Thursday April 20th, 2017

Attendance:Amanda Harris, Sue Cathcart-Mills, Becky Herrington, Michelle Lindsay, Lisa Rolph – Chair, Niki Hall – Secretary, Beth Murray – Treasurer, Peter Brachmayer – Principal, Jodi Bernhardt – Staff Representative, Sandy Oliver – Teacher/Presenter, Chilton – Teacher/Presenter, Averie Thorn-Smith, Leslie Martens, Melodie Langhorst, Sara Daly, Yvonne Scott.

  1. Student Council Update:Student Council PresidentJacob Weatherall came in to let us know that Thursday May 4th is going to be Star Wars Day at school. All students are encouraged to dress in their best Star Wars Wear. He also wanted to thank the SCC for the funds for the trip to Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons in Midland. He said they had a great time. He mentioned that Student Councils members will be available to help at the Fun Fair.
  1. Staff Representative - Jodi Bernhardt No Update
  1. Financial Report – Beth Murray

There was $15922.43 in our account. The following items have been approved but not taken out yet; outdoor reserve, blacktop improvement, lice squad, folding tables, rugby kits, division presentations, grad pizza, water station and fun fair reserve. We have approximately $9000.00 in our account after this.

There are many traditional items that we pay for each year that we will need to vote on next meeting to see if we will be paying for them again.

  1. Old Business

We had discussed buying plastic shovels at the last meeting. Lisa Rolph found some at Zehrs.

Motion by Amanda Harris to purchase 7 shovels for a total of $19.62 for the Kindergartens. Second Beth Murray. Passed.

In the past we had purchased agendas for the whole school. We were then informed that the Intermediates were not using them. Last year we purchased agendas for the Primaries and Juniors only. Peter is going to talk to the Intermediate teachers to see if they want agendas for their classes next year.

Motion by Michelle Lindsay to purchase agendas for the Primaries & Juniors up to $2000. Second by Amanda Harris. Passed.

  1. New Business

Flip Learning – Presented by Ms. Oliver & Ms. Chilton

Ms. Chilton & Ms. Oliver were given a grant to test a Flip Learning classroom. They have also been able to get funding from the ministry to help educate other teachers in the school on this learning style.

In a traditional classroom many students weren’t engaged anymore. Parents were asking the same questions: What are you teaching now? How can I help at home? Flip Learning has allowed parents to have a better understanding of what is happening in the classroom, to have parents be more engaged in their child’s learning and a way to make homework more meaningful.

Students watch videos at home before the lesson is taught in the class the next day. The advantages are that students can watch in the comfort of their own home or car or grandma’s house, if they need to view it more than once they can and parents know what is being taught in class. Students then come to school with prior knowledge of that days lessons. This leaves more time for inquiry lessons. Students can feel a sense of independence.

Flexible learning environments are another key component of Flip Learning. This means they can sit where they feel they learn best in the classroom. Standard desks, balance balls, wobbly chairs are all available. This environment allows students to figure out what best suits their needs at any particular moment. Since students are expected to be problem solvers and collaborators as they get older, this helps with that. Learning in this type of classroom is no longer a lecture style. It is more collaborative.

They are looking for money for the iPads for the classrooms. Ideally the school would like one for each students, but at least one for each classroom right now. Other flexible learning options are also needed in the classes.

Email Votes

There was a motion by Lisa Rolph to pay approximately $940.73 for Lice Squad to come in and do a lice check of the entire school (staff & students included) on Monday April 24th with a follow up for absent students and students returning back after treatment on Tuesday April 25th. Second Niki Hall. Online vote passed.

Motion by Lisa Rolph to spend approximately $940.73 on Lice Squad. Second Niki Hall. Passed.

There was a motion by Lisa Rolph to approved transfer of the $600 allocated to Intermediate Presentations to subsidize the cost of a bus for Grade 7’s go Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons in Midland. Second by Niki Hall. Online vote passed.

Motion by Lisa Rolph to transfer the $600 already approved for Intermediate Presentations to subsidize trip to Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Second Niki Hall. Passed.

Bell Time Change

Bell times for next year at JGPS will be 9:10am and 3:45pm.

A breakfast program will be provided next year to help parents with the later start time. A survey was sent out to parents and there was a very good response. The nutrition board will provide a fridge, dishwasher, utensils, etc. This program will be run by volunteers. There will need to be 2 Kiss & Ride times. Details are still being worked out.

  1. Committee Updates

Pizza: The last pizza order has is done for this year. Heather Worts has taken over putting together the lists from Amanda Harris.

Lunch Lady: Perogies and potato wedges will no longer be options when ordering dues to a severe allergy in our school.

Milk: Grade 5’s are now volunteering as Milk Helpers and it seems to be working out very well.

Grad: Grad BBQ is Thursday May 18th. Rain date is Friday May 19th. Lunch Lady will be switched to Wednesday May 17th that week. They are still looking for parent volunteers to help out that day.

Fun Fair: Curves is running the Hula Hoop Station. They are also going to give away a gift certificate. McDonalds is going to supply everything for the coffee and tea station as well as a gift basket. More and more donations are coming in daily.

We had put aside $2000 for fun fair costs and hopefully we will not need all of this.

Becky Herrington has set up an online shopping rebate account for us. It’s similar to Ebates. You go in to our account and can then go to many popular retailers such as Bench, Amazon and Under Armour and shop online as usual. JGPS will then get a percentage of the purchase back as a rebate towards the Fun Fair. Go to

We need to email blast all of the volunteers from last year. Also get a message out to all of the teachers to sign up to volunteer.

Next Fun Fair meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 3rdat 7:30pm at Hobby Horse.

Motion by Amanda Harris to be a maximum of $5000 from Fun Fair profits towards technology for the school. Second Sue Cathcart-Mills. Passed.

  1. Administration Update:

Peter would like some guided tables and flexible learning furniture for classrooms.

There will be 2 Tricolours hoops going up, then there will be Juniors, Primary and Intermediates will each have 2.

The soccer posts we had discussed before will not be coming now because there is no good place to put them.

Peter would like sports equipment in each classroom. Soccer balls, basketballs, Frisbees, tennis balls, etc. Beth suggested we talk to Ms. Oliver to see if we can get some soccer balls donated.

  1. Motion to adjourn: Lisa Rolph, Second Sue Cathcart-Mills. Passed

Next SCC Meeting: Thursday May 18th, 2017 at 7pm