Minutes of The Planning & Environment Committee
Held on Tuesday2ndJuly 2013
inthe Parish Office
Present: Councillors: Mrs Cooke, Orford,Pridgen,
Clerk: Mrs Smith
- Apologies for absence.(Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Cooke, Firth and Sievewright.
- Election of Chairman.
It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cooke that Cllr Pridgen be the Chairman.
Cllr Pridgen accepted.
Agreed. Carried
- Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
Cllr Pridgen declared a personnel interest in item 5.
- Planning Application Reference: 13/03530/HOUS
Proposal: Retrospective application in respect of erection of replacement gates to entrance.
Location: Waddington House, Malt Kiln Lane, Waddington
Notification had been received from North Kesteven of the plans going to Full Planning Committee.
- Planning Application Reference: 13/0391/HOUS
Proposal:Erection of a sectional concrete double garage
Location: 4 Millstone Lane, Waddington
Planning permission has been granted by North Kesteven District Council.
- Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, Part 31 – Application for prior notification of proposed demolition.
Proposal:Demolition of vacant dwelling
Location: Former PRP autos site station yard, Station Road.
A letter has been received from North Kesteven informing that planning permission is not
- Planning Application Reference: 13/0387/FUL
Proposal:Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and erection of replacement tow storey dwelling together with erection of 3 new dwellings with new access drive and associated works.
Location: 101 Grantham Road, Waddington,
It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that they had no objections to the application.
Agreed. Carried.
- Planning Application Reference: 13/0640/FUL
Proposal:Addition of new window to side elevation
Location: Red Roof Clinic Bar Lane, Waddington
It was proposed by Cllr Pridgen and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cooke that they have no objections to the application.
Agreed. Carried
- Notification of planning decisions.
- Any other planning items for discussion.
It was agreed that the terms of reference should be reviewed at the next meeting.
The Clerk had received verbal confirmation from North Kesteven that planning permission was not required for the Skate Park and she is now just waiting for written confirmation.