Activities of Various Wings of BSTI
Standard Wing
Standard Preparation Work
Divisional Committees
Divisional Committees are higher bodies examine and approve the finalized draft standards formulated by the technical committees (FDS).The existing Divisional Committees are the following :
  1. Agriculture and Food
  2. Chemical
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Electrical and Electronics
  5. Mechanical Engineering
  6. Jute and Textile
Technical / Sectional Committees
The Technical / Sectional Committees are appointed by the divisional committees of the BSTI, responsible for preparing the Bangladesh Standards.
There is 73 such Technical / Sectional Committees, each consists of one Chairman and a number of experts in respective fields.
Specialized Committees
The specialized committees are ad-hoc teams formed by the relevant Technical Sectional Committees.
Stages of Evolution of a Standard
Flow Chart of Preparing the Standard

Laboratories of BSTI
The Laboratory services of the BSTI are provided by its central laboratories in Dhaka and two other regional labs in Chittagong and Khulna.
The central laboratories consist of 3 wings and 7 Divisions as
1. Chemical Testing Wing
a) Chemical Division
b) Food and Bacteriological Division
2. Physical Testing Wing
a) Electrical, Electronics and Engineering Division
b) Civil, physical and Mechanical Engineering Division
c) Textile Division
3. Metrology Testing Wing
a) Metrology Division
b) Industrial & Scientific Metrology Division
The regional laboratories have electrical, chemical and building material section.
The following services are provided in general at the BSTI's laboratories.
  • Study of existing Bangladesh Standards for determining their weaknesses if any and initiation of actions for revisions or modification as the case may be;
  • In situ examination of the facilities of the companies applying for the use of BSTI Certification Mark, inspection and tests of samples taken and preparation of the relevant report;
  • Inspection and test of samples forwarded by public and private organizations, concerned Ministries, Departments of commodities to which standards apply and preparation of the test reports.

Certification Marks Wing
What is Certification Mark (CM)?
The certification mark (CM) is a mark that attests that the product or service is in conformity with the specific standard. Once this attestation is done by a recognized body like BSTI, the buyer procures the goods bearing the certification mark, with greater degree of confidence. The existence of the standard mark on products, certified under this scheme, enables the consumers to distinguish a quality product from an untested/substandard product in the market. Holder of the CM is authorized to use the following BSTI logo on his product:

BDS 1414:2000
(This is an example of using BSTI Certification Mark on a product named Natural Mineral Water conforming to Bangladesh Standard BDS 1414:2000)


There are six Regional Metrology Laboratories in 6-Divisional Headquarters located at Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet. These Laboratories are equipped with Working Standards of Weights and Measures. Those are being used for verification and re-verification of commercial weights.
The activities of Regional (Divisional) Metrology Offices are given below:
  1. Issuance of licenses to manufacturer, repairer and dealer of commercial weights and measures. Every weights and measures manufactured/repaired by the manufacturer/repairer are tested, verified and stamped by BSTI before they are marketed or put in use.
  2. Periodical verification and stamping of weights and measures those are being used in markets, shops, commercial places etc,
  3. Periodical verification and stamping of bullion weights being used in Jewellery shops.
  4. Periodical verification/re-verification and stamping of dispensing units of' petrol pump.
  5. Periodical calibration/re-calibration of storage tanks, overhead tanks and underground tank.
  6. Taking legal actions against violators of weights and measures law.

Administration Wing
Administration wing provides the logistic and supports services for the BSTI. These includes; appointment, promotion, personnel management, training, budget preparation and maintenance of accounts, legal matters, stores & purchases and others matters related to establishment including planning & development.
The sanctioned strength of BSTI is 474, out of which 267 are officers and 207 are staff.
BSTI prepares its budget on the basis of Government grant-in-aid and its own income. BSTI earns revenue from the following sources:
  • Certification Marks (CM) fees
  • Testing fees
  • Metrology receipts
  • Sales of standards
Development Activities of BSTI
The activities of BSTI has increased manifold. Awareness regarding quality of consumable goods and services has been growing among the people. Meanwhile the laws of BSTI are being amended to cope with the growing challenges of time.
The BSTI has been maintaining bilateral and international relations with other countries and various international organizations.
BSTI is a full member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and as such, is the only agency, authorized to represent Bangladesh in international standardization activities.
BSTI actively participates in the Standing Group for Standardization, Metrology, Testing and Quality Activities established by the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). This Standing Group is working on harmonization of Standards, Mutual Recognition Agreements and capacity building in the field of metrology, calibaration and testing.
BSTI is the national enquiry point in Bangladesh for the WTO TBT agreements since 2002.


Edited by-

Md. Salauddin Palash, Lecturer, Department of Cooperation and Marketing,BAU