Computer Applications - (Sept.-Jan.)

2 ½ credits

Grades 9 – 12
Prerequisite: - None

Mrs. Lopes

Materials Needed

Pens/Pencils (Writing Utensils)

I will supply folders.


Classwork 50%

Projects 25%

Graded Assignments 25%

Keyboarding Skills—Use the website to review proper keyboarding and increase speed and accuracy.
Goal: 95% accuracy, speed to be determined by teacher
Microsoft Word: Learn to format business documents such as Memos, Letters, Envelopes, Labels, Reports, Resume, Tabs, and Tables.
Projects: Letterhead project, Career Project, Holiday gift tag labels
Microsoft Publisher-Learn desktop publishing features while creating a Brochure, Newsletter, Flyers, and a Calendar.
Projects: 12-month Calendar, Career Project
Microsoft Excel—Create and manipulate spreadsheets utilizing formulas, charts, advanced formatting and editing, as well as integrating a spreadsheet into a Word document.
Project: College Search Project
Microsoft PowerPoint—Learn to set-up a professional slide presentation with transitions, animations, backgrounds, and automatic timing. Utilize master slides, hyperlinks, sound files.
Projects: “How To” project, “About Me” project.

Rules for the Classroom

Mrs. Lopes

NO CELL PHONES; must be kept in your bag or out of site for the entire class.

NO food or drink in the classroom; water bottles must be kept in your bag, not on table tops

NO game sites allowed.

Respect each other’s property, thoughts, and space/use kind words (Put downs will NOT be tolerated)

Arrive on time, before the bell

Get started on the warmup assignment before the bell

Do NOT conduct personal business on the internet; Internet use is for classroom assignments only

You must have a passbook/pass and sign out on the classroom sign-out sheet to go into the hall for lavatory, locker, nurse, etc.

Headphones/Music-NEVER while I am instructing, only during independent work when permitted at discretion of teacher. If allowed, only one ear is to have an earphone in case of an emergency announcement and/or classroom announcements.

Remain in seats until the bell rings at the end of class, do NOT line up at the door

If you are absent from class, you are required to complete missing work either before/after school or during a study hall/lunch.

·  You will have extra time added to the due date based on the amount of days you were absent.

·  Please be proactive and ask me what you have missed, I have an absent folder and try to put work aside if it is a paper copy, however, some of the work in this class may be web based and/or from a book, so please ask!

Consequences: Reminder and/or teacher detention and/or parent contact and/or sent to ISS (In-school suspension), and/or write-up.


(I have reviewed the classroom rules and will do my best to follow them, otherwise I will be prepared to abide by the consequences)