Plymouth Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 2, 2013
6:00 PM
Members: Ralph Michael, Chair; Andy Crossman; Russ Tonkin
Others: Carol and Joe Coyne; Pat and Bob Lambert; Don Martin; Joe Rebideau, Jennifer Runette, Barbara Rabtoy, Sandie Small
Ralph called the Meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
- There were no changes to the Agenda.
- The Minutes from the Meeting of November 18, 2013, were reviewed. Russ motioned to approved said Minutes; Andy seconded; so voted.
- The SB suggested setting a tentative schedule in connection with the preliminary budget; department heads will be asked to submit their budgets for the next SB meeting; the budget should be finalized by the first meeting in January. Russ indicated that the SB may not yet have heard from the accountant.
- Discussion followed: Carol Coyne asked if a one-lane vehicle bridge could be built; Ralph indicated that it cannot be a highway bridge and that Fema approved the alternate plan and would not allow us to construct a vehicle bridge. Joe Rebideau felt that the longer a decision is delayed, the matter may be forgotten. Bob Lambert agreed that there are other gates in Town, but that the comparison with Library Trail is not valid. He also asked if there were a Town petition to reclassify the Trail, would this be acted upon, and Ralph indicated that it was the SB that makes the decision. Bob was concerned that the Town was losing the Trail because of the gate and he preferred a vehicle bridge and did not care about the gate. Ralph reiterated that his major concern was the safety of pedestrians who would be forced to use Route 100. Russ motioned to table the decision on the Library Trail gate/fence until the pedestrian bridge is built; Andy indicated that this may not be done until after 7/1/14. Andy seconded; Ralph abstained; so voted.Russ advised that he would check with Fema as to whether the Town could put up a vehicle bridge but using Town money.
- Barbara informed the SB that she had contacted BC/BS directly in connection with the employee health insurance plan (platinum plan), and that the Town is now enrolled and that BC/BS will be sending out the ID cards. The Town will be billed in December for January.
- Ralph signed that Disaster Grant Application and said Application was being submitted to the State Department of Labor.
- The Right of Way petition was tabled as Ralph had spoken with Patrick Anberda who advised that this matter was being approached in a different manner.
- Warrants were reviewed and signed.
- Mail was reviewed and tended to; the bill from Brook Field was going to be given to Larry for his review. The statement from Woodstock Ambulance for past charges of $1,665.42 was reviewed; Andy motioned to accept and pay said charges; Russ seconded; so voted.
- Other Business:
The SB indicated that all guard rails were installed; Russ will work with Larry and Barbara to prepare the paperwork for submission to Fema.
Russ confirmed that the SB had already incorporated the Road and Bridge Standards form for 2013 but will double check.
Ralph presented the bridge design in connection with Burlingame Brook; the estimated cost of the deck will be $30,000 per Carrara; the Town still needs a price on the concrete supports and the demo of the old deck.
Russ motioned to adjourn the Meeting; Andy seconded; so voted. The Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Draft written by Sandie Small
Ralph Michael, Chair
Andy Crossman
Russ Tonkin