align with the changes made in HB 3062.

PC Ch. 804 Transfer of JET (53116)Notebook.docx1