Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council


CBSESahodayaSchool Complexes

(Gurgaon Chapter)

Membership Proforma


S.No. / Contents / Page No.
1 / Formation of SahodayaSchool Complexes / 1
2 / Objective: Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council Members and CBSESahodayaSchool Complexes (Gurgaon Chapter) / 1
3 / Managing Committee for 2015-2016 / 2
4 / Annual Conference / 2

1. Formation of SahodayaSchool Complexes

In 1987, CBSE brought out a publication titled, “Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya School Complexes” (SSCs) which characterized “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wide renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together,it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of the complex:

Educative Management


Human Resource Mobilization

Professional Growth of Teachers


Vocationalisation of Education.

The Board has helped schools come together and form into an interactive and sharing relationship. At present, there are 260 such complexes which are active throughout the country, and share and care for each other; particularly those which are in close physical proximity. The Board organizes national meets of the SSCs from time to time to deliberate on educational issues which are of national significance.It also helps schools’ complexes identify their own role in the changing scenario and adopt innovative and scientific practice, for quality education with particular reference to Secondary and Sr. Secondary stages.

2. Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council

Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council and CBSE Sahodaya School Complexes (Gurgaon Chapter) is an executive body of 34 leading schools of Gurugram. The idea was initiated in February 2000 and by May 2000, the association took a final shape and became active.

The Sahodaya is formed to promote and develop social, cultural and educational development amongst the members. The council strives to

Increase capacity building due to the changing socio-eco scenario of Gurugram

Monthly meetings of schools to galvanize professionalism.

Every member school hosts interschool activities to enhance the creativity of the students.


3. Managing Committee

1. Chairperson Ms. Aditi Misra, Principal, Delhi Publilc School, Gurugram

2. Vice Chairperson Ms. Ujwal Malhotra, Principal, Bal Bharti Public School, Manesar

3. Secretary Ms. Arti Chopra, Principal, Amity International School, Gurugram

4. Treasurer Dr. Indu Khetarpal, Founder Principal, Salwan Public School, Gurugram

Executive Members

Ms. Nirmal YadavPrincipal, CCA School, Gurugram

Ms. Anjali NagpalPrincipal, Blue Bells Public School, Gurugram

Dr. Neelima PrakashPrincipal, Lions Public School, Gurugram


H Gambhir& Co, Chartered Accountants, New Delhi


Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC), Sector-22 Gurugram

4. Annual Conferences:-

Annual Conference / Date / Theme
1 / May 2001 / HaryanaSchool Education Act (HSEA)
2 / 07 February 2003 / Future Trends in Education
3 / 15-17 January 2004 / Festival X-Pressions 2004; Book Festival
4 / 19 February 2005 / Disha-The Direction
5 / 25 February 2006 / Globalisation of Education and its impact on Indian Economy and Society
6 (a)
(b) / 20 January 2007
21-23 November2007 / Excellence: A New Perspective
International Conference on Universal Quality School Education: Challenge of the 21st Century
7 / 31 January 2009 / Challenges in School Education
8 / 09-11 December 2009 / Rethinking school reforms opportunities and challenges
9 / 24 -25 January 2011 / Development in assessment: Scope of assessment in teaching and learning
10 / 11 February 2012 / Taking The Lead
11 / 27 February 2013 / Accountability, Transparency and Legitimacy in School Education
12 / 08 February 2014 / School Education: Challenges Ahead
13 / 14 February 2015 / Creating Thinking Schools
14 / 13 February 2016 / Changing Paradigm for Changing Trends
15 / 03 December 2016 / Creating a Creative Curriculum
16 / 09 December 2017 / “SATCHITANAND-Towards Holistic Well Being


Application Form

1. / Name of the School / :
2 / Address/Telephone Number/ Fax number/e-mail / :
3. / Year of Establishment / :
4. / Whether Part of Society or Trust or any other Constitution/Entity / :
(a) Name and Address of the Management / :
(b) Registered under which Act
Companies Act, Society Registration Act, Trust Act, Other (Indicate) / :
(c) Attach the name and address of office bearer of Society or Trust or Others
(d) Attach the name and address of the members of local Management Committee
5. / Name of Principal of the school
6. / Standard/upto which the school is recognized/affiliated (attach certified true copy of documents and evidence) / :
7. / Fill the following details:
a. Number of Students:
(i) Montessori / :
(ii) Primary (I-V)
(iii) VI-XII / :
b. Number of Teaching Staff :
(i) Montessori / :
(ii) Primary / :
(iii) Middle to Sr. Secondary / :
c. Library – Number of Books / :
d. Mention the names of the different Labs in the school / :
e. Co-scholastic activities conducted in the school / :
f. Results of Classes X & XII (Current update and of last year) / :
g.Implementation of the recommendation of VI Pay Commission / :
h. Brief achievements of the school / :

Particulars of Payment of Subscription and Membership

Membership Fee Rs. 8,000/-

Annual SubscriptionRs. 10,000/-

Paid by Cheque /Draft No. …………………. for Rs. ……………………..

Drawn on Bank Branch

Name of the School

Authorised Signatory



For Office Use

  1. Name of the applicant school:______
  1. Inspection Committee Members:



  1. Date:______
  1. Observations:



















